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So how him did say no election if all them make the corona bruk out in this election me sorry fi them cause it’s going to crowdie
That me seh too
Meck him go about jim bisness
People stop meck him fren people up
Them no care fi poor people Dem.dem not catching the covid-19 only idiots
Because them know say them ago loose i will neva like the PNP
You should never be in any motorcade during this time. Absolute rubbish!

I know now him don’t mean us no good
He has got it wrong. The time for antagonistic and confrontational anarchy is now. Politics? What Politics? That’s what has got us where we are today. Cease The Growling
I’m not affiliated or interested in Jamaican politics by the least, but “DAM right fi dah move dey” IF they did block his motorcade, CAUSE YOUR government put restrictions on beaches AND large gathering, and we said we will abide by the rules to keep Ja safe. SO where the hell you think you going with motorcade fi come spread COVID an kill off poor people wey can’t afford treatment
So much for social distancing. Totalitarian government vote him out
We more fi vote out who nuh
Azen Over and replace him with what, Peoples Nasty Party in your dreams
TALK true
We don’t need divide and conquer
Andrew it’s a different time! As a leader u should know just like the rest of the world..No political campaign, or encouragement of large gathering in a time like this…..How can vote for a leader who Doesn’t put the interest and safety first! All this leader thinking about is his own personal interest…….trumpAndrew
Don’t u see all country election same way. Wat the matter with u. U blind to see what going on around the world and in the Caribbean election still going on. They just want to get it over and done..
Black people can never be please. Just when they don’t know anything.
Real facts
Election fi cancel this man don’t care about country and people safety
Uno make up uno mind uno same one a talk bout call the election and when the call it uno have a problem uno no see uno paranoid.
Get over the election and done with it…..
People it time and ful time now uno fi stop war over politics.
Bro it away s going to be a war because some of us feeling that them smarter than some . Some wanted it all when man dieing for hungry!!
He dont need a motto cade this time around they need to speak from a broadcasting pordom
Fake prime minister that really dont love the people he serve, he’s only there for the money he gets through the back door ,he wants the people to stay in poverty, no encouragement to succeed on their own but would rather the people depend on foreigners, now hes allowing foreigners to come wrk ,while jamaican people sit idle. Big talking scammer jst like Pj ,portia ,now him .get rid of him ,no ones life has changed for the better since he’s been in office.
Was it to i