PM Trudeau explains what qualifies as essential travel when asked about a U.S. man hoping to enter Canada for the birth of his child.
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What are you going to do about the Norwegian firm blacklisting all Canadian oil company stocks? They are the largest equity firm in the world. It was a brutal act of economic warfare. What was the real motive there? Clearly not their stated reason of “unacceptable green house gas emissions”, as our oil industry is top of its class in that regard. We are being unfairly treated on the world stage by our supposed allies. WHAT WILL YOU DO? SANCTIONS? SAME-FOR-SAME? RESTRICT VISAS? TARIFFS? Nah, tuck your tail, I bet.
but he goes where he wants …
Can I phone some of my bs drama in too?
Is turdope following these rules
Was Sophie Attoinette?
Dude, get serious, he doesnt control everything that happens in the world. Sometimes all u can do is minimize the damage….
send him to pluto, he is needed there not here
Says the guy who broke his own rules on easter weeekend literally right after he addressed the country. Just had to plug the Nova Scotia shooting to eh? Corruption, fear mongering, cnesorship, ethics violations, bypassing democratic government process. Real winner there bud.
And whats with the creepy message to kids on one of the briefs? Asking parents to leave the room so you can talk to them with that creepy voice, weirdo.
Yeah that was very odd, asking parents to leave the room while he speaks with the kids… yeah OK Trudeau sure, you bet.
Only you sad and pathetic losers find anything strange with the PM trying to speak to kids, about surprising their Mom on Mother’s Day. You haters will find any excuse to justify your dislike.
Australia covid 19 deaths: 98
Canada covid 19 deaths: 5,468
How can Liberals pretend that they haven’t screwed up big time?
charles harper Americans have 1.2 million cases. Given our proximity to the States compared to Australia’s natural border of the ocean, I’d say the government isn’t purposely sitting idly by.
Buddy, if u want to see a colossal screw up just look south of the border…
Australia is a island, we have the Americans to thank for
To the cottage
He never answers any questions
go back inside and barricade the door
What an effeminate, virtue-signalling, moral-bankrupt, silly boy.
@Horse Sense odd way to describe yourself.

Awe look at that, you used all the lamestream words in your description
Welcome to socialism. Prison planet
socialism never works
Covid is a lie hospitals are empty!
Trudeau flying to Tofino to go surfing every weekend is allowed
How was the cottage???
He is not capably of answering a question or his band of bandit’s
Jellyfish double talk blah blah blah
He sounds like a telemarketer