Police chief: Ottawa Freedom Convoy’s funding ‘cut off’

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Police chief: Ottawa Freedom Convoy's funding 'cut off'


  1. No doubt this clown and his minions will one day say, “I was only following orders”, much like the excuses used at Nuremberg.

    1. @Michael M If you lose your job because you didn’t take a drug that is not fully approved, with the makers of it absolved of any side effects or harm, yes they are victims anyway you look at it. Unless you are completely blind!

    2. @Michael M dwindling!? You’re a ridiculous conspiracy theorist!!! This has spread to every single city in Canada and thousands across the globe!!!

  2. Is that fuel documented and saved for evidence in court according to laws, as any seized items are required to be held and returned on not guilty or dropped cases.

  3. This is beyond sad for our country. It is against the CRF and shows how spineless our government really is. I truly hope those charged in relation to these protests, are able to have their charges dismissed in their day in court. Further, there should be heavy legal action against the government for the unlawful acts and the abuse of power during these peaceful protests.

    1. @adam protesters protesting is not terrorism and you dont get to make that link. BLM burnt down city blocks….is that happening?

    2. @Steve MacKenzie They are not protesting, and this has nothing to do with BLM. However, if they were part of the BLM movement, the right wing would be bringing out the fire hoses.

  4. Let’s overwork our police force to deal with a peaceful demonstration. How many do you think will quit over this? I wonder how many will become truckers or security for trucking companies?😆

  5. Do no believe him. I was there both weekends. Bigger this weekend than last . This movement is growing very quickly. I will join an even bigger crowd this weekend coming. GO Truckers !!

    1. And ive been watching the livefeeds. They where even playing hockey together.

      Keep it up! Much love from northern Europe!

  6. THIS is when you know things are really dangerous in this country. Government colluding with major corporations.

  7. I’ve been saying this since the beginning, and now it feels more truer than ever, we’ve fully entered into a facist state. If the line isn’t held any further, say goodbye to the Canada we were all born in.

    1. Noticed he didn’t mention anything about all the cops that stood down or quite. He did talk a lot about needing more manpower, though. 😎

    2. it would only be a fascist state if conservatives got elected……but since they are all dying of covid there’s no chance they’ll ever get elected again wooooo

    3. So you’d rather be living how we have been living for the last two years? Geez, just because you like living a depressing life, doesn’t mean everyone else should.

    4. @GreenBean44 GreenBean44 Did you listen to and understand the words that were spoken by the police chief ? When private entities partner with the government for a desired outcome you have fascism. Read and learn : Fascism is the name we give to the ideology which merges the power of the purse (business, foundations, nonprofits) with the power of the sword (government) in order to create policy, impose it by methods ranging from subterfuge to force, and take a society in a desired direction. You said :” it would only be a fascist state if conservatives got elected.” So the non conservative government that you are so proud of is actively engaging in the fascism that you denounce as you cheer on the exaggerated death counts of your political adversaries…
      You have proved Abe Lincoln to be correct : “It is best to say nothing and be thought a fool then to open one’s mouth and remove all doubt.”

  8. The aristocrats of Ottawa got uncomfortable. Oh my, we must end Charter Rights. Imagine being in a lower paying job, losing it, not being able to pay your power bills or food. That`s what some truckers, farmers and other workers are facing.

  9. The only thing crushing the bussiness was 2 years of lockdown & not 8 days of protest… how can you twist the truth Peter Sloly?

  10. Aww, we feel so bad for you cops 😢 No days off, in the coldest days of the year …. you poor little fellows … our hearts go out to you , you heartless, spineless , jellyfish poor excuse of human beings 😢

  11. This is a protest…not an emergency. I am so embarrassed of my country and its leader. Also, Ottawa police had FAILED its commitments to its citizens.

  12. @6:39 “They and their children have not been able to go to school. This is crushing for those residents and their businesses. It has to stop.” How ironic! The protesting Canadians feel the exact same way about all these prolonged mandates that are resulting in the exact same thing (i.e., children not being able to go to school and small businesses suffering and/or having to close down). Yes, it has to stop!

  13. Why are they talking about escalation and aggression? Nobody on the protesters side is talking like that. It’s very telling about the state of our nation that a peaceful, albeit inconvenient protest gathers so much aggression from our “government”.

    1. They need to explain them next steps – need to justify next aggression steps from government. Need to sign petition to recall all government

  14. This is what a “police state” looks like. No matter what your political views are, the crackdown on lawful protest through aggressive policing should terrify ANYONE who believes in democracy and the exercise of constitutional freedoms.

  15. So he is calling it a demonstration . Not an occupation! Interesting! Does that mean demonstrations are illegal? Something isn’t adding up. Why doesn’t the so called leader of the country stand up for this peaceful demonstration, like the ones in India that he was so fond of?

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