Police give update on deadly Molson Coors shooting (LIVE) | USA TODAY

Police give an update on the Molson Coors shooting that killed five and the gunman Wednesday.

RELATED: Milwaukee police responding to “critical incident” at Molson Coors campus

The man who opened fire at the Molson Coors plant Wednesday, killing five co-workers and himself, had been involved in a long-running dispute with a co-worker that boiled over before he started shooting, according to a law enforcement source who spoke to the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel and brewery sources.

Anthony N. Ferrill, 51, had worked as an electrician for more than 20 years, about 17 of them at Molson Coors, according to multiple sources and online employment records.

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  1. Where is the media coverage on this story?? We have a discredited, Soviet style mainstream media in the USA! They only cover what fits the agenda. Had this shooter been white, the media and Democrat Socialists would be talking about white supremacy and gun control for the next 2-3 weeks, but this gets the blanket treatment…

    1. Exactly 👌just like the media’s covering up the investigation into Kobe Bryant’s death😳😳😳this will blow everyone’s mind☝️😮😮😮🤔🤔🤔😮😶😶https://youtu.be/vCe7Jzcf1cE

  2. He gets busted for always watching movies on his cell during work hours, and he say that’s “discrimination”? Wow. I guess he expected to continue being privy to his black privilege and leaving him alone to watch his movies all he wants. And naturally, all the lefties will back him up since most are brainwashed into believing that racism is worse than murder..even tho the only racist in this story seems to be the murderer who evidently believes if a white person corrects a black person for any reason, murder is justified.

  3. Where’s the media? I guess they only show up if they hear a rumor that the shooter might be a White guy wearing a MAGA hat. Other than that, it’s ‘racist’ to report on a mass shooter with brown skin. Talk about your double-standards!

  4. Please checam urgentemente seus agentes e agência do fbi e seus orfanato , vai no wallmart tire fotos das crianças desaparecidas e chame os pais delas , vão junto ao consultório médico fasem exame sanguíneos DNA e fãs os mesmo nas crianças desaparecidas que estão nos orfanato americano sendo estrupadas e tem até filmes pornôs vendido pra fora e tem até agente da atualidade que viveu nesses prostíbulo americano chamado orfanato que estão velhos e totalmente afeminado ; perdoe amigos do franck e heury . Heury você já parou de dar armas pra os seus camaradas faser merda na América ? E você franck branca de neve tomou vergonha nessa cara de tacho sua e parou de ajudar traficante amiguinhos ? Tudo porque eles não os paga seus salários Franck ? O governo americano tá pagando mal pra seus caozinhos de guerrilhas de vos grossa que precisa de faser roubo cibernéticos pra que seus orçamentos mensais seje pago pois só o do governo não dá então eles tem que sequestrar crianças para o orfanato americano, ajudar tráfico, terroristas, e até faser sexo como fiseram todas as crianças que viveram nos seus desgraçado orfanato americano onde todas são estrupadas e vocês com essa conversa fiada aí . Pra o seu governo 🎺 Trump atacar irá nada mas e do ordem de homens não norte americano ,mas por motivo de relações sem publicidade totalmente feitas em escuras pra os americanos não descobra. então eu resouvir meter as caras e dar uma mãozinha aos mortes americanos da agência do fbi pra que eles não venham a ser mortos por amigos canalhas que tem amisade com terrorista dando até avião e etc . Tomam vergonha na cara suas desgrasça ! O agente negro chamado Wilson mora em new jersey onde matou um branco menor ocultou o cadáver pra os fins satânico em new jarsey tem pena de morte e aí ? Tudo ocorreu por motivo do agente do FBI wilson morador de new jarsey ,em umas das suas diarreia mental foi até um bar e por motivo do seu passado bizarro vivido nos prostíbulo americano chamado orfanato ele está desgovernado ameaçando os amigos de morte e estrupo e até roubar os amigos e matar suas esposa como afirmou o mesmo assassino do jovem de new jarsey ,ele também paga negros pra faser roubo pra ele e um dos seus comparsas corre risco de vida até sua vizinha que bisbelhota sua casa dada pelo governo americano pois ele seria ladrão .mas como entrou no fbi ele disse que roubar com distintivo e arma. E fácil ninguém percebe

  5. Ele esse marginal do.fbi Wilson tá ameaçando -me de morte e sequestro pois eu descobrir totalmente seus planos e de outros agentes agora se tem lei nessa buceta de americanos eu espero em Cristo Jesus que se fassa dentro de seus agência e agente do FBI pois muitos estão fasendo merda .

  6. Apparently the shooter was a paranoid schizophrenic and had accused his bosses of breaking into his house and bugging his home, his bosses knew he was a ticking time bomb and did nothing.

  7. Donald Trump created this work environment where workers cannot work together in harmony. It is a shame a black man was driven to this by Trump supporters.

  8. Ask if there’s any video evidence. Where were the injured? Where were the life flights? Where were the gurneys? Where are the hospitalized? Where are the pictures of the crime scene? Why are they saying guns found in his home was evidence? I can see why they don’t want any questions asked, cause there sure are a lot of em.

  9. Bet they close down the morgue the victims were supposed to be taken to. Like they did in Las Vegas. Don’t ask questions out of respect to the families they’ll say.

  10. So since he wasn’t white we wont see the week of nonstop coverage? will we blame the man? blame what ever gun he used? or blame the company and the locals for knowing he was unstable and angry and doing nothing? I’m sick of seeing the “mass shootings” I’m sick of the constant race propaganda, I’m sick of the “media” blaming A certain gun. Guns don’t wake up and decide to kill, the PERSON who has the gun does that and until we look at the cause of them doing this I fear we will not find a way to solve it. Do away with gun free zones or start holding government and companies responsible when this happens because you should have the right to defend yourself from sick people.

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