Climate change is melting and shifting Arctic ice, making it harder to find food.
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Then stop with all the cemtrailing and bunker fuel spraying
And yet there are more polar bears now than there were 100 years ago.
Which free market think tank are you astroturfing for?
@Gary Sarela the market of free thinking.
Yeah and the World is flat right
@The jack so you say. LOL
In the mid 1970s there was an international ban on polar bear trophy hunting & this is a major reason for increasing numbers in certain parts of the Arctic. In other areas such as Western Hudson Bay, population declines have been linked to earlier ice break-up.
The bigger picture is this: “The best estimates we’ve got indicate that we’ll probably lose somewhere around two-thirds of the world’s bears somewhere around mid-century, just based on the simple fact that we’re losing sea ice,” Source: BBC, “Will polar bears become extinct?”
I was talking yo a scientist that worked at the polar bear research centre when I visited igloolik nunavut two years ago. He talked about how the polar bears were thriving and there numbers were increasing all across the arctic. Not just canadas arctic. I guess alot can change in two years?
Lol thats not true at all
@The jack hello again! Please do google polar bear population numbers. It was a local scientist here in BC that debunked this years ago.
Polar bear population is higher now then it has been in 50 years
No its not wtf
@The jack actually yes this is true
So…less ice means fewer breathing holes for narwhals? Got it.
That is not claimed in this video.
Of, course it wasn’t ‘claimed’. Don’t be so literal.
@normcharlesowen So why the hell bring it up?
Disclaimer I love the environment. But I’m pretty sure polar bear population has been going up for decades. And I’ve never heard of narwhals having a tough go due to too much or too little sea ice. Most of these claims were debunked by a Uvic scientist/prof five years ago ish. We still NEED to address climate change and fast, but this report is probably false.
Wtf its not going up at all its going down.
@The jack
No it is not. The polar bear population was around 5’000 in the 70s when they introduced the hunting ban. Now there are over 25’000. These bears feed on seals and fishes, not on ice cubes.
This guy again?
This is typical climate alarmism contradicted by reality.
You’d think a news organization could conduct business without being political…
This is false, living in the capital of Nunavut. This is created to mislead your audience.
I blame you.
I want you to stop driving your car and no more disposable dishes, no Starbucks not chopsticks.
Are you doing these things?
No. Because I am too lazy and to self concerned to help anybody or anything
So drop off some deer to the bears.
And taxing the crap out of the public will fix the climate,money can not change the climate,it has changed since the beginning. Polar bears are just fine!
You are right. I have nothing to add.
Your story has more holes in it then thin ice
Congratulation to your ignorance, it is astonishing
The only ignorant here, that’s you.
Not true. Totally false.
Wow go back on CERB dude there is nothing true in this video.
Can we go pick some up and bring them to Winnipeg I love Narwhales and Polar bears.
That’s false news
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