Police Probing Major Gun Find at St. James Port – January 12 2021

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Police Probing Major Gun Find at St. James Port | TVJ News


  1. No work in the country, but they seem to be bringing in shipment of guns to kill and kill the younger generation of Jamaicans. This is very devastating. 👈👀

  2. This is good news hearing them gonna track down this is the reason Jamaica is at risk with all these illegal guns and crime and killing going on this need to stop smh

  3. The most stupid thing is .it was open by the contraband unit and the police was called
    Didn’t they have the sense to see who eventually who comes to collect it
    Even replaced the content with a tracker
    And follow the person who comes to collect
    So often they say no one was arrested

    1. @kemoy clarke exactly. That’s Whey I said they need to observe it and follow the trail.
      The person who collected may not even know what’s in it

  4. It’s need to be asked in Parliament why
    The police keep finding guns and no one is arrested instead of them observing the area
    Before announcement of the find

  5. Very good work on the part of law enforcement. but would it not have been better to silently wait to see who comes to collect the container. Something sinister. I sense a BIG DECOY.

  6. Of all the guns that police seized…..what did they do with them over the years? And why isn’t anybody ever charged?….. I just think is is all sham just to make it look like that the government is actually doing a good job when they could be the ones responsible for the shipment in the first place.

  7. Lol…. Christmas 🎄 gun dem..come in late.. with technology now a days.. it’s gonna be difficult to get them.. even if they leave the US…

  8. What happened to the 200 n add gun that was send in the politician name few years ago? Don’t hear ntn about that anymore, sweapt under the rug.. corruption not going to end the tree 🌲 grow big now it’s very hard to bend

  9. The authority is so stupid let the ppl dem come collect the guns track dem make sure you set them up well good so from it leave until it arrives then you know you will catch someone .. police unno always a buss the thing before someone is held accountable.. smh listen smart policing needed

  10. When I am shipping things to Jamaica i have to show my ID and they photocopy it.
    And why the police never sit and wait for the person to come and pick up there guns.
    Jamaica police is policing like this is 1970s.
    There is a very important word in policing and it’s it’s name is ” surveillance”
    A case like that could clear up in no time if the police put that word in action .

    1. I wanted to say that word before but I could not spell it Ha ha ha. Exactly what they should have done even in previous cases. There is a saying that “wha gone bad a marning can’t come good in the evening”

    2. @Evon Johnson yes the Jamaican police needed to used undercover cops and surveillance to fight crime.
      All a case like this one cop should be acting like custom office or even the man that push out the barrels.
      They should let the person that picking up the barrel of guns do his or her thing.
      Pay all the fees and then collect the barrels , load up in there motor vehicle and driving out, then they have and police at the gate acting like security guard checking tickets and then they just swooped down on them.
      And hold them.
      The first thing the police collect is there call phones and check WhatsApp for all the communication .

  11. I Wished to God there evils that is importing these guns , the same guns is turn on there immediate family members,them and there friends.
    Set of savages criminals..

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