Poet Amanda Gorman steals spotlight at Inauguration with emotional poem | USA TODAY

Amanda Gorman, the youngest inaugural poet, delivered a powerful message to Americans.
RELATED: Check out more from the Biden inauguration here

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Poet Amanda Gorman steals spotlight at Inauguration with emotional poem | USA TODAY


    1. Well, perhaps if his children had been around other types of people they wouldn’t have become addicts..

  1. Which president of America called young black men “super predators “? Joseph “poor kids are just as smart as white kids” Biden

    1. @Yvonne Morgan that kind of statement exhibits the low info voter viewpoint that comes from media manipulation

    2. @aereiq is it? She doesn’t mention political ideologies. I may feel that a free market and competition is key to a healthy democracy. That states claiming to be progressive have taxed their citizens so heavily they have created an exodus, and all that tax money did nothing to improve the lives of the impoverished citizens they were meant to. I may believe that we need ro avoid reconsidering the TPP without serious renegotiation. And that the Paris Climate Accord has more to do with increasing power in energy poor Europe than it does with Global Warming. I may be very happy that I live in a Republican run state, where our economic recovery is coming together nicely,, but that has nothing to do with the color of my skin or my heritage, or the things mentioned in her poem… and that doesn’t mean that if someone believes otherwise I should not discuss these ideas with them in a civil manner. We used to be able to do those things, and it had nothing to do with who was president, and everything to do with who was joining in the conversation.

      For instance someone who joined YouTube 2 weeks ago and their best response is to ask a vague question. I’m guessing they don’t really care about any of those things, but are simply looking to break us as a nation which will never happen.

  2. Weird how the one pushed on trending has an overwhelmingly positive like ratio, and the clips that dont get that trending edge dont. Seems to happen to any video related to the big guy. But no, youtube wouldnt bow down for a couple bucks. Really is strange considering we voted for him. Must be a glitch.

  3. If the DS is not at the end of the rope, then why is the YouTube US election notice still being posted to all these videos?

  4. Hate is like Sugar to the Soul…
    As I review the comments, I realize how important it is to not criticize those with whom I who disagree.
    Hate is to the soul is like sugar to the body.
    It may feel good at the time but will bloat and weaken it as sugar does the body.
    Deceit and lies begin to plague the soul as disease does the body.
    Americans should feel free to state their position without hate or malaise.
    It is the new way…
    Take care and everybody be safe!

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