1. @Black Supremacy Mass Shooting New Jersey Six Dead Nice?!? Yeah, he seemed like a sweet guy as he was beating an unarmed man…

    1. Lisa Kennedy did you forgot most are not good and these good people are 10 in 100 percent most won’t give a damn

  1. police only do for the rich and are traitors to their own people…. beat the rich!! #BeatTheRich

  2. Coming soon to the US…but I, and millions of others, will be happy to stand in the way. #MuslimAlly

    1. Lack of objectivity. It’s toxic. This is how wars start. You might find it hard to believe, but it starts when we stop calling spades, spades.

  3. USA stop treating humans differently. All these crisis are the direct effect of USA international actions for years

    1. @Annoymous prankster you have to start somewhere bro but I know one thing I can’t prevent it you are right but I can separate me and my family from it

    2. @Annoymous prankster bro all I can tell you is if some of these people want to die during the Christmas holiday they can do that by themselves

    3. Thomas Silver I don’t dislike the USA. The US need to just stop going into other country’s and fucking them over. Stop invading and ruining generations

  4. that british Cockhead sounds like he just landed on earth. “Oooo idk what is this democracy can never be infiltrated by a group of thugs Oooo im bald.”

  5. Can someone elobarate and help me understand what exactly is happening , why ?, and where is this taken place ? God Bless you all . Whatever is going on , is inhumane

  6. Anyone bother to check and make sure this Modi-Fool didn’t get “elected” via russian hackers the same way our wannabe “leader” did?!?

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