Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland says PM Trudeau is still actively engaged despite having to self-isolate due to COVID-19 concerns.
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Sophie could’ve Skyped instead of going to the Uk common sense have left the building. If anyone deserves the Virus it’s PM Justin Trudeau, remember he doesn’t care about
or our economy !!! Sad for everyone else !!!
Drop dead. Literally. Go catch coronavirus and drop dead.
And by the way…f off back to Russia. Troll.
@WTF Again? What a moronic response.
Respectfully Ms. Freeland, do you realize how condescending you are?
She’s a social worker in disguise. She doesn’t have the fundamental skills for her roll. She doesn’t know how not to be condescending.
Neurotic kindergarten teacher getting ‘tough’ with world powers ; )
Trudeau is rarely ‘actively engaged’. He spends a large proportion of his time vacationing, and finding other ways to burn as much jet fuel as possible.
Trudeau has found a way to avoid the HoC, the press and public scrutiny… too bad many Canadians can’t afford to take time off with pay.
Trust-fund Baby privilege.
The “PM” should have closed our borders including airports from anyone trying to enter from affected countries
YO YO Manitoba even has it now. Like, one of the central province of Canada, furthest away from the epidemics. Now all of Camada will be infected soon. Saskachewan is left,
He had 3 calls. Oh my he better go on vacation.
@Patriot Amen
Funny they can’t even get a recent pic of the two lovebirds…..maybe all isn’t well in the PM household…..perhaps some infidelity…..rumours flying around Ottawa these days
This clown never gave up on drumming up little incidents to keep up with trends.
We need leadership
Just a complete failure . A real loser .
Liberal cheerleaders
perhaps he can take leadership lessons over the internet while confined….
Roger Haspeck Or writing a resignation speech would be better .
Working from home will be the title of his memoirs.
Turns out she has tested positive for the convid 19
Karma !!!!!!! This is what happens when you “wait and see”!!!!! Take a stand and do something Mr Prime Minister!!!
That’s called leading, and Canada lacks leadership
And now….the drama queen finds another useful spotlight
Christi Freeland must “work” extra hard!! for her boss. That’s how she got her job in the first place.
Freeland is clearly running this country. The liberal caucus needs to give Trudeau the boot now. This country needs real leadership.
he has never been actively engaged why start now
He hasn’t been “actively engaged” since he was elected!