Investigators with the Toronto Police gave an update into the investigation of rapper Houdini, who was killed in a brazen daylight shooting.
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Liberal gun laws will make it all better getting all those licenced legal military look-alike firearms off the streets.
I thought they would ban Rental-cars. Seems to me if they didnt have a car they wouldn’t be able to escape and clean thier tracks so easily. Wishful thinking.
Moter cycles over 200 hp , who needs that much power.
30 round mag! he sure didn’t pick that up at the local gun store at the end of March before Trudeau enacted is undemocratic gun ban April 1st
Here , here!
23 shots from Military weapons ask any Liberal.
Wow these guys should have their RPALs revoked!
Interestingly, the u$a applies (national guards; Mineapolis) what it denies China (Hong Kong)! Let the world see how u$a-bully-boy really deals with ‘Human Rights’ (protesters).
You sir , have a Illegal gun problem and a crime problem on your hands
you cant stop gun violence or guns …. where do you think we get them from ?
your stupid
@Double D 6IX-SIDE most probably come across the border from the states.
At @4:31 you can see Jenkins is so close to the gunman that the gunman is almost tripping on him. And also the 15 year old. It would have been very easy for the gunman to shoot Jenkins at this point if he was the prime target.
Even until 5:12 Jenkins is close to the gunman but the gunman is shooting at the two associates down the street. I don’t think Jenkins was the target.
You sound stupid. They were obviously all targets. He already shot Jenkins so he started to shoot at the other 2 that were shooting back.
Who’s business is threatened by this guy who benefits from his death?
He had a high capacity magazine. If only he had a low capacity magazine it would have been a lot better.
We don’t need more gun control. We need more jogger control.
No care in the world
RIP Houdini
Just show the damned video in full screen
I love hearing middle class generally unaware
Look at that guys! No assault-styled weapons. What a shock. Very useful ban.
15 year old with a handgun lol
those are your shooters? Just because they will get a lighter sentence ha
Do your own job
betcha that gun with the extended mag is already illegal…
mandatory minimum prison sentences for illegal fire-arm possession…plane and simple