Garrett Haake reports from a chaotic downtown Washington, D.C. where law enforcement fired pepper bullets at protesters.
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Police Fire Pepper Bullets At Protesters In Chaotic Washington, D.C. Scene | MSNBC
So much for officer friendly that’s why everyone is protesting.
racism will not end until an entire generation is raised without being taught racism or suffering under it…we have a long way to go
John Banks I guess they got it out with illegal spying.. on to unprecedented investigation… followed by an unconstitutional impeachment on no crime on to coronavirus state actors acting for themselves… after Obama and the flexibility after the election thing, and Hillary, and Jim Crow Joe? I’m surprised y’all are still going at it… determination.
@Toward Treatise your powers of deduction are so weak as to be laughable. Trump indeed. You fckwt. Give your head a shake!
John Banks this alone practically does it for me…
John Banks this one too I guess..
@Toward Treatise Right ?
This looks like a scene from the purge
you aint seen nothing yet
I am glad covid 19 is taking a break for all this.
At least your keen sarcasm can save us
@Vinny Mac no 20 percent of people that get it need a long painful stay in the hospital. Too bad your ignorance could fuel the US for a decade.
@nosuchthing8 …not even *your* ignorance could fuel the US for a decade…
…America uses 50% of the world’s resources.
And you are clearly making up garbage…since everyone has been told umpteen times by various medical experts that 80-90% of cases will be *completely asymptomatic…*
…then a further percentage will experience mild cold-like symptoms, then a further percentage will experience flu-like severity of symptoms, then a tiny percentage of elderly/immunosuppressed people may get critical…
In Italy the average age of fatality is 79.7 years old, 50% of whom had 3 or more underlying chronic conditions…
In Massachusetts the average age of covid fatality is 82 years old…
…normal life expectancy in Massachusetts is 80.5 years old…
There’s not much room for your fictitious 20% of long, painful hospital stays…
You *do* know that “percentages” run out at 100, don’t you?
Because it’s not being reported you think it’s taking a break. You can’t possibly be that dumb…?
@Vinny Mac Yes, I know but they did have enough sense to try to cover up. Sadly, it may not be enough.
3:46 lol the cameraman was about to go off for having his shot blocked like “whoa, get the f-“
That wise man at the end though.
Fyn Kozari who??
Democrats are slum lords.
@Andr jsja N the black dude getting interviewed talking about anger.
Shame on them using the dead man name to enjoy talking about stupid rioters.You people are encouraging them.I hope law will punish them for burning up,stuff
When Trumpism spills over on to the people. New meaning of “dont tread on me”.
So are we just gonna call this movie “2020”
When the HK student protesters hurl objects at police, USA and the western nations call for investigation into police violence and supported the protests, but when the protests happen in USA, its a “Unlawful assembly”
in Hong Kong Protesters also hurt police and throw handmade objects, burning bottles and such, and USA was like calling for China to “exercise restraint”. Now its happening in USA, so maybe USA should also exercise restraint?
Newton’s third law is: For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction
@Toward Treatise
Estefany Murillo and still God had Maher day it of all people. It’s interesting…
Estefany Murillo I’m trying to listen I promise, too many want to talk. So far, here u go.
Newton was Deep State
Mark Blair
I can’t blame them,this is what happen if the oppression happened for too long
Dw Noria, people who has Never been oppressed their whole life, or Lack enough empathy to Understand it, Cannot see Why this was happening the way it did.
When society fails you, you fail the society back. It is the basic, Core statement of the Golden society contract 400 years back, and it is just as present Today.
When the same society that is to Protect you, Hurts you, you No longer have a reason nor duty to Abide its rules.
One does not have to Accept this outcome. It should Never become a norm. I am usually Against riots and looting… But not understanding it, or Respecting that it happened and why it happened is ignorance at Highest level.
@Julian Sanchez Harris No one living today in USA has been “oppressed their whole life”. Saying so shows a complete lack of good sense.
@t1tacal Your whole statement shows that you lack that which you speak of.
Clearly you have not experienced it, but does that mean others haven’t as well? I am guessing that is your basis of argument, which is far from the truth.
Many americans have experienced structural oppression and structural discrimination their whole lives.
It might not be on a daily basis, but often enough so that it affects their mentality, selfimage as well as their daily life.
The fact that you cannot see this, shows that you lack this “good sense”.
But in that Sense… your statement also shows one more thing. You lack Empathy.
I feel sad for you, and i do wish you will gain enlightenment one day.
Not just for us others, but for your own spiritual evolvement.
@Julian Sanchez Harris Wow. You jumped from oppressed to “structural discrimination” real fast there speedy. Go try living somewhere else and see if there is anywhere better than USA.
@t1tacal Oppression and discrimination usually goes hand in hand. Look at history, look at the world of today. It is very often two sides of one coin.
I feel as if the longer this conversation progress the more blind you seem to be. I hope you will find truth one day…
Anywhere better than America? Are you honestly suggesting there are no better place to live than in America?
Another sign of ignorance… There are Many places better than America in Many aspects. Just look at the Facts. At the statistics. America has sunk far down on the lists.
Yes. American has many pros, but far too many cons.
In the end, why leave because of that fact? Why not just stay and try to make America better?
Why not do whatever we can to make the “Promised Land” Truly become a Promised Land?
Unfortunately i feel as this conversation will not help you understand what i am trying to show you. But i hope i am wrong.
Either way, goodluck and stay safe, sir.
Eye for an Eye will make the world blind.
Right up until someone says STOP – We need to communicate and draw up a new contract.
Should have listened when we were kneeling
No, you all need to stop popping out kids you can’t afford
L.D. BRITE Denver Art Collective Shut up, you under educated hick.
Enlisting in a militia means nothing patriotic
O.K., you made me laugh there.
@miskittt People dum-dum-dumb. Thugs.
@Richard Parker I thought Kap was kneeling because he didn’t like our national anthem and loved disrespecting our flag. Kneeling suited him – on his knees like always.
This entire week has made me forget that we are STILL in the middle of a pandemic with no vaccine or appropriate prophylactic treatment.
LOL! You living under a rock kid.
hydroxy chloroquine is your prophylactic
build your immune system through zinc, vit c and d, and other vitamins and minerals
dont ever take a vaccine under any circumstances
Bwahahahaha brainwashed moron alert
Walter White ummmm…
The dude with the ski goggles is legendary
I am 60 and I’m so glad I brought my children up to accept all races
A lot of racists think that. Did you bring them up to do anything _about_ racism, or just pose as ‘tolerant,’ while coasting on privilege?
@15k DOW 2022 your quasi coherent statements make no sense, better return to FOX,you`ll fit right in.
@Private Bonespurs i see a lot of “privileged” young people protesting racism these days, numbskull. i guess their parents must have all been “posing”.
@magister ludi What do you think *”OR”* means, shi
@Private Bonespurs too late dickwad, calling a well meaning person racist at the beginning of your comment really tends to color the rest of your rhetoric.
I’ve had my own run ins with provoking and instigating pigs
Me too it seems they are totally out of control with the orange turd
“Those who profess to favor freedom, and yet depreciate agitation, are men who want crops without plowing up the ground. They want rain without thunder and lightning. They want the ocean without the awful roar of its many waters. … Power concedes nothing without demand. It never did and it never will.” -Frederick Douglass, 1857
The world needs ditch diggers too.
@Albert Mas Trump Maga. Love God country and family.
Albert Mas abolishing bipartisanship is the only way to truly solve the issue
Nicholas Sandoval ask the democrats
Toward Treatise nah you’re the problem. You are truly all (who support either side) are the problem. I’m white but I’ve rarely been around “truly good” white people. I’ve been around the black culture and divide most of my life. enough to realize that spreading ideologies instead of allowing people to think based on what rights vs wrong is a ticking time bomb at every level. It was flawed from the start, I realized that by 10 but the majority is to dumb to understand
4 dead in Ohio. Most don’t remember ( or weren’t alive) the days of killing students.
I blood still boils when i hear that song.
Kent State
Good. Death to vandals.