A shooter killed at least five people and wounded 18 others at an LGBTQ nightclub in Colorado, according to police. Authorities say the suspected shooter, identified as a 22-year-old man, is in custody and receiving medical treatment. #CNN #news
Police identify Colorado shooter and say two heroes fought to stop him

So sorry to all who love these victims. Here we go again. Just sickening.
@Integrity Minded GFY
@Integrity Minded Don’t worry tho. Bajeebus. 🤣🤣🤣
@Integrity Minded Your definition of peace: Premeditated, Cold blooded murder because your cult leader said ‘thems peoplez is sinnerz against our degenerate belief system’.
@Integrity Minded Your religion – kill those with whom you disagree OR celebrate those whom so do.
@Yeah Naaa @Steven Michael Cunningham Yes….Europe did not send their best! All defective genes. They emptied the prisons and mental institutions and gave them ‘transportation’…shipped to the New World..the Americas!!!
Those civilians showed more bravery than the Uvalde police
@H , it was a LGBTQIA bar, for Crying out loud
@Randy Watson , deaf smith
@Mikeom Olt , did you make that up about risking and fearing for your life? And, is transgender remembrance day to remember the sexual orientation before or after the dirty deed?
@Steve B David DePape with his mighty hammer
@J B Fiveash tough guy needs a hammer to take on an 80 year old. Typical GOPQ er.
People need to stop saying that these people are troubled when most of them have hateful rhetoric being told to them everyday. My deepest condolences to all families who lost a love one who lost their lives 🙏
@Roger Hey, your mom just dropped you off at your grandma and now you’re online spreading hate again? We need to send you back to the clinic on Monday. You having parole this weekend was a bad idea. I hope you didn’t leave any traces on your phone where you were in contact with the active shooter… you have done that before.
Shye https://youtu.be/9Cl8n0wJfkc
@Junior Johnson Why should we remeber that now?
@Roger Roger, we had this discussion last night in bed. Remember honey, self-loathing is no reason to disparage other people.
You can stop with making conclusions without facts.
Outstanding response from the two civilians who decided to not be victims. Selfless service to their fellow humans.
Heyey https://youtu.be/9Cl8n0wJfkc
@Max More like just a disgusting person. I’d leave politics out of it.
@Jay Downey I disagree, politics have everything to do with it, all anti-LGBT people are right-wingers, and ill call them out on their bigotry while also making sure that everyone understands that this bigoted person is bigoted because of their right-wing politics.
@Max It’s not a right wing thing. It’s usually a religious thing or they’re just ignorant. Democrats have been caught saying marriage is between one man and one woman. Obama being a good example. It literally has nothing to do with the party someone supports. I mean, there’s gay republicans. It’s just ignorant to think one party hates gay people.
@Max, was the shooter a transgender too?
Absolutely horrific and heartbreaking 💔💔💔💔 We have differences but nonetheless, we’re all humans. We should be united instead of being divided. We must co-exist, this world belongs to all of us!
Rest in peace and condolences to their family and to LGBTQ community.
Religious targeting of those they are taught to despise.
The world now belongs to the WEF
@Mario DePape and his hammer need to make bail
@Just Be , I’d it turns out that Anderson Lee Aldrich is an athlete, would that make you an athletic supporter
@HM3 Drake , gays such wieners
“All that is needed for evil to prevail is for good men to do nothing”
fortunately, two good men did something here and evil was stopped.
congratulations to them for their bravery.
Hopefully, this will serve as a warning to future criminals and set an examples for others to STAND UP AND FIGHT BACK.
And did this without guns apparently.
Judge orders Jeffrey Epstein client list unsealed. Mass shooting occurs less than 2 days later to fill the news cycle. Coincidence? Of course not.
@SPERTS yeah. Ban all gay bars
@ute thornburg true. So you don’t need a gun to be a “good guy”.
I just left colorado springs in March. I’m sick to my stomach thinking about the victims. Thank goodness the shooter was stopped. I hope the injured heal as much as possible and that the friends and family of the deceased and everyone traumatized by this event get the help they need and the room to grieve.
@John Defalque because u let it happen
Dbhd https://youtu.be/9Cl8n0wJfkc
@Faux Que , where is David DePape and his hammer when you really need him
@Tammy Brothers , they shouldn’t allow straight people into the Q-Bar, unless they are truly questioning
@Tess B., what parts of your body are out of control
Condolences to all victims ‘ families. This is so sad.
@gojokid 24 more people than the amount of people who will care when you die
Euey https://youtu.be/9Cl8n0wJfkc
@CNNOTHING BURGER LETS GO BRANDON!!! – Did you ever hear of that study that many in the psychology field agree with that states that men who are very homophobic are actually trying to hide their true feelings?
Check it out dude. It’s real. You hiding something?
Condolences to the deceased families,to the injured,prayers for a speedy recovery. To the 2 that rushed the gunman,you ARE AWESOME.
Slava heroyam!
Heue https://youtu.be/9Cl8n0wJfkc
You’re sub-human. What’s it like to be so hateful? Hope karma pays you a visit.
Dear parents, When you raise your children with hate, you are not doing them any favors and now you have lost him forever. Pay attention to what they are hearing and saying.
@a a Remember when Trump said a nazi rally had “many fine people on both sides” ?
@a a , Trans for Trump? Is there such an organization?
@a a, why stop? All is fair in love and war. Just don’t forget the safe word, right?
@Liberals haveitallbackwards , what is CRT?
@a a , Max has no authority to approve or disapprove.
WHYYYY! Did we forget how to manage our emotions, especially our anger? How about our ignorance? Is YOUR opinion and misunderstanding of other’s more important than their LIVES? Obviously whoever did this just bought a lifetime behind bars. I’m so saddened for the families and friends of the victims. 💔😔💔 Thoughts and prayers are leading nowhere ATM. 🤨
Oh sweetheart, the little orange man spent 4 years stirring up hate toward others. And he’s still trying. So it’s going to take a few years to stomp it back into the past and move forward into just being nice to each other again. But only if we get some younger nicer humans in charge.
i have come to believe that we need to teach anger management in a public schools, and anywhere possible.
I think as of now, America is absolutley failing with thall shall not kill, it’s sadly become a joke now from all these pointless attacks, it’s really leading to the question of what their prescribing people and if staring at phone screens with the huge amount of social media is making things worse..
@yurei8 the kids are lost, the teachers care about them more than their parents in some cases.
understand your sentiment, but frankly it’s too ‘trying’ and too kumbaya for me: the fact is that it’s not just ignorance usually in cases like this: this is a guy who likely had deepseated biases that were furthered online by the new rightist movements globally and especially here in US, but also in traditionalist countries like russia in fact. Actually Ru has tried to promote anti Lgbtq. So this is very political, ie this type of violence at THIS time in history. We need to wake up to politics now in the US, after forty plus yrs of apathy. I.e in the center and left, so we can use the typical political tools that our democracy has for us to use. We do NOT have to live this way, with a negative-lottery risk like this, of mass shootings, or random anger-shootings of just a single person in road-rage, etc. We didn’t live this way when i was young and i’m only 50.
As someone who has been to this club, we have to be so grateful to the people who stopped the gunman! There aren’t many places to hide in this club. For the most part, it’s a large room with a couple small bathrooms. It was terrible and could have been so much worse. My heart breaks for my hometown community!
@Alabama Man what does that have to do with anything? You think that rare “influences” Like you mentioned are more important than our kids growing up terrorized, having to do mass shooter drills routinely *in school*?!😭
Where is the compassion for human lives in this country? Why can’t we all live and live, HELP those we think may be troubled (you know, like JESUS DID), and settle our differences in positive ways rather than attacks?
Your comment just adds fuel to unnecessary fires. If you’re concerned about what kids are exposed to then be a good parent, foster parent, teacher, coach, and social influence. What you’re doing now just feeds the hostilities that leads to these atrocities. Thanks 😢
@Chronically Aubrey respectfully and sincerely with kind-hearted intentions, I hate your advice.😥 Not because it isn’t great wisdom to stay vigilant, but because it’s impossible to live free and joyful when you have to be *that* vigilant EVERRRRRRRYWHERE you go in the U.S. I just don’t want that kind of life for any of us and I’m heartbroken that that is considered the way to deal with this stuff.
So you’re not wrong, at all, love. But I know firsthand that no amount of vigilance and due diligence can protect us against those who *thirst to relief their own pain by inflicting it on others.
I would just say to yes, be smart and watchful. But also pursue a life overflowing with love, peace, goodwill, and NO REGRETS. And, also, in a way, go *towards* what feels uncertain, uncomfortable, and “unsafe” — Check in on those who seem to be outcasted or struggling, in whatever ways you feel safe and capable to.
If we can make our society LESS fractured and quell the hatred of ourselves and others, we REALLY can make this country and world a better place.
And, if you want to live that kind of life, but the laws and practices of this corrupted country prevent that, BE FREE AND GET OUUUUUUUUUT!!! The American dream is the most effective propaganda scam still going; many many many of us are thriving abroad. Just be sure to take all the BEST of the U.S. abroad and don’t colonize, gentrify, and torture other peaceful beings around the globe.
a Columbine survivor and ER nurse ❤️🩹
@Jess Tiss Well done, you’re open minded and realistic .
@Buddy you making the rounds, big boy!
I know I will never set foot on a gay bar or gay party.
Wow. The heroes that stopped the shooter need to be recognized! I hope they survived. SCREW THE EVIL HATEFUL SHOOTER
Truly horrific 💔 I live 40 min south of there, sending prayers to all impacted by this 🙏🏻
grateful heart for the two that stepped in and saved countless lives. Thinking of the people that are going to get the worst phone call of their lives and are living their worst days today and in the days coming. I am so sorry for your losses and trauma. Sending you so much love.
Ehue https://youtu.be/9Cl8n0wJfkc
@CNNOTHING BURGER LETS GO BRANDON!!! if you dont like what people do in their personal lives, don’t pay attention to them and live yours how you want. It is not that difficult and its not your business.
Give those two heroes a medal! RIP to the victims.
Eyye https://youtu.be/9Cl8n0wJfkc
I’m so sorry this happened.
Thank you to the extraordinarily courageous heroes.
Having a step-brother who is transgender and hearing about these reports makes me sick to my stomach, why do people have to feel so much hate for things they may personally just not understand, what ever happened to if you have nothing nice to say just keep shut, A lot better then targeting people with a gun, come on America, respect the lgbtq community and if you don’t just go on with your day and don’t let your anger inibitons lead to this😡
Dont let the hospital heal the shooters wounds, let him suffer the way he let the victims suffer. Our Hearts are with the familys.
Imagine you being a parent going about your daily routine and you recieve a call about your child. There are no words to express how any of these impacted parents, families, or friends feel at this moment or any. Condolences, prayers, love, healing go out to all close to the season of thanksgiving. So many in this nation and world have been impacted by gun violence and it is NOT okay it never has been! Sad days ahead.