PM Trudeau on when he found out about threats against MP Michael Chong

PM Trudeau says he became aware of the threats against MP Michael Chong and his family when it became public on Monday.

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PM Trudeau on when he found out about threats against MP Michael Chong


  1. And he goes “Canada blah, blah Canadians…blah, blah blah in parliament but put a camera on him.

  2. عن ابن عمرَ رضي اللَّهُ عنهما: أَن رسولَ اللَّه ﷺ قَالَ: المسلمُ أَخو المسلم، لا يَظلِمُه، ولا يُسْلِمُهُ، ومَنْ كَانَ فِي حاجةِ أَخِيهِ كانَ اللَّهُ فِي حاجتِهِ، ومَنْ فَرَّجَ عَنْ مُسلمٍ كُرْبةً فَرَّجَ اللَّهُ عَنْهُ بها كُرْبةً مِنْ كُرَبِ يوم القيامةِ، وَمَنْ سَتَرَ مُسْلمًا سَتَرَهُ اللَّهُ يَومَ الْقِيامَةِ مُتَّفَقٌ عَلَيهِ. يقول ﷺ: ما نقص مالٌ من صدقةٍ، وما زاد الله عبدًا بعفوٍ إلا عزًّا، وما تواضع أحدٌ لله إلا رفعه، فالصَّدقات يزيد الله بها الأموال، ويُنزل بها البركة، ويُعَوِّض الله فيها صاحبها الخير العظيم، والتواضع لله وعدم التَّكبر من أسباب الرفعة في الدنيا والآخرة، والعفو عن المظالم، والصّفح والعفو عن أخيه إذا أساء إليه فيه خيرٌ عظيمٌ: اخي انا دخيله على الله ثم عليك واريد منك المساعده لوجه الله انشدك بالله تحب الخير واتساعدني ولو وتطلب اسم بطاقتي وترسلي ولاتتاخر وايعوضك الله بكل خير فيا واخواني سغار شوف كيف حالتهم وساعدنا وأنقذنا قبل أن يطردونا في الشارع تتبهدل أو نموت من الجوع أنا اقسم بالله الذي رفع سبع سموات بلاعمدوبسط الارض ومهداني لااكذب عليك بحرف من هذا الرساله واني ماطلبتك إلى من ضيق ومن قسوت الضروف والحال الذي احنافيه وانا واسرتي نسالك بالله لولك مقدره ﻳﺎﺃﻫﻞ ﺍﻟﺨﻴﺮ ﺍﻟﻲ ﻋﻨﺪﻩ ﺍﻟﻘﺪﺭﻩ ﻋﻠﻰ ﻣﺴﺎﻋﺪﺗﻨﺎ لايتاخر علينا لحظه هاذا رقمي واتساب علئ 00967736035613
    الذي يقدر يساعدنا يراسلني على الواتساب نرسله ألاسم الكامل يحولنا بقدر استطاعته الله يجزيكم خير.ا.اا

  3. According to Chong, he only found out when the Globe published it and not when Trudeau claimed CSIS briefed him.

  4. Just a reminder that CSIS has a list of over a dozen Canadian politicians who have received money from the PRC.

    Whose names are on the list?

    1. And I’m sure the PM gets immediately briefed whenever there is any foreign interference with Canadian elected officials, whether working as agents or their families being threatened. Of course Junior ignores it while he invites another million foreign agents to come settle in Canada.

  5. I pray that a flock of angry and patriotic Canadian Geese choose to inspect his jet’s engines while at altitude.

    1. And here you are posting about it like some run of the mill dimwit or common stooge. I don’t know how this will affect my life, going forward, but I suspect I will be okay. Thanks.

  6. And so now, someone has gotta go to some CSIS file somewhere and prove what he just said….round’round we go.

  7. Highly unlikely, CSIS would have reported this even as a talking point to the PMO or national security.

  8. And yet he denied there was interference by foreign agent. And refused to open an inquiry. Even RCMP almost swept it under the rugs, and did not believe CSIC seriously.

  9. Throwing csis under the bus for his failings lol. Can’t wait for them to drop more dirt on this dictator

  10. So 2016 , the Prime Minister of Canada attended cash assess diners at the homes of businessmen associated Beijing .
    Then the Prime Minister was informed multiple times between 2019 and 2021 about Beijing’s direct interference in 2 federal elections . Yet he did nothing about it because it favoured himself .
    The family of a democratically elected MP was threatened by Beijing. Now the Prime Minister is making accusations
    that CSIS not inform him of this .

  11. I think that might have been the most words he’s said in a row without saying ummm, nice to hear him talk a little bit like a normal human for a few seconds

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