Democrats' optimism for bipartisanship in the face of its schism with an increasingly outlandish GOP is analyzed by Joy Reid and her panel of politics experts.
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#MSNBC #Trump #Politics
Neo- nothing, it’s the same old fascism.
@Romeo 2 week old account gl w that
@mike briganti Conservatives have been moving toward fascism for the last 3 decades. That’s why I left the republican party in the 1990s. Read the 14 characteristics of fascism and you’ll discover they describe the republican party perfectly.
@Romeo Oh! I recognize your syntax – and that you just joined two weeks ago – it’s our prolific multi-profile troller, William H Macey AKA The Tweedles AKA Reality AKA Romeo AKA a whole slew of other profiles also set up in the past few weeks! Still thinking about all us homosexuals, Bill? God, you’re tiring.
You can’t make deals with traitors trying to overthrow the country…When will the Dems ever learn this lesson…
@Billy Pardew prove the election was rigged or get over it that the lingering orange fart lost. Opinions and feelings don’t qualify as facts and hard evidence.
@ihatecrackhead show the proof opinions don’t qualify
Good point!
They’re paid by donors to do what they’re told. Their hands are tied, despite being the good guys.
That’s exactly why we can’t forget it or take it lightly; we must fight it like our democracy depends on it, because it does.
Does anyone NOT KNOW it’s Fascism??? Seriously??? The GOP has to die now!
@Ash Roskell
100% CORRECT!!!
you got that right. will anyone listen? not yet!
they’re right now recognizing trump is a fascist? and the GOP is a fascist party? reagan helped turn the GOP into a fascist party. nixon helped before him. the fascists are the one’s who do the most flag waving. they’re once who claim to be the MOST patriotic while denouncing the principles of democracy.
i’ve been exposing the “fascistification” of america for DECADES! BOTH parties are becoming more fascist everyday. BOTH sides have adopted fascist tactics, strategies and principles over the last few decades. the fascists LOST wwll but are now taking over the world! man, they shoulda been watching my channel for the last 6 years.
@c. j. macq not sure I agree that the Dems are as well but I do agree that they are standing by and essentially letting republicans poison the whole country and that’s just as much a crime imo
“Thou shalt not be a victim, thou shalt not be a perpetrator, but above all thou shalt not be a bystander”
Will check out your channel
@Empressa … yes, apathy, neutrality and indifference can be just as dangerous as action. the way equalism sees it, apathy is, itself, an act of violence. please feel free to watch my channel. its dedicated solely to the philosophy of equalism. ALL NON-PREDATORS are welcome to join the equalism movement!
“Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups.” – George Carlin
@TesserId … thanks, that’s very kind. but where’s my $5 million dollar membership fee? don’t have 5 million bucks? NOW you can join the club.
that’s just a little equalist humour. if we can’t laugh at ourselves then we’re in BIG TROUBLE! why give the fascists all the pleasure of laughing at us? we’ll have the last laugh, hopefully. take care, my friend, and feel free to spread the word about equalism.
Well MSNBC must have something going for it if not it wouldn’t be attracting every troll from St Petersburg to Vladivostok
Say g’day to momma Bubushka Ivor
@Sara Mill
You misspelt Moll
@Ben Pierce Your projection is as subtle as your pathetic troll attempt. Keep on typing, drone!
@David Clark Typical response of a leftist who can’t think for themselves, so they just repeat what they’re told. You’re just another drone
Alan Weaselberg will soon flip like Big Mac patties at a McDonald’s grill.
Flipping should be mandatory
@Richard Williams
I’m going to have to disagree with that. If you’ve been to jail, that would make you a “loser” in trump’s mind, meaning he forgets who you are.
“He’s not a war hero. He was a war hero because he was captured. I like people who weren’t captured”
_— D. J. Trump_
If Trump wasn’t aware of the payments, then that would be embezzlement. But it can’t be embezzlement because Trump signed all the checks! And Trump can’t accuse his loyal CFO of embezzlement, because that might make Weisselberg flip on him. This is just the FIRST round of indictments. This could result in the corporation being dissolved! Just like Trump Univerisity and the fake charity. Will Trump still visit the golf resorts when they are no longer Trump properties? What a dilemma!
Don’t hold your breath. The only chance for America is if Donald gets a good dose of covid to keep him out of action
@Jewels vibration Let us not forget his no exercising, poor diet, incredible stress (now that he is under TWENTY NINE investigations), and the fact that he is an angry, bitter, lonely man.
Perhaps a heart attack &/or stroke.
If Timothy McVeigh (Google it) was alive he might run as a GQP candidate and get their full support.
No doubt about it.
they’re right now recognizing trump is a fascist? and the GOP is a fascist party? reagan helped turn the GOP into a fascist party. nixon helped before him. the fascists are the one’s who do the most flag waving. they’re once who claim to be the MOST patriotic while denouncing the principles of democracy.
i’ve been exposing the “fascistification” of america for DECADES! BOTH parties are becoming more fascist everyday. BOTH sides have adopted fascist tactics, strategies and principles over the last few decades. the fascists LOST wwll but are now taking over the world! man, they shoulda been watching my channel for the last 6 years.
and he could do this in Oklahoma no less.
he would win ! SMFH!!!!!!
@Sara Mill
No content on this site.
Sez it all.
Dasvidaniya ‘lidl comrade.
Trump doesn’t hesitate to admit to his crimes because he’s never been held accountable,still walking around.
@Cognitive Supreme when they finally put President Orange Face in prison for Bank Fraud and tax evasion, how long before you losers claim he was fraimed? !
Bill Cosby is let out of prison on a technicality…dems must be planning his hero parade and statue
dem hellhole—–San Francisco car break-ins up over 750% in some areas, police say
@Sara Mill well now Trump knows what tactic to use to avoid prosecution for his sexual misconduct!
@Joe Conner It will never happen because it’s not true. Maybe try with facts next time ok lil fella.
Why aren’t the Democrats (real Americans) hammering this topic about Republikkklan Fascism.
@Uniquely Lily Thank you.
That’s the democrats’ problem. They should be shouting it from the rooftops, but they stay quiet.
Um, not all democrats are as squeaky clean as you seem to think. There are plenty of establishment dems that wont be class traitors, only want things to stay as they are, and do the same as Republicans. Well, except for the actively supporting treason. But i didnt hear many speak out about it either, did you?
@Sequoia Trump is a minister for the Church of Satan. Hes led all the eager Christians to ignore every warning that they knew was the markings of being led astray. And they eagerly accept it, revel in it.
Pretty much anything Trump said about someone else, thats what he was doing, just making it so no one could accuse him cos it would sound pathetic if they accused him of what he accused them of. Kinda the I’m rubber, youre glue thing… So its not hard to imagine the whole Q thing might just be about Trump instead of him saving them. Satan is a tricky fellow I hear.
@Kittin Allen You are absolutely brain washed. What a crock. Let me guess. All of your ideas come from the TV in front of you and you do no independant research.
Gotta get a few of them crypto-fascists out of the Democratic Party too. You know who I’m talking about Manchin…..
Opportunists come in all political stripes.

Sin Enema
“Trumpism” is not any kind of an ideology, it’s a personality cult.
Fascism is usually (always?) a personality cult.
@c. j. macq 100% agree. And not just America, I’m afraid. Take care
@La Luba … what? you agree then leave. HOW DARE YOU! just kidding. you take care too my friend.
@c. j. macq LOL Well. I didn’t because I wanted to.I know people like you. I had to stop you from stealing all my arguments. Which I know you would have. LOL. (also kidding, of course) Stay safe. Se you somewhere on YT
Lol funny from the side who bought Fauci and RBG candles

Who killed Ashli Babbitt? You did, Donny, you did.

@hodaka1000 … the GOP may be more obviously fascist but both parties have adopted fascist tactics, strategies and principles. don’t be fooled into thinking the dems are all rainbows and unicorns. they’re corrupted by lobbyist money and they vote for pro-police-state and pro-corporate legislation as much as the GOP. and on top of that, the dems continually allow the GOP to get away with their crimes. you gotta ask yourself why.
@Billy Pardew hello? FBI? We’ve got one talking here like maybe he was an insurrectionist. Might want to check out his social media to see if he’s got selfies stashed of him running amuck and stomping on people’s neck.
Call it what it is. She was executed for treason, and I’m fine with that. A lot more should’ve been shot as well. Let’s not forget that they were there for the express purpose to assassinate the Vice President of the United States. Traitors deserve no quarter.
@Dolores Reynolds good catch, but it also triggered the right ones. So either way I’m good.
Could we please just put all the adult trump’s in jail already so we can move on as a country.
@mike briganti TROLL
What an ugly remark. You are so incredibly brainwashed it’s beyond disturbing. Actually do some research instead of feeding at the trough of ignorance.
Lol you can try
Lindsay Graham was right *if we nominate DT we will get destroyed, and we will deserve it.*
Oh please let Vance get elected. Even his book was insufferable whiny trash. Big deal, so you had a challenging life. Holy whine fest.
The biggest mistake prime Minister Chamberlain made was thinking he could reason with a sociopath, “hitler”. Dems need to wake up to the fact republicans are not going to work with you! Wake up!
corretemudo, and they need to do it forthwith
They have said so very clearly enthusiastically and their actions are consistent with that mindset.
The Pathetic Oleaginous Obsequious Party or P.O.O.P. for short (formerly GOP) only spew what Murdoch tells them to from Fox’s Alt-Right Taint, aka F.A.R.T., broadcasts. Which came first, F.A.R.T. or P.O.O.P. is kind of a chicken and egg question. They are both flammable…and a waist.
You are 100% right. Hitler was a malignant narcissist like Trump. Russia made the same mistake, look how that backfired. You understand the lesson. Too few do…
This is what we in Europe have known since the orange fascist entered politics.
We know how the story ended last time this happened!
We know how the story ended last time this happened!
We know how the story ended last time this happened!
We know how the story ended last time this happened!
You guys have it going on too a bit as well, better get it under wraps.
She was killed at the hands & mouth request of Trump.
So true!
None of them are asking who trampled Rosanne Boyland to death though, are they?
Right! I’m not sure what it will take for 45’s cult to realize he & his GOP allies *do* *not* *care* about them, only their vote. It’s a shame & it shows that the retrumplican insurrectionists don’t even back their own ‘like minded’ people. To the point of trying to blame the riot control police who they don’t back either. Thankfully, it’s all on video…
(Edited spelling)

She overdosed on amphetamines. Of course, people did walk over her while she held a “Don’t Tread on Me” flag.
It’s partly the fault of the media for not calling it fascism earlier. If it sounds like a duck……
That lady at the end, is far too optimistic lol. Fascism has “set in” like rot in America.
Yes , very true , unfortunately they teach CRT (which is modern face of fascism) to children in many of the public schools starting from very young age .
@Levan Mikadze What’s wrong? Your 4 year old son come home and tell you that you are a bad man because he caught you wearing your KKK gear?
@VidWatcher1X My children will never judge others for their skin color like CRT dictates, we are more of a MLK logic following family.
While I understand you and those like you would love this country to go back to segregation era , but we spilled lots of blood and sweat to get rid of those ideals and we sure as heck will not let racists such as yourself to push the country in that direction by brainwashing children.
What the Republican Party lacks in intelligence and morality they make up for
With stupidity and viciousness…
Don´t kid yourself. This is America. The basic differences between America´s two parties are marginal. That´s not democracy!
Americans have been brainwashed against socialism over many decades, by the 10% of the population that controls everything. Australia, Canada, New Zealand and the UK all have significant socialist parties, Of course they do!
And democrats voted for a Segregationist because the news told them to