PM Justin Trudeau announced that Canada is set to receive millions of doses of the child vaccine from Pfizer once Health Canada approves.
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I wonder how many booster shots will the kids have to receive every 6 months until their elderly?
they’ll never last that long
Constant supply of money for big pharma…give them the dose when they are born…or even before…and they will be your ticket to riches…
@Hannibal B Telling someone the risks of something and not selling them anything is shilling? I think you need to look up the definition of that word.
@towering sequoias Baaaaa Baaaaa Baaaaa
Depends how long they survive with this genetc treatman vaccines..
The part time drama teacher moving his lips again…..
The low IQ right really loves their dumb memes, eh?
@Hannibal B Sorry was the meme to complex for your IQ level?
uncle klaus thank you all for your cooperation.
Bold move ordering millions of doses BEFORE approval.
Genocidal move.
FDA approved them for Americans, we have to do the same.
Approval or not is up to them so they can pre-order as many as they want.
They know it will be approved. This is why they ordered it beforehand. It’s all calculated design and they’re just rolling it out, play by play.
He signed a deal with phizer month ago was like 500m or something like that they always planned for the kids and boosters
How the hell is this guy still the prime minister?
I guess he’s still the prime minister because more Canadians preferred him than they did the leaders of the other parties.
For real…
No ones taken one for the team .. plenty of opportunities
@Hannibal B we shall see soon who will be landslideing…Lets Go Brandon…

@Dave Knight stupid much? Yes, yes you are
Yeah, boy! Let’s get those clot shots in everyone!
He and his lot have not gotten the real lethal dose…only saline solution…
Not me. I like my blood.
LOLOLOLOLOLOL wow the true tin foil hat flat earthers aren’t you. Go throw some tires on your roofs you clowns
@Charles B You calling them tin foil hatters, while AZ was haulted due to exactly what the OP stated is hilarious. Denial.
So will they need a passport to go to school?
home school 101!
Kids already need several dozen vaccinations to attend public schools. This is the non-shocking part.
@Kathy Coleman Yes, from vaccines with 30+ years of testing and application. Minor details.
The acting in this scene is remarkable, that’s the least you can say even if you hate the guy . He’s a master swindler . You listen to this guy you lose braincells, the words he’s saying don’t even matter as long as he keeps the pace he speaks in and stays animate to appeal to the listener and watchers emotions . His body language , his eye movement . All so precisely carried through.
Robotic psychopath.
Let me tell you if I win the lottery I’m taking every Canadian on buses to come to get you and Mr Doug ford out of office. You better hope I don’t win. Because we will be coming.
Lol. You’d be more likely and just as useful smoking crack and fighting a housecat.
@yauker I think that he is ‘crystal’ clear about it!
Freudian slip, or just a slip of the tongue..”After health Canada APPROVED it” …
Let’s Go Castreau!
Omar Khadr approves
They don’t even need it.
Nice foreshadowing, Trudeau. Buying jabs before they are even approved. These poor kids.
It looks like they are contingent on Health Canada approval. So if they don’t get approved, they don’t get sent.
That’s what happened with the vaccines for adults. They were preordered waiting approval. If they wait to place an order until they are approved that will set the whole process back the time the approval process takes, weeks, months whatever. That doesn’t make sense.
Parents can determine what is safe for their children, they love them he doesn’t!
@Shammy M if you are a functioning member of society, its forced, its an ultimatum, do as they say or lose everything.
So all the vaccines you let them give your child or kids since birth is ok but, this is were you draw the line? Maybe the best thing is talk with your kid or kids, let`s hear what they have to say. You can love your kid or kids but, make a poor decision.
@Gary Gagnon yeah that’s a great idea…let the kids decide….maybe I’ll let them choose if they want to start drinking or smoking too

@Canadian Grown they might have to deal with emotional baggage of having a simptard like you as the parent.
They push parents to sacrifice their kids…
Lock him up and throw away the key until he confesses.
Has he confessed to anything…even when caught in the hen house….
There we have it, he is basically confirming booster mandates
Protect your children from this absolute Maniac !
This is legit insanity
Glad that they will be sure of the long term impact for young children after only a month or less. Go science!!