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I love how this guy is taking credit for provincial efforts that were well underway before he enacted the emergency act. We now have fences being erected around parliament.
@Tone Alberta is not entirely RCMP. Calgary and Edmonton have their own police forces
@I suck but, The Alberta sheriffs…
@Jack Sprat I used to believe they were the ultimate police…Kinda of proud of them, until the Residential schools thing was exposed..They were part of the problem , kidnapping kids off the streets …I have no more Respect for them.
@Because I Am No, they’re incompetent…
what he is doing is worse than FASCISM … its more like a DICTATOR .. imagine when he starts going after the OLIGARCS cause they have to much money in the BANK .. CANT WAIT TO C THAT …LOL ..WTF !!!
Queen Trudeau says the peasants can have cake
Cheesecake? No thanks
And she’s gonna eat it too.
I did it so I can steel the money from anyone that opposes me and my approval rating is at 13% and the truckers are winning
This boy is more of a threat to our country then anything
No, grownups like you who are afraid of needles are.
@Meanie Melinee right on.
How this guy continues to stand there and lecture Canadians as if we’re blind deaf and dumb is astonishing.
Well, TBH, many ARE acting like they’re “blind, deaf and dumb”.
@Corrie Crazy not the ones Trudeau is supposed to be addressing, but is ignoring, though
The ones that are blind, deaf and dumb are those who support the libs
along with the ones behind him bobbing their heads
If the convoy was illegal and violent, there would be footage of it.
@Corrie Crazy Coercing citizens to give up bodily autonomy in exchange for access to society. Pretty simple.
@Brutally Honest Canuckistani How about holding a whole city hostage, threatening law-abiding locals, beating up the homeless?
@Tobulas You must be referring to the government and police, just replace a whole city with the entire nation. Talk about being blind….
doesn’t matter. Blockades are what invading countries do to other countries when they’re trying to invade. This is extortion whether it’s done with peaceful means or violent ones.
we blockaded Japan’s Oil supply shortly before they bombed Pearl Harbor, point being engage in a blockade, expect retribution.
He is out of touch with reality. But pride goes before fall.
hes a spoiled rich kid
The ONLY person out of touch with Reality is YOU and the Trump Supporters.
@Roy Causton Roy — get your pills
Trumpets are the ones that have lost touch with reality.
All you had to do is talk with everyone that was there you instead of hiding like a coward
right on this guy is no leader
Just a coward
And say what? None of them would budge, so why have a talk or discussion..
@Flat Affect How do you know none of them would budge?
@amonducius nothing they have done indicates they are there for conversation. They’re holding up DT as an ultimatum.
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.” – John f Kennedy
@Lakkolee What are you even talking about?
@Alex Drake So sad you are even a poor trolling rod. The end of the line is a huge lead weight with minimal brain
I am guessing
@Lakkolee There’s no context under which taking a city hostage is acceptable. Also turnaboutism provbves nothing.
you wanna be oppressed so badly
what he is doing is worse than FASCISM … its more like a DICTATOR .. imagine when he starts going after the OLIGARCS cause they have to much money in the BANK .. CANT WAIT TO C THAT …LOL ..WTF !!!
Sure cares about the small businesses now … should of invoked emergency act 2 years ago when he shut them all down

Lol that’s such a stupid outlook on this. Be happy he’s looking out for them here.
So embarrassed as those behind him should be.
Everything he talks about explains the liberal party of canada and what they have done in the last 2yrs
He is the high priest of the D.I.E. religion. Diversity, Inclusion, Equity. Divide, intimidate, extort. Bolsheviks in sheep’s clothing.
Yes… the Liberal party is governing by their liberal views and standards. What are you struggling to comprehend here?
Can we get “On the record” answer as to how many, and which provincial and territorial leaders agreed the the Emergencies Measures Act was needed.
No one can object
Is “we” a legal entity?
Ontario’s Doug Ford supported its implementation even after invoking his own Emergency Act!
“More tools and resources” your all the tool we need
what has he done for you lately? and obviously less than half of Canadians still support him. Sorta like mass psychosis effect taking place. But it’s time for a change. When the science changes depending on where you live… it’s no longer science…. it’s politics.
he should be delivering his resignation if not removed.
I didn’t even donate or financially support this movement, but I’m no longer comfortable having my money in a Canadian bank now that they can do this.
@Brooke Skylar Shields he cant, he need another 2 years of interest on it to get the 8,25$ bus fare to leave canadass.
just use an online bank from another country like revolout and similar …..
what he is doing is worse than FASCISM … its more like a DICTATOR .. imagine when he starts going after the OLIGARCS cause they have to much money in the BANK .. CANT WAIT TO C THAT …LOL ..WTF !!!
Put in a trump bank account.
welcome to the matrix neo.
“The welfare of humanity is ALWAYS the alibi of dictators”.
Why didn’t he take the same stance when groups of protesters were blocking the rail ways across Canada and Quebec was in a state of emergency??
Because it did not affect him, his way of life nor his bank account
I voted for Trudeau and I’ve never felt so threatened by a government. If you follow history, this is so chilling. Using Trump as a reason to invoke this is completely insane.