After a months-long break due to the coronavirus pandemic, tear gas returned to the streets of central Hong Kong, as police clashed with protesters over a proposed national security law.
#CNN #News
After a months-long break due to the coronavirus pandemic, tear gas returned to the streets of central Hong Kong, as police clashed with protesters over a proposed national security law.
#CNN #News
If this is what freedom looks like they are in trouble
Chinese leaders dont want their people free, it’s a communists country. Give the chinese people guns, let them fight fairly for their freedoms
If this is happen in the west what will they do
Democrats are hoping the CCP gains control quickly.
0:07 did that dude just run up and pick up the tear gas canister?
Dmitri Volotosk Hong Kong is protesting against the CCP and communist rule. Americans are protesting not eating their own home cooked meals and to get haircuts. We are not the same
i’m surprised he didn’t throw it back at the Militant police as China tries to shred Hong Kong’s freedom. Wonder if the UK wish they never gave Hong Kong to China knowing they never had deal that would last a lifetime. The UK should break the treaty like China is doing and take Hong Kong back.
A Reddit thread said the protesters are carrying bags of water. If you pop a canister in water, it neutralizes it. I don’t know this from my own experience, but I do know an onion can serve as an impromptu gas mask. Cut the onion in half, and breathe through several skins. The moist skins absorb the tear gas. It’s smelly, but better than being blinded by the tear gas.
@Andrew Chung My advice to you is, you should get out of Hong Kong before they get you.
#FREEHONGKONG sometimes 2 plus 2 is 5. LOL
Chinese Communist Party is violating the 99 accord agreement to allow Hing Kong to be a Democracy ! Chinese Communist Party has over a million muslims in prison just for being muslims. Chinese Communist Party is selling organs of political prisoners and peaceful religious citizens to rich people around the world. China is kidnapping Hong Kong cotizens off the street and taking them to china to disappear them ! Facebooks Mark Zuckerberg is shutting down Hong Kong citizens accounts for protesting at the request of Xi CCP. Chinese Communist human rights abuses ! Mainland chinese citizens stand with Hong Kong. Mainland Chinese citizens are being murdered tortured and imprisoned for speaking against the human right violating Chese CCP tyrants !
This is the truth:
1984 is a instruction manual lol
China: “You are a threat to my authority”
Hong Kong: “Screw You!”
It’s more like-
China: you are being naughty. And bad boy’s tushy needs some slaps.
Hong Kong: you are the worst mommy in the world.
USA: you r a threat to my authority!
China:yeah,screw you……
Democrats are hoping the CCP gains control quickly.
@Major Minor these people are so dumb they try to paint everything left or right
Eric Chinaman is that you?
I’ve seen this movie before. Apartheid South Africa in the 1970s. Authoritarian regimes are horrible.
@Major Minor
Given the choice between the two parties, I am a Democrat and I support Hong Kong.
@Vivian Tonnu
U HU <<---- *WARNING!!! 50 CENT CHINESE ARMY BOT ACCOUNT SPOTTED!!!!!* ****************************DO NOT ENGAGE!!!!***************************
@Joe Kulik Youre dumb. HK wanted the british there because they were the superior government. Why shouldnt they be allowed to decide their own govenment instead of forcing it down the throats of the HKers? And you mention ” the ones who want to leave should be given 30 days ” yes like its just that easy. Be kicked out of the land that theyve called home for years. China is on what theyre 4th or 5th genocide this century?
And what happen to South Africa now ? Haha…. what Mandela done to the well-being of his people ?
@Joe Kulik so you really want to talk about moral authority? And in the same breath mention mass murdering Communist? You don’t speak for Americans, you domesticated house dog.
People the world we are living in a very serious and dangerous times people have to come together love more.and pray
for each and everyone.SAD TIME .
What are the future goals of the law?
To stop this from happening:
Hong Kong should straight up declare themselves a sovereign state. Wage war. There’s no appeasing a Holocaust – in action like Chinese government
They dont want the lies getting out
Your lot don’t care about lies getting out look at Trump…lol
진짜 나쁜놈들
바보 같은 바보
♡HK people
Chinese Oppression
Coming Soon to an American city near you.!
Starring: Xi Jinping
Release Date: 2025
No comming up the hell will rise to America. America will be into ASHES IN HELL. Only foreigners will rise and everything from them.
CCP diplomat [an oxymoron] announced to business leaders “There’s absolutely no need to panic.”
When politicians say “don’t panic”, it is time to PANIC!.
im sorry but hong kong still has some years to be free ?
It’s never time to panic, even when it might be “time to panic” (if you’re a stupid, panicky leftist), you will be more prepared and act in a more reasonable way if you do not panic. Panic never helps anything, at best it’s futile, at worst it worsens bad situations and creates bad situations that never even existed. You would think everyone over the age of 12 already figured that out on their own…..
The terrorists are burning, bombing, beating in Hongkong streets. People want law and order. Please get the criminals away now.
I love hong kong as well :(( this is so sad
Hong Kong area was part of China , when only written records about britons were done by Romans …. thats about 2220 years ago .
Boycott CCP products on top of the sanction and send companies home!
This Diplomat sounds like Walter Ulbricht in East Berlin, 1961:
“Nobody has the intention to build a wall!”
a heavy load is lighter when several people share the burden
“No need to panic” meaning, you should panic.
HK is ranked number three for human freedom in 2018 by Cato Institute, the Fraser Institute, and the Liberales Institut at the Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom. The US is ranked 17. Please don’t just believe me, google it.
The young rioters are being manipulated to burn buldings, made bombs to terminate the police, and beat up innocent elderly men. The freedom ranking collapsed. These young rioters should be stopped before policemen are bombed.
that’s your culture of west democracy not in China.
When ccp says don’t worry that means be very very worry