San Francisco police witnessed Paul Pelosi, the husband of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, and an intruder struggling over a hammer before he was attacked, officials said. Responding to an emergency call at the couple’s home around 2:27 a.m. local time (5:27 a.m. ET), officers saw the attacker and Pelosi both holding the hammer when they entered the room, San Francisco Police Chief William Scott said in a news conference. #CNN #News
Police reveal identity of man who attacked Pelosi’s husband

As someone who’s doesn’t get into politics this is a disgusting act. Like who physically attacks elders?
Those elders stole billions of dollars during so called Covid relief programs
@Dianna Hill be careful. You breed the. Antifa Nazis. And look what they did. They turned on you. Funny you spew crazy hate. When just like I predicted it was antifa. Nazi like yourself that attacked Paul pelosi. Hahaha. Funny. You breed them. Encourage them. Let them out of jail. And then they turn on you. The lady that let them out jail. Told them to attack republicans. Attacked. Their own leader. Paul pelosi attacker was a crazy left antifa Nazi
You obviously don’t live in NYC
i’ll find you
nah bro that ain’t it
When your political feelings are so intense that you would beat an 82 year old man with a hammer, there are no words to describe the sickness that runs through you. This needs to be condemned by every side of the aisle immediately.
@Johnathan Watsonson You Watch CNN How Would You Know ?
IF, The Man Broke The Window Why Was All The Glass Outside And Not Inside ???
@Austin Akers Violence is not the answer, full stop.
@Midlife Apocalypse twenty percent of Republicans think it’s time to use outright violence. Just screw elections and take the country back by force. I see they’re not kidding. I’m 67. I came up through the Civil Rights era and this, today, now is the most dangerous time I’ve ever seen this country. And I thank the president whose policies you agree with for it. What good you think he’s done is negated by his Big Lie that created this mess.
@Johnathan Watsonson As a violent criminal. He already called out the act. You’re just spinning the kind of hatred to leads to crazy people attacking each other.
This is what happens when politics degenerates into making the other side (and sometimes folks on your own side) seem like criminals and traitors. We are all Americans, we are not each other’s enemy, we may simply have different philosophies of government and public policy. But everyone should agree on this: no violence.
@El pacho …. So my pedantic friend, what do people from the United States call themselves?
We don’t know why it happened. I agree on the no violence, as most people agree. Everyone just projecting while the investigation is ongoing.
Sure, no violence. Nancy should be jailed though. Insider trading at the expense of our livelihoods is not ok.
@Qingeaton Actually, statistics clearly show the far right commits far more violent crime than the far left. Like, FAR more.
@B L Somebody broke into the home of Nancy Pelosi, calling for her, tying up her husband. And the antivaxxer, transphobic, stolen election posts , memes, and Facebook page full of conspiracy theories in which he targets Pelosi had nothing to do with the break-in? Pray tell, how are we jumping the gun in supposing that he was motivated by his political views? As if it is even possible to dream up an excuse for all of the rightwing threats of violence.
Gosh so many people are out of touch with reality these days. It’s frightening!
@Gwenn Auslot not really. When creepy republicans are taking rights away, sabotaging your country, giving tax breaks to billionaires, and have a big mouth about it, you get the counter to freedom of speech. Dems have a great reason to put you all down like dogs
@B L “A crazy man with a hammer is not the GOP. It’s an on-going investigation, silly. Hopefully Paul recovers quickly.” did i say the crazy man with a hammer is the GOP? I might of misspoke. I said the GOP are traitors, for supporting the people who tried to install a king, and who haven’t left the party because of it, the trying to steal the election in georgia, the fake elector scheme, even telling mike pence to just announce hes the king, not to mention insurrectionists, the lies about the elections when they were doing it, and the stolen national secrets… These people make stuff up say the dems are doing all the things the GOP is actually verified as doing ( on audio tape trump asked for more votes) (there are confessions/admissions on tape of the fake elector scheme) (both mike pence and trump have talked about mike pence declaring him king, and why he didn’t)(all trumps people who testified against him)(the evidence seized from mara largo)
Their rhetoric and blaming dems for the things the GOP is doing to Americans, when they’re just doing their jobs, pretty ineptly at that.. Is why people like this attack pelosi, its why on jan 6th they tried to attack pelosi, its why on jan 6th the chanted hang mike pence… This is the result of the GOPs actions, obviously… this is what the result of that behavior is.
@Astral If you have a hammer in your house, please lock it up. A king? Traitors? Please talk to people who are calm and can help you with those conspiracy theories.
@CherryvaleLeatherock no telling with democrats and republicans elite in Washington DC… They need to fix the mental health crisis in America not fix others countries problems with America taxpayers money when we can’t fix are on problems here in America….
@Joseph Nolan listen its both democrats and republicans elite…. We need people in office to take care of American people… Need to fix the mental health crisis in America not others countries issues…. We issues here in united states that needs fixing….
So tragic. I’m afraid that this is a prelude of more serious things to come.
What neighbourhood is that then? Noddys toyland?
The degenerate Democrats created this hell scape….let them BURN !!
@Carrie See its a waste.. People are doomed in America
That’s awfully paranoid. It’s terrible when people are assaulted. Hopefully Paul recovers fast. But doomsday thinking isn’t helpful for anyone.
Doesn’t matter what political side of the fence you’re on, this is sad and concerning things have gotten this vulnerable. Hope he recovers swiftly.
It’s so sad that things have unfolded in this manner. My prayers go out to the attacker and his family, he didn’t deserve this.
It is not that there are two sides, there are many. You may not like the politics of Democrats, but anyone who believes where the Republican party has went is in any way acceptable, neither wants a Democracy, nor a Republic, or Democratic republic, but is fine with a totalitarian chauvinistic and potentially fascist regime.
@Henry Yes, and I do not mind repeating it: I do condone violence against anyone !
… Trouble is, where are these evolved specimens you are referring to that are capable of engaging in meaningful intetactions and coexisting in peace ? All I see is the devil in disguise as peverted maggots oozing put of an overflowing cesspool contaminating our children of innocence, brutalising our society and damming the nation permantly.
As I have persistently referred to you as a pronounced and inglorious twit; How do you project you could continue to reside in evil without being damned for eternity regardless of your beliefs. It is the beauty of Christianity along with the advent of Jesus Christ that allows prats like you the time to seek repentance and implore redemption pre damination.
Do not misinterpret me, I care in the least about your meger existence and therefore have the no intention to convince you about the faith nor, am I even trying to. Rather, all I have done is instill some enlightenment about the faith within that void in your numbskull and hopefully prevent you from projecting yourself as a pronounced jackass upon a global domain. If you choose to soldier on ahead in all your ignorance glorified, knock yourself out, the faith will still continue to remain the faith !
On a closing note, I do condone violence of any kind against any human or, animal or, living creature for that matter. However, no stone shall be left unturned to rid the evil within the swamp. And such a pity the old bag wasn’t home
@Frederik Hirche You’re and intelligent. Get an education or read Aristotle before you go throwing around words you don’t understand.
Where was MSM few weeks ago, when an family of 4,
legal immigrants from India,
Living in Merced California,
including an 8 month old baby,
were kidnapped at gunpoint,
Taken to an isolated area,
The 2 brothers were killed by machete,
The woman was shot while holding the baby in her arms,
And the 8 month old baby was left beside the bloodied dead bodies of her family,
To slowly die from heat, cold, dehydration and hunger.
Harris’ mother is from India,
But no comment from Harris or Biden regarding this horrific murder of a family.
The criminal was a felon who had spent about 8 yrs in prison for a home invasion before.
The 1st family he terrorized in a home invasion, he duct taped their hands and forced them to jump into the swimming pool.
He had said months before the murders that he felt like killing people.
Even though he was a felon not allowed to buy a gun, he still got a gun.
District Attorney has said won’t decide about asking for death penalty until next year.
California voters in 2016, voted yes for the death penalty.
Newsom during his campaigning had said that he would respect the voters decision.
But when he took office, he and the Democrats passed a bill shutting down all executions of death row inmates.
Home invasion is not about robbery as the primary goal.
Robbers stake out homes to be sure no one is inside, so no one can identify them.
Home invasion is primarily about terrorizing and hurting people, without any regard for human life.
They want people to be home.
We need much tougher laws for home invasion.
Literally attacked someone’s grandfather. This is absolutely disgusting. Shame on the Politicians that have allowed their rhetoric to take it this far.
You’re absolutely right that’s the way I felt with the BLM and antifa riots 00 I’m sorry protest
@Mathew Foster Yea, glad we have a president that doesn’t put up with that stuff.
@Mathew Foster No, you didn’t feel that way and you’re lying. If BLM “scares” you, then that saids more than about you.
Hey Danny are you sure you didn’t get hammered in the head too
@Mathew Foster you’re an idiot
Imagine what he would have done to Nancy if he had found her home
@John Tokalenko I know I know, it’s okay to be scared.
It’s not your fault
Imagine hammer guy found the fridge full of tasty ice cream and was too full to attack people.
@Edward Giovannelli I’m a democrat, but can still acknowledge that Nancy is corrupt. Her insider trading is a direct assault again all Americans.
The world would be a better place
Gosh, imagine if the police didn’t get there on time. This would be a murder investigation.
This is precisely why democrats have to get out and vote! bc republicans are always the unhinged delusional ones! Where’s the news about democrats, leftists, progressives going around targeting republicans with violence?! It’s only the delusional, religious fanatic republicans especially the trump supporting ones who do this kind of violent nonsense!
@J Tz 66 year old James Hodgkinson.. a Left Wing activist… Shot up the Congressional GOP baseball team June 14, 2017. So Conservative Christians.. Who’ve founded more Universities than any other group in the US. Founded more Hospitals than any other group in the US.. and sent more Food, Education, and Medical Aid overseas than any other US group… are, according to you, in reality just looking to kill people … Nothing truthful in your rant. Stow it.
awwww i know so disappointed was so looking forward to her being gone
@Donald Bartlett Reported for promoting terrorism.
If you’re 82 and you fight off a hammer wielding lunatic half your age, well done. My grandparents were functionally dead at that age
This is precisely why democrats have to get out and vote! bc republicans are always the unhinged delusional ones! Where’s the news about democrats, leftists, progressives going around targeting republicans with violence?! It’s only the delusional, religious fanatic republicans especially the trump supporting ones who do this kind of violent nonsense!
@JoeysWorldSewer That is cool! More older men need to keep in shape.
Libral Deep States !!!
As a result, Mafia crook old
Hope the victim will get better soon,,,
If U are NOT a 2digit lower IQ
He was 82 year old man it’s sickening someone would do that
Kind of like in Wisconsin. CNN made it sound like ghost rider ran over the people in the parade
Doesnt count as a human in my opinion
relax, he will get epsteined in the holding cell before he can get out and tell everyone what really happened
@Quantum Phonebook LOOOOOL. You know the old saying “live by the sword, die by the sword”?. We’re witnessing it rn. HAHAHAH
How disgusting to beat on an 82 yr old man. don’t care who he is. We are so sorry for the shocking suffering your family has suffered Nancy.
This is a criminal offence which is horrifying and disgusting. Insane
Where was the MSM just a few weeks ago, an Asian family of 4,
legal immigrants from India,
Living in Merced California,
including an 8 month old baby,
were kidnapped at gunpoint,
Taken to an isolated area,
The 2 brothers were killed by machete,
The woman was shot while holding the baby in her arms,
And the 8 month old baby was left beside the bloodied dead bodies of her family,
To slowly die from heat, cold, dehydration and hunger.
Harris’ mother is from India,
But no comment from Harris or Biden regarding this horrific murder of a family.
The criminal was a felon who had spent about 8 yrs in prison for a home invasion before.
The 1st family he terrorized in a home invasion, he duct taped their hands and forced them to jump into the swimming pool.
He had said months before the murders that he felt like killing people.
Even though he was a felon not allowed to buy a gun, he still got a gun.
District Attorney has said won’t decide about asking for death penalty until next year.
California voters in 2016, voted yes for the death penalty.
Newsom during his campaigning had said that he would respect the voters decision.
But when he took office, he and the Democrats passed a bill shutting down all executions of death row inmates.
Home invasion is not about robbery as the primary goal.
Robbers stake out homes to be sure no one is inside, so no one can identify them.
Home invasion is primarily about terrorizing and hurting people, without any regard for human life.
They want people to be home.
We need much tougher laws for home invasion.
They came to her place of work. Then they came to her home, her sanctuary. The message this sends is chilling.
@WWTF No,because you’re an extremist who supports political violence.
I hope you’re on a watchlist.
@WWTF , Surely you must recognise the evil lies of Trump is the catalyst of all the voting denial lies supported by GOP who follow Trump just to remain in their jobs, no matter the evil they are inflicting on a once lawful and democratic US. If the GOP under Trump gets back into power the world will witness the end of democracy in USA….as we all see in Russia & China right now!
@WWTF Naw, your just a communist…. not right, not left but just a plain old communist

The cops were called for a wellness check instead of a B&E. A wellness check is what we have to make in psychology when a person is displaying a psychotic break, or other delusions that may lead them to harm themselves or others.
Let the investigation turn up what happened before assuming a conspiracy theory.
She’s a disgusting human being and so is her husband
So sorry to hear this news – shocking & frightening for Mr Pelosi – heard this on our local news here in Ireland
tonight – sad state of affairs but not surprised / since Trump lost his election it’s all just crazy – Trump & his followers Incite hate & still do to this day – speedy recovery
to Mr.Pelosi & to his family – thoughts & prayers to you all 

I’m in England woke up to it just now
The attacker was an illegal alien from Canada, in California because of the state’s “sanctuary state” policies. Policies fostered by Nancy Pelosi and other democrats. You should refrain from commenting on things you clearly know nothing about, there in Ireland.
@davidpar2 its clear that this attacker is a Trump follower and ypu can speak cause you are as well people are free to say what they want to, Cause I lived in the US for a while and it was crazy. Facts don’t lie
I agree! Heard this on my local news Victoria Australia
This is ridiculous that a person would do this to anyone, especially an 80yr old man. Just because you don’t agree with someone’s political views isn’t a reason to put hands on them. I hope the attacker gets prosecuted to the max for this.
It’s so sad that things have unfolded in this manner. My prayers go out to the attacker and his family, he didn’t deserve this.
This country, My God. Pray he makes a full & speedy recovery and that they both remain safe. INSANE!!
Why should this come as a shock to people…when in this day and age…people have little or no respect for another human being’s life
What did she and he do so great? They aren’t special! We are all human yes. It comes around .
Especially in America and mainly because of hateful deplorable trump and his cult
It’s so sad that things have unfolded in this manner. My prayers go out to the attacker and his family, he didn’t deserve this.
That’s so scary! Why are people doing things like this? I don’t care how much you don’t like someone it’s not okay to attack them.
These people are guilty of insider trading, directly making life worse for me, you and millions of other Americans. Doesn’t matte your political party, Paul and Nancy and are out to make money at every single American’s expense. So for the thousands of homeless they have indirectly created, yes, it’s deserved. That being said, in a perfect world, both Mr. and Mrs. Pelosi would both be in jail, not assaulted.
Sad. People who do such things must have never loved their grandpa… this could have been their loved one getting assaulted.
So grandpas guilty of crimes (insider trading, drunkin’ driving) should go unpunished because their wife is speaker of the house? I don’t want that word, we still live in it.