A local reporter in Louisville, Kentucky, was hit with pepper bullets fired by law enforcement during chaotic protests after the deaths of Breonna Taylor there and George Floyd in Minneapolis. Aired on 05/29/2020.
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Police In Louisville Fire Pepper Bullets At Press During Chaotic Protest | The 11th Hour | MSNBC
they learned something from Hong Kong protesters, set up fire on the road, they should hit and run because riot policemen running with full gear, they hardly to catch them. Hong Kong protesters did not loot shops .
They DID loot in Hong Kong dumdum. If you are uncomfortable with the looting THEN GOOD….. ITS WORKING. I HOPE THE LOOTING, PROTESTING AND RIOTING CONTINUES. Worthless country needs to be burned to the ground.
@Lance Gu
LOL. Thats right. He’s just scared. Scared of his own shadow.
At least the hong kong police dont hire MURDEROUS COWARDLY SAVAGES and give them police uniforms. At least the hong kong police are not COWARDLY enough to step on an innocent mans neck. Only ameikkkas FAT, LAZY, COWARDLY police force does these things.
@Football Nerd agreed, I’m fine with them overrunning a corrupt precinct, but you don’t touch ppl’s property….people are being financially ruined by this.
@Isaiah 43 11 read man you need to see a shrink
Finally see how they treat us on a daily basis.
The whole world is watching!
hopefully cnn can do more field broadcasts when the riots intensify
That shot was at the lens of the camera. I couldnt see his badge number.
You didn’t see it? Well good job anyway snitch.
@zski ya Well that cop deserves to get “Snitched” on he’s shooting recklessly and clearly at press.
The press crew wear vibrantly colored vests to make them easily identifiable to police during moments like this for protection. You heard an officer telling them to move back, which she said they would do before they got peppered deliberately. I can just imagine trump can’t wait to tweet about it.
report it assap. that officer needs to be arrested asap for shooting at someone in a riot aahahhahahahaha
@Damian Draven so do criminals
Just like that. Covid-19 is forgotten.
Covid-19 played a role. Many idle hands, and minds. This is NOT a good time to upset the population. Everyone is on edge, as is.
@Upper 90yes the whole police institution is corrupt. I can be more broad with my dislike for them if you want.
@Upper 90 the problem is with the police AND with police treatment of people of color. I’m not excluding everything else by bringing light to a specific issue.
it was all a hoax…….
@Lauren Mejia corona was never a real threat to begin with.
I guess Miami and Charlotte will be the next cities to erupt.
she should have showed them her press pass ahahahhaha
Miami already has a problem
Can hardly call Louisville a city
Cops shooting at citizens to PROTECT THEM, lol
Accidental? It’s called tyranny.
And people wonder why there’s so much anger toward police. That officer needs to be shot with those pepper rounds.
@DØDO LØRD The press is there to document what’s happening, even if they wanted them to move back there is no excuse for them to be shot at multiple times by this officer. The news reporter and cameraman need to file complaints against this man and he should be immediately fired and charged. This was a direct assault on journalism, I have seen video evidence of several members of the press assaulted and even arrested over the past few days for doing their jobs. What don’t they want the public to know,if their not hiding anything why not let the press do their jobs without these types of attacks on them.
@Papa J the press is not immune to disperse orders, and u act like he whipped out an ar-15 on her
@DØDO LØRD then you tell them again. They were clearly confused. Do you just have no tact?
You people are a dime a dozen: you virtue signal, pretending to stand up for police, but really youre just screwing them: encouraging them to walk that fine line, saying “he did nothing wrong!”…..until one inevitably steps his toe over that fine line, and then you’ll forsake the poor sap: “oh well he was the <1% of cops".
Beneath it all, you've contributed to this destruction as much as any other group, if not more.
DØDO LØRD Police should de-escalate the situation. If they can’t do that in an orderly fashion. They shouldn’t be police.
It’s like a gta: san andreas mission come to life.
Sponsored by George Soros.
Someone entered the Pedestrian Riot cheat
That was based on Rodney King riots though
But in real life, you can’t shake five stars
no dipshits its history repeating itself
And people think police are there to deescalate things. Riiight.
They may as well go home and eat supper with their families because nobody is stopping all this chaos!! Just watching it!! I know it won’t do any good to say these idiots need to respect our cities!!
Imagine what they do to people without cameras
This is Louisville
Racist af
Especially police
@Isaiah 43 11 read Hey now… Carl Winslow matters, too!
@Alfred E Neumam 100% of the cops were MALE .
ALL MEN bad, then?? Let’s riot against MEN. ”
What do we want? Dead men! When do we want it? Now!” That’s where your logic takes us
When they take your job , your freedom, and your life , Needs a revolution
@Just Some Medic Are u that kind of moron who thinks english is the only language on the planet? Life is not star-wars movie where poeple from different planet don’t even have a different accent. You have so much to learn yound padawan…
15thCrypt peaceful demonstrations change very little as well
Thats what China and Democrats did to USA.
You should of made yourself essential
so passionate. viva revolution
You have the right to protect and defend yourself, shoot back
@Rihanna Plays Games learn history
Rihanna Plays Games that idea doesn’t hold true to the real world
Keri ok
Adam ok
If Bill Barr gets involved in this to save the killer cop, we’ll have a race war on our hands.
Not for that no connection cop. For well connected Flynn he’ll do that.
Count me out of your race war. I wouldn’t take up arms against black Americans. They want justice, they deserve justice. I can’t tolerate the injustice anymore either. So don’t be shocked if whites take a pass on your race war. I know I’m not the only one that feels that way.
Not MY race war.
@Godspeed this has nothing to do with Donald Trump you fool. This has to do with the civil immunity given to police in 1983, which neither party has moved to repeal.
But they don’t talk about that on the evening news so of course you didn’t know that.
Barr? what are you on man?
“Pepper’em up Real nicely”
*- Dave Chappelle*
Go and get your own paintball gun,grenade,or a clamour mine is nice!
Just don’t Burn It Down Ok !
0:51 when your bored in the lobby so you start aiming at your friends
Everyone better like this post
I clearly remember the mayor saying the press is exempt from the curfew hours. The police have no clue.
They refused to move, they are purposely trying toget a reaction. She walked right up to a marching riot-police line.
Pigs are stupid. That’s why they do what they do . And anyone with a brain in their head would not be members of a legalized violent gang, which is fighting a war against the people.

(sarcasm) ahahahha
@Eli Dicken tRump wants it to be. He wants to be Putin.
the Trump Devil Rev 20:10.
These cops have lost their mind. They’re shooting at journalists on live tv
its MSNBC. fake news people are not journalists. they are agitators. cops should use live ammo
@unpaid troll your name says it all..nuff said ..STFU
find that officer and arrest him!!!
Thats why we need change they are out of control
im joking. what an airhead expecting not to get shot at during a riot. send out field reporters with a brain or not cnn ahahhahaha
Americans police. Shoot people. Don’t talk… just shoot