Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced that the federal government will revoke the Emergencies Act after trucker convoy blockades were cleared from the capital.
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Witnesses on Ambassador/at Windsor claim there were 6 cars on the bridge at the time of police closure. In parallel, side road access that would have enabled quasi normal trafic flow was then also blocked by police. The witnesses say it is very likely then that orchestration of the Ambassador situation was TO JUSTIFY Turdeau’s emergency measures for OTTAWA.
The Windsor court had already declared the truck jam illegal and truckers had already accepted the decision, therefore to leave! There was no longer an issue. Yet the police blocked the traffic flow. Turdeau’s problem was Ottawa, where he did nothing for 3 weeks. He couldn’t manage on his own doorstep. He needed the E measures were to force the demonstrators to disband. The demonstrators did not shut down traffic.
Yes… There’s lots of videos showing one road open everywhere there were blockades and traffic going through slowly.
You put everyone through that
Slimy character! He was about to get rebuked by the Senate or by one of the many legal challenges. If he pulls back now there is no legal precedent against the Emergencies Act and he can pull it out again any time he wants.
Yes, Peace Order and Goverment. Anarchists unwelcome o Canada.
@Fact Checker you are so ignorant that I feel sorry for you.
@memespace we love our PM Trudeau.
@Apple Tree Have you always been a fascist?
I hope you’re wrong! It was done and he needs to answer for it, along with all who supported it. They knew it wasn’t meant for this use and they were just making excuses. Politicians should not be above the law, especially for tyrannical acts.
Vote every Liberal out of office along with NDP
Don’t worry, liberals have a tendency to vote themselves out
Pc is no better
@Ken Bird Sorry but no Government Talks to protesters… who want to hold a City Hostage unless their demands are met. If the Protesters wanted to talk, there is a very simple process for that. In fact the Trucker Mandates were organized with the Canadian Truckers Alliance, the Government and the Alliance worked to get Truckers vaxxed before the the Mandate came into effect, this is why over 90% of the Truckers are vaxxed.
he doesn’t care about anyone but himself
@Fact Checker
his excuses are nonsense!! same things are every where since years
cant set a precedent to be used against one of his pet protest groups
Cant proclaim to be against authoritarianism when scolding Russia THE DAY AFTER voting for the same treatment of your own citizens
So still not addressing the violent acts in Houston BC…….typical hypocrite
One wonders what other things he pulled off in the background while the emergencies act was operational. Surely this was all simply justification for something else.
@Tone unless war breaks out.
or there is an unfortunate “hack”
@Jared Traxel No it is mandated… it will happen.
You are sick. Really, I hope you see a doctor about your paranoia.
Did you notice a new app on your phone to track the virus. I’m pretty sure it actually tracks you.
@Hilton Watkins grab a brain pal.. his paranoia is justified
Confidence in institutions is gone
Trudeau must GO!

Weren’t the blockades dealt with before he invoked the emergency act??
When will Tamara Lich and Pat King be released? Now that the “emergency” has ended? Can we get monuments of them and a truck on Parliament Hill? Please.
Oh they will have the book thrown at them. Prison. I predict 3 years for her and 2 years for her. Minimum. If it’s beyond five years I’ll be shocked
why can’t we see freeland in the video? I like watching her hyperventilate and fight the urge to pass out
She never agreed prob got some sense to him albeit too late. He will never win the popularity vote again.
@hdonstraight he hasn’t won the popular vote for the last two elections.
“Trudeau” ended the act. Nothing to do with the Senate LOL
I watched some of the Senate debate…I have a better appreciation for what they do.
It’s okay. We’ll never vote for you or NDP.
Wonder how jaggu is doing after being screwed over badly lol.
“You have no legal rights anymore….. Whoops, my bad guys.”
Somebody forced him to revoke the act. Can that “somebody” PLEASE also revoke Trudeau ?????