March 7: Prime Minister Justin Trudeau reiterated Canada's support to Ukraine while speaking with his British and Dutch counterparts.
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Why no answer about whether he intends to increase production of oil and gas to sell internationally as an alternative to the Russian hydrocarbons.
@vosco Can be done in days
@vosco we got lots capped in the west ready for production. The east should never be buying it. We need trans canada line put in. We need to be self reliant on energy
@vosco You must be on Liberal time.
Trudeau is incapable of answering ANY question! His new favorite word: “illegal” . He personally knows the meaning of that!
@vosco Or maybe just reopen ONE of the pipelines that we worked YEARS on…… Or maybe open them all up.
This is best the western democracies can do for leaders ? What a joke .
Or sleepy joe
@Carla g. Throw every one of the psychopaths in a pig pen and let them figure it out instead of the victims they have planned from each of their countries. There. Diplomacy.
@Carla g. And I never voted for a single one of the psychopaths.
@Carla g And seats are not population.
@Carla g
Trudeau got 31.5% of the vote and O’Toole got 31% of the vote. Trudeau lost the popular vote by over one million votes. If Canada had an equitable seat distribution Trudeau would have lost the last election by millions more.
Lol, Justin trudeau is a joke. He stands for every country but the one he’s suppose to… canada
didnt vote for him
Bring our clown back home and lock him up.
I only except one thing from justin. Him resigning. But be best seeing him in jail without his hairdresser
But he’s sooooo significant. Just ask him. He’ll tell you.
@Ray Wagner haha
canada as 3rd in the world for proven oil could supply the world…………….so could the states…….199 billion bbl
Did you know that it costs lots of money to get oil out of the ground? If it costs nearly as much getting it out of the ground as selling it, oil companies won’t do it. That’s called economics 101.
@W. Steven Vincent How many Ukrainians dead is worth it to you?
@W. Steven Vincent Show your face in public and say you’re a Trudeau supporter see how many laugh at you
Exactly yet Trudeau sells out Canada to Saudi interests and Israel banks
When they say peace and security, we all know what that means.
It means they stay fat and rich on taxpayers money, while we foot the bill. We will not help but the taxpayers will take more refugees.
Yup. It means, “let them eat cake”
@Bloodywasher Yup
So, Johnson, when ae you going to apply those sanctions to Usmanov and Abramovich?
I feel we can.confidently oppose Russia while hiding behind Americas skirt.
… always the Russian trolls on here …
@Abraham Dozer and the delusional trolls
His PR begged for them to let him be part of this. JOKE!!
Trudeau dodged the question of whether or not he will support sending Canada’s oil to Europe.
@My Info Stephen Harper was way, way worse. Short memory eh?
Biden destroyed American energy and Trudeau is destroying Canadian energy, on purpose.
@W. Steven Vincent the way harper bankrupt Canada was way worse oh ya, that never happened.
@flowgo ditto !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We already send oil to europe…
Watching this I could picture Putin saying I will stop the war if Trudeau will face me in 6 round ultimate fight. How much would the tickets go for?
@Ray Wagner nah, Trudeau would come out to “its raining men”.
Putin is too old for that
1 v 3 Handicap match Putin Vs Trudeau Boris and Biden winner rules the world
I been saying for a while we need to just build a giant Hungergames Stadium
throw all the politicians in it and who ever survives can be Supreme Leader and after they can just Mad Max Thunderdome anyone who challenges them
“here’s the UK president…” wow.
“My trip to Europe” Trudeau thinks he’s on vacation again!
I’ll pay to send you to Ukraine if you want!
It was a trip not a VACATION
Did anyone else see Trudeau choke when he said support the middle class?
That was almost as funny when he said stand up for democracy

Trudeau destroyed the middle class
Trudeau chokes on helping the middle class- truth always shows
He steals from the middle class.
I bet Putin is shaking in his boots ever since he heard that JT was coming after him? LMFAO!!!!
@Gerry Lacroix Cocaine is a hell of a drug
No doubt! With his pink and purple collared shirts and ties trying to look tough against Putin! LMAO!
Trudeau’s strong male feminist foreign policy may be the best weapon to defeat Putin.
Trudeau used Canada for Israeli interests in the Middle East
Wow, Trudeau is still walking around, representing Canadians talking abt democracy !!!!
Trudeau was greeted by London protestors chanting… F Trudeau. Thank you, England.
Thank you, England! <3
I went for coffee when the guy on Boris’s right started to talk.
Oh yes, you’re so hard done to.
I went when pipi trudge showed up….
Both Boris and Justin thank their lucky stars that the Ukraine situation has take their own political crisis off the front page.
Ain”t that the truth! “Let” go Trudolf!”
Sockboy may be off the front page but his deplorable dictator actions will never be forgotten!
All planned that way.
Boris Johnson needs to put Europeans before Israeli interests another zionist Churchill
Yes Justin & Boris are corrupt weasels.
The war in Ukraine
is meant to open your eyes to the reality in the financial system. Real estate firm and other businesses are also closed too only crypto holders are spending money with ease..