Police raided Miguel Zeldon's home in Philadelphia looking for drugs. No drugs were found, but police confiscated thousands of dollars in cash.
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In the summer of 2012, Miguel Zeledon had arrived home from work with hoagies for dinner. He was swarmed by Philadelphia police, who said they had a search warrant for his home.
"I've never been arrested, never even had a traffic ticket," Zeledon said. "It was baffling what was happening."
Zeledon, then 32, worked in risk management for an e-commerce company. He said the officers repeatedly asked his then-partner to tell them who his drug supplier was. Zeledon had grown up in the neighborhood, known for drug activity, but never said more than a neighborly greeting to those involved.
The officers didn't find drugs, Zeledon said. But they did find $7,000 in cash in his nightstand and $3,400 in his partner's drawer.
When Zeledon's partner didn't name his supposed drug supplier, the two officers split her cash and gave her a receipt for just the $7,000. They taunted her for being with Zeledon, using an ethnic slur, and sat down to eat the hoagies.
Zeledon said she didn’t file a complaint with the police. "It was the police who took it, so who could we go to at that point?" he asked.
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#policereform #policemisconduct #philadelphiapolice
Sounds about white
The camera work is making it difficult to watch.
The problems in the Country with these searching brown color and reaped off the innocent people
Stop the cop steal…
Hope this helps this guy pursue actual justice.
Cops… America’s #1 gang
Just be glad they didn’t plant drugs on you.
NICE VIDEO !!! Very engaging from the beginning to the END.Nevertheless business and investment are the best way to make money irrespective of which party make it to the Oval Office.
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I’m very glad I stumbled on this today, writing To him now ,really hope he helps me ! My investment portfolio is a mess
Access to a good and reliable information is what we YouTubers needs to progress in life more especially in financial terms.If you’ve started trading with this man , then believe me you are not far from making profits
This is what people are talking about when they say defund the police. Nobody wants to get rid of good cops doing good work.
Banks are not the best place to save $. I sav $ in my home bcuz one bank
said I would we’d them $100 for a fee on having a checking/savings acct. I’m in collections now and of course, I took my $ out of there. Since then I don’t trust banks since then. I just done understand why cops think that you are not selling drugs just saving your hard earned $ by working your azz off. I work holidays, OT, 2nd/3rd shifts, whenever I can. I don’t live in luxury but live humbly. No need vehicle or larger house 
, I just save $ for a rainy day or when I fe l like I deserve to treat myself 
End civil asset forfeiture!
So they robbed him
Just cops doing what cops do.
Why the super close up shots?
Get a bank account dude
Its called a stick up robery…lol
Hombre, ahorra tu dinero en la “Cooperativa” = Save your (hard earned) money in a “Credit Union”.