Highland Park Police Commander Chris O'Neill announces the suspect's description at a press conference held following a shooting at the local July 4th parade in the Chicago suburb. #CNN #News
Police release July 4 parade shooting suspect description

The fact that they haven’t caught him yet is crazy
@Rasheed 12th This is the part you give me that example I was asking about. So far you’re just telling me that it’s there.
@Dragon Lee I guess casper can’t be found.
@No more Lies Wrong and confident about it. Gotta love you guys lol.
Stop worrying about controlling what we do with our bodies and do something about this!
Leftists big mad we enacted common sense abortion regulations. Lol
change your bloody username!
Good point. But the reich wing loves to see suffering. Especially women suffering
Thoughts and prayers.
May the victims rest in peace.
Wash, rinse, and repeat.
@BXI thoughts and prayers is just about all anyone is willing to do.
I’d much rather see some actions and change. 
@Minister Sinister No, I don’t think we should say that.
@Cathrine Chartier Yep. I couldn’t possibly agree more!
@rob tangent Old as dirt.
“If the parade had only ONE door for everyone to enter/leave and let everyone be armed, this wouldn’t have happened. Thoughts and Prayers. Ted Cruz.”
Ahhhh perfection
Thoughts and prayers are pointless.
Here’s a better shooting slogan:
If you like what you see, vote GOP!
@D Mercury Those old buildings have a fire escape and a door to the roof so yeah Ted Cruz not thinking there
According to NRA, it’s the people’s fault for not bringing a gun to the parade. A good guy with a gun can always protect you.
I was feeling on edge this morning with a feeling that we would not get through the July 4 holiday without another mass shooting. Here we are.
Curt Randall…unbelieveble to wake up like that,but its your own doing…
get rid off your guns,and life will change..
And that which you thought might happen? Happened. And on American Indepence Day. I too was thinking that I hope firearms carnage would not mar Independence Day.
@Lynda Faye “you wish everyone in the parade had been carrying a gun? Loaded, I presume? Perhaps, returning fire from where each of them thought the fire was coming from? That might have been much worse.
@Miki van Duyn no thanks, I reserve the right to protect my family.
We need to make sure parades only have one door.
And out law drugs!
parades should be ONLINE !!!!
And here I thought it was an old woman. But, no, it’s a young man. Who could’ve predicted?
Just came home from a small parade in my small tiny town–one way in and one way out Should not be a requirement –what the hell, are we always supposed to expect a shooter showing up at a tiny parade?? Wake Up and get the guns, violent video games under control & mental health ties into these awful shootings.
@Lynda Faye when did Joe defunded the police?
Last fight https://youtu.be/7Gf6-IgljyE
Last fight https://youtu.be/pq9yyaZ25YI
Apparently the whole 2nd amendment stuff trumps the entire life , liberty and pursuit of happiness thing.
Exactly. The Constitution is law. The Declaration of Independence is not law.
And our right to peaceably assemble
15 shot dead in Chicago over the weekend, those strict gun laws there working for you?? By the way, apparently those people do not matter. If you want to take my legal guns, you better bring your own when you come to do it.
Why do they keep calling this a random act of violence? This was very planned out. He knew the time of the parade and at what time was it going to be most populated, which building had the best vantage point for his sniper position and even calculated in the response time so that he could distance himself from that rifle and the area and disappear into the crowd. Either that or Illinois has some serious Keystone cops issues.
@Hoang Vo “what caused him to plan it” Republicanism
You know that how? If you are that familiar with the shooter you should contact police, not leave comments on Youtube.
Because they want you to forget HEARING that the shooter was spotted at the top of the apt building….while nobody did anything about it ?
Funny how all later newscasts omitted that from theirs ?
A parade security guard with a good eye or the Police could have nipped this one in the bud as the shooter was SPOTTED for the “duration of” the shooting at the top floor of the apt building, ?I know a guy who lives in Evanston, and he’d a made sure his shot number 2- could have ended this shooting spree immediately!
AND, OF COURSE POLICE went to BLOCK ALL entrances and exits TO the APT. BUILDING from which the shooter ‘s bullets had initiated, yes ???? Well no, not since Joe defunded the police ?
Guess everyone’s staying home tonight, yes ?
Duh. ah, ” The New Fourth of July ” in America ? Yipes.
Yes, and God bless the first responders.
And do you know if this shooter wasn’t a “Plant” to make a statement about the right to carry ?
I wish that everyone IN that parade had great eye sight AND been carrying a gun, don’t you ?
My Dear Lord Master of the Universe, Give us More time.
The IllinoisHarmonyConnection.
@Lynda Faye no one has defunded the police. And what was that word salad meant to mean?
Yet another day of pride for the Guns R’ US crowd … their vision for America.
@joseph j having a gun don’t make you law abiding. Lots of nut jobs with guns, I know some.
@Will Bennett What a remarkable display of erudition … how on earth did you manage it?
Our vision doesn’t include left wing extremest groups but to each their own.
Just so you know police where everywhere at the time so this was not a
“soft target”. Also the greatest mass shooting in his history , The Las Vegas shooting was also not a soft target. Armed police officers where everywhere.
We need to quit blaming anyone but the shooter!
Knowone. It’s *WERE. You keep spelling where, and it’s were. Look up definition of a soft target. It doesn’t look like you have that right either.
We are no longer living in the land of freedom. Prayers out to the victims and their families .
@Kevin Preston WTH are you talking about, are you? Seems like some people on here are confederates
@Marcus #1 Why are you still talking to me? You are not an American, therefore your opinion about Constitutional rights doesn’t matter
@Kevin Preston I am an American. Nothing you have said in this thread is useful. It is just diverting attention from the crisis at hand. People like you care more about guns than your fellow human beings. I am a gun owner and quite proficient in knowing how to use them but they don’t matter more than the lives of children and innocent bystanders. Our country is in serious trouble and nothing good will come from this obsession by some over firearms. It is a serious character flaw and none of your BS will change that.
@Marcus #1 How is it a character pointing out that assault weapons don’t exist. That banning weapons is not the answer or the only answer. Or that Semi Automatic weapons are not so called weapons of war?
@Kevin Preston because is it arguing over stupid definitions and not discussing the issue at hand. This is what you all do…divert with nonsense and not address the issue. It doesn’t matter whether you call an AR an assault weapon or not! The point is that they are not necessary and cause more harm than good. You are intentionally getting hung up on semantics and adding nothing of substance to the conversation…. absolutely nothing.
Thoughts and prayers are a misplaced ideal in a world where action is required.
@Mountain Lightning 007 Thank you. As I understand it, when a person procures a firearm the seller must report to some agency. I am retired from the Army and have seen many competent Soldiers less than 20 years of age. Ideally, if a citizen wants an AR15 or anything with high capacity detachable magazines they should ideally be able yo have it? I am not a statistician but itsvobvious what weapons mass nurderers utilize, and it is not a bolt action rifle. I really can see such weapons being controlled at the state level in the interest of public safety. If it weren’t for such thing being, by and largely, the mass murderers weapon of choice there would by no hue and cry against them. After retirement from the Army I went to nursing school in a place with lots of GSW. The country has gone crazy.
I agree CCC…faith without works is dead. It is time to do the work!
What are you talking about? Illinois has strict gun laws. Gun laws don’t stop criminals. It only prevents law abiding citizens from being able to own a gun.
@Jaime Garcia My god, all of those notifications. What are you on about?
Imagine being a relative or spouse of one of the deceased and knowing that absolutely nothing will be done to make this country safer as a result of this preventable tragedy and no one will remember the name of your loved one. They’re just another human being in a long list of mass murder victims that we ourselves might be a part of one day. Republicans have successfully destroyed the country.
@eric dravis
A chance is better than no chance.
@ericka lucas
Literally? That means what? Because I agree with shawn, so, you’re wrong.
@LL Cool Nay I wouldn’t make that point.
The problem with that is it brings access as the biggest problem in this debate…
For example, if people in Chicago having access to firearms in Indiana is the problem, then why isn’t Indiana having Chicago-like gun problems? You see, it kinda folds under some more examination
OMG stop the killings. My condolences to the families of the Lost today on a celebration of Independence how independent are we really??. We can’t even go out and enjoy a parade..
Last fight https://youtu.be/A3Xk9-Znf40
Listen in Chicago with the gangs they know what they’re getting into they’re on the streets they know their life is Russian roulette. Innocent people on the streets enjoying an Independence Day parade have no choice. Why won’t you take your hate put it on the streets and maybe turn someone’s life around instead of harassing people on YouTube making comments.
But you can go out a buy an Armalite carbine and protect yourself. Please ensure your remain vigilant and keep an eye on your sectors. There could be shooters in windows, doors, rooftops, we don’t know we don’t know Run for your lives!!!!
@Teutonic Nordwind enjoy it while it lasts.
I have scolded myself yesterday for thinking that 4th of July parades are an opportunity for mass shooters.
It seemed to be such a pessimistic thought, bordering on cynicism.
Unfortunately it turned out a realistic thought.
With all those “good guys” already on scene with guns, how df he get away?!
The good guys were out gunned. They need tracking devises, drones and cruise missiles.
only 3% off thos good guy’s,stop the bad guys…
sorry,dont feel sorry…
Supposedly the shooter was on a rooftop.
He had plenty of time to hide or get away.
Last fight https://youtu.be/u244gu7o5ys
In my country, where firearms are illegal, our total annual murder stats (by any means) are in mere triple figures (809 last year), whilst your gun stats alone are 5 figures (20,982). Adjusted for population size, our total annual rate is 1.2 per 100,000, compared to the US’s 6.3 per 100,000. And that pattern is consistent in nations where they’re banned.
@Joe Bean Will do, mate – especially now I know how much it upsets you. What other hygiene measures are you opposed to, btw? Are you anti-soap and anti-shampoo too?
@Mot Kaou Would you like some eggs with your spam, mate?
@Trial by Wombat
Aa Really brought home how bad the situation is when the guy at the end expressed gratitude for simply having enough space to stand up inside his shared apartment.
all they’d have to do is trade is their long held me cherished democratic beliefs
that same system btw totally censors this site and would prohibit you from even watching this video
even so Chinas situation is dramatically worse, the government just has tight control on you knowing.