‘Poetic justice’: Coates reacts to Alex Jones courtroom bombshell

CNN's Laura Coate reacts to a moment in a Texas court where a lawyer for a pair of Sandy Hook parents cross-examined the Infowars founder and fact-checked his answers in real-time.
The jury hearing the case will determine how much Jones will have to pay the parents, Neil Heslin and Scarlett Lewis, who won a default judgement against him earlier this year. An attorney representing Heslin and Lewis has asked the jury to award $150 million in damages.
Jones, who was the sole witness for the defense during the trial, did not fare well Wednesday as he was cross-examined by the plaintiffs' attorney, Mark Bankston.
In a remarkable moment, Bankston disclosed to Jones and the court that he had recently acquired evidence proving Jones had lied when he claimed during the discovery process that he had never texted about the 2012 Sandy Hook shooting.#alexjones #cnn #cnntonight


  1. This man was bad mouthing his jurors, on his show…during his own trial… while they determine how much he should pay….. wtf?

    1. @Jason M Your slow brain if you think I think defamation is a crime in the US. Listen here Einstein, Alex was not found guilty or liable, because he was denied a trial and the judge declared him guilty.

    2. @nathaniel bass I am not sure this is the problem you think it is. The whole trial is about things that Jones said on his shows. Relevancy can be demonstrated as Jones having little regard for the seriousness of the proceedings.

  2. Every state law board needs to start proceedings to pull the law licenses of every lawyer that hid evidence during discovery. They are now complicit in Jones’ perjury.

    1. @pat gal Oh, I know. He’s a complete manipulator. He thinks his audience doesn’t know but I’m sure quite a few of them have been on or in front of a jury before.

    2. @Cris McDonough Yeah, I hope it’s huge, and I hope they uncover all his shell companies and offshore accounts etc. and really nail him.

  3. Someone (Alex) missed the part where when you are choosing a jury, as the defendant, you WANT people on the jury that don’t know you or anything about the case. So really when he complains that these people have never watched his show, he is not pointing out to his viewers that the jury is not supposed to have any kind of preconceived notion about your guilt or innocence, or the show and what you said and did that pertains to the case! How did this idiot ever get an opinion show?

  4. Elliot’s excellent point that this isn’t just the crazy uncle mouthing off at the bbq or down at the bar. Jones, and his fellow grifters, have large platforms and their lies actually harm people.

  5. Some people have said that this was done intentionally to create a mistrial. I’m a retired attorney and haven’t done a trial in decades, but I don’t believe it creates a mistrial. (Although I don’t know what the case law is in that state on the issue). Logically, it shouldn’t be a mistrial though because if that was all it took to get a case thrown out of court that it would in his attorney’s interest to do this so they could have a kind of win. Second, in discovery your lawyers MUST turn over all evidence that they have. If his attorneys had not turned over these emails and it came out afterward they withheld evidence, they would not only be disbarred but also face criminal prosecution.

    1. @Travel Crawl Wrong Rittenhouse got out while Amber Heard didn’t but its always nice to see racism in youtube comments

  6. The reason the family’s lawyer was able to use the texts and emails in court is bc after ACCIDENTLY receiving them, the attorney had to give Jones’s lawyer the opportunity to resond…stating those r not privileged and cannot b used. The grace period was 10 days, and Jone’s lawyer did not respond.

    1. That Exspression… Was Like His Morning Cuppa Was Working…Like Columbo Solved The Case of A Guy Who Thought. Too Much…

  7. Now he’s agreeing it happened???!!! I’m sure his lawyer told him, “Every time you open your mouth, you add another perjury charge!” If they hit him with perjury, he could quite conceivably get many years in prison.

    1. @Rich Whiteman Defamation of murdered childrens legacy, their brothers, sisters, moms and dads. Not to mention surviving friends an classmates.

    1. @D R those two very different issues have a common point, the american right wing is guilty of them. But just because the American republicans were war criminals abroad, it doesn’t mean the american justice should not punish their domestic criminals.

    2. @D R Hey DR, I’m a diehard leftist, as you probably have noticed, so off course, I can be accused of biased opinions. It could be that you are above the left/right spectrum, which would make you wiser than I, but I find such neutrality hard to believe. When we look at worldwide elections, poles, policies…etc, it seems that in every society, about half the population is more or less on the left and the other half more or less on the right. the only factor that explains this universality is time. Or more precisely, our inner perception of time. Try to put aside all political or intellectual considerations (Biden, Pelosi, dems,Trump, Jones, abortion, reps, democracy, guns, fascism…etc) and look at your inner/deeper emotions. Do you feel that life was better before (the good old days) or do you feel that life will be better tomorrow? I let you answer that, I need to go to work anyway. But I leave you for now with an admission:
      My heart was on the left long before my brain decided why, the reason my brain found is “the arrow of time”. I’ll be happy to carry on this conversation later

  8. As soon as Jones was caught lying he tried to spin it as if he complied with giving those text messages; yet he perjured himself by saying there was no text messages. Those text mwssages should have been turned over a long time ago. Loved how counsel for the parents laughed at his desperation by further trying to lie his way out of it. Jones purposefully makes up Conspiracy Theories for money and he don’t care who it hurts. He deserves jail and the parents deserve compensation.

    1. Yes, he literally gave them the phone so what other purpose would that be for? I suppose the idea is that his lawyers stole it from him?

    2. @EVERREADY TO PLAY The point is why would he give anyone his phone at all if he knew there were SH messages yet claimed there weren’t.

    3. @Magneticitist He gave it to his lawyer; I’m sure Jones didn’t expect His lawyer to make the mistake of giving it to the plaintiff’s lawyer.

    1. Nah, it totally takes away from the moment.
      Laughing draws attention to the lawyer, not to discrediting the defendant.

    2. @Theresa Santiago when they’re don’t with it, they should mount it on a plaque like a hunting trophy.

  9. His lawyer hates him so much to the point where he gave them what they needed to win the case. That’s insane

    1. No I think it’s more like he gave his phone up to be looked through, people sifted through it and eventually confirmed there was no talk about Jones trying to incite violence against family members, then decided they were better off just handing it over to the court because it looked transparent. The drawback of course is dealing with the claims Jones was caught lying, despite Jones being the one forthcoming enough to hand over his phone in the first place.

    2. @Patrice AQA You left out the part where Jones and his team had so much material to go on in so many various things around the world because there are a lot of things the MSM refuses to cover while they focus on celebrity relationships or what kind of bad man said a bad word to someone.

      Jones has ALWAYS been “right” to some degree in his reportings, but he has also obviously embellished and added his personal twist to things.

      I wont for example say he was right about every single claim he made about Epstein, but he was at least on the right track. The same can be said for just about every damn thing he covered. There are *choice* stories that were on the deeper end people choose to acknowledge exclusively when judging him. Do I think Hillary Clinton is eating kid brains etc? No. Is there something strange going on with govt involvement in child trafficking? Yes.

      Jones leaving the scene would certainly rid the world of a lot of BS, but the odd thing is it would also rid the world of a large outlet that actually covered things the MSM wouldn’t. People today still joke about the ‘frogs turning gay’ when there is legitimate research study corroborating that in a more scientific way.

  10. He was caught perjuring himself not once, but multiple times. Why the judge (to the best of my knowledge) hasn’t held him in contempt of court on multiple counts is beyond me. The fact that he has treated the courtroom, the judge, and the jurors contemptuously and cavalierly makes it even worse.

    1. The perjury charges are not applied until after the second stage… So, it’s coming! And man is it going to be poetic justice!

    2. I’m surprised that he hasn’t been punished for threatening the judge during the trial on his show. You’d think those threats would be serious.

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