Dr. Matthew Oughton discusses the car meet in Ontario and the risks it poses for transmission.
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Should’ve put a BLM banner outside. The police wouldn’t bother then.
Here’s a tissue big boy!
Sam, you are absolutely right.
Either BLM or ANTIFA.
@U C Tell me where you saw ANTIFA in canada….. typical buffalo news network watching junkie
Thank you.

Funny they never break up the “protesters”
Call it a protest next time and you can gather as you wish.
only works for BLM
The lost generation
It’s 2025 and still the same story.
“It’s more the underlying idea that they can do this… flagrantly disobey a directive of the state, and it must be crushed as soon as possible. No one disobeys the state!”
Hydroxychloroquine. End of story. You all are insane…M
This will last forever . No one cares anymore .
No car shows outside but 30 kids crammed together in a 20×20 room, that’s ok.
You’re all insane
I am always the last to find out about these meetups. Darn it.
Meanwhile, 1000’s stream across the undefended Canadian Border, 100’s of politician’s embezzle tax dollar’s & pedo’s are hiding behind masks trolling our children. I feel so much safer thanks to these car owner’s being targeted.
Fine them .
Does no one know how to stay under the radar? learn from fast and furious 1 that brought 50 over stunt charge, keep it low key, secret, respectful to the community, that’s the key to success in anything in life! …keep doing these big meets, take overs etc, it will be worse then Finland, California, etc for car enthusiast one day very soon!
If they can’t cure the flu then what are we waiting for? Let’s get back to some normal living. The guidelines aren’t going to control anything with schools open.
Ignorance is your new best friend

Around the corner from my old house. $10,000 fine for everyone.
Large gatherings are illegal because they might actually discuss how fake Covid is and do something about it.
that what you talking about, wow, talking about over panic,