Poilievre plans to vote against federal budget

Conservative Party Leader Pierre Poilievre states unless Justin Trudeau cancels tax hikes his party will vote against the budget.

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Poilievre plans to vote against federal budget


    1. There’s been multiple chances to vote on the Liberal’s policies, and time and time again Canadians choose to reelect the Liberals… Not because the Liberals are doing anything amazing, but because the Conservatives are just worse. And I don’t know why you’re complaining about the Carbon Tax. I guarantee that you are either not affected by it at all (because you live in a province where it doesn’t apply), or you don’t make enough money for it to actually negatively impact you, and is actually a tax break.

    2. @R T carbon tax benefits most Canadians. the tax rebate you get more than covers the cost of increased prices and taxes you pay… the PBO report acknowledges that its finding is incredibly narrow.. it did not take into account the cost of climate change nor did it take into account the increased funding for green technology.. All it did was a very narrow look at how the carbon tax affected investors..

  1. don’t forget those property taxes, politicians always seem to glance over that reality especially with soaring real estate costs

    1. Guy is just a Mouth piece, 40 high inflation is “World Wide”, the reality is Canada’s inflation rate is one of the lowest in the G7.

    2. @Jamie Hume Sorry. But indirectly they do, it’s called tax downloading, which took place under Brian Mulroney

  2. Here’s a third options; bankrupt everything and give politicians minimum wage? how does that sound? oh the bureaucrats might not “come to a consensus”.. instead what we have is “get paid”, talk more; get paid more. I love our democracy

  3. I hear adding an alcohol tax while restaurants are closing or struggling is a solid idea, all while giving MPs a 4th raise since covid..👍

    1. @Don M because there are fewer restaurants now, and less new ones opening.. Pretty basic logic there..

  4. Seniors need dental. I know many who are practically toothless and cannot digest their food properly as a result. This compromises their overall health as they cannot process any food they eat and are nutritionally starving to death. Look after the seniors!

    1. does this include millionaire seniors as well? Canada has many well-to-do seniors. They are not all broke like many seem to think

    2. @Brandon Mostly taxes, service fees and dealing with inflation. Add paying for higher education for their kids, higher costs associated with students going to out-of-province universities because many seats are given to off-shore students. You’re also assuming everyone has a job that permits savings. It’s true that life choices and money issues go hand in hand, but don’t assume that all seniors are in a position to be on easy street. If that is your belief then make sure you never approach your parents, regardless of their age, for financial help if you end up needing it.

    3. @The Fall why is it my responsibilities as a tax paying Canadian to pay for your roads, schools, and firefighters? Privatize EVERYTHING. We can be like floridia

  5. This federal govt has been a complete disaster. They’ve proven themselves to be inept, corrupt or both.

  6. They can’t afford to leave their parents basement because their all waisting their money on overpriced government cannabis

    1. “To keep a lid on mounting deficits, Freeland is proposing a series of tax increases on the rich and large corporations and cuts to government spending.”
      “She’s promising to levy a two per cent tax on stock buybacks, to hike the “alternative minimum tax” to make the wealthier pay more and to tax dividends received by financial institutions — three initiatives that are projected to raise $11.6 billion over the next five years.”

    2. @S L Too bad we’re so far in debt now that 11.6 billion doesn’t even cover the interest on it. The wealthier won’t be paying more, they’ll simply be moving more money out of the country, creating an even bigger influx in inflation. You clearly don’t understand economics much like this current gov’t.

  7. Difference is Pierre isn’t telling you how to spend it. Grocery rebate is only if you qualify. Period!

  8. Pierre upset his buddies will be getting hit, can’t let that happen!
    “To keep a lid on mounting deficits, Freeland is proposing a series of tax increases on the rich and large corporations and cuts to government spending.”

    “She’s promising to levy a two per cent tax on stock buybacks, to hike the “alternative minimum tax” to make the wealthier pay more and to tax dividends received by financial institutions — three initiatives that are projected to raise $11.6 billion over the next five years.”

  9. Equal
    All things be in equal the simplest solution tend to be the right one.
    Conservative Party of Canada🥰

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