NBC's Julia Ainsley reports on the Supreme Court's 5-4 decision to leave Texas' controversial abortion law in place. Planned Parenthood Federation of America CEO and President, Alexis McGill Johnson, and Former U.S. Attorney, Barbara McQuade, joined Stephanie Ruhle to discuss what the move means for the future of Roe v. Wade and abortion legislation in other states. "I think this is absolutely the blueprint for how you get around Roe v. Wade," McQuade says.
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Maybe people will start moving from Texas to California
@Memow 2020 OK, I thought you said that you were in California.
@Rick Simon
@Tina Eden why are ppl moving to Colorado ? I thot it was CA they were moving to
@Sam Iam I thot they were talking about CA (California) What’s Colorado got to do with it.?
@ralph holiman

@Bumble Blimfield let’s not play pretend
@Jim Hibbits when I was a kid men boys were boys and girls were girls
.it wasn’t a guessing game.
That was before the circus came to town.
“The woman shall not wear that which pertaineth to a man, neither shall a man put on a woman’s garment: for all that do so are abominat*on unto THE LORD THY GOD.”
GOD says transvestitism/transgenderism are wro*g
@Jim Norton It bothers me alot that they just cant own their sht. Both parties engage in obscene amounts of revisionist history and it’s half the reason why their is such a high level of distrust in the entire system.
@The Maestro did you get brainwashed on spin cycle?
So “my body, my choice” doesn’t apply to vaccine mandates? Only to abortion? Lol
@ski e do you not know what’s going on? It’s all over the news. Of course you only listen to the ones that lie
@John B projecting? honey, idk wtf you are talking about but you should prob lay off the meth for a while. bye
Absurd right
Zoe , Canada
@Cody how about Dr Robert Malone PhD? Worked on vaccines since 80s (were you even alive ?), inventor of mRNA technology. He happens to oppose use of this vaccine to work our way from pandemia.
Yep, I do believe in science. Real science, not a propaganda.
@Cody very soon you might not even have a caretaker if you land up in a hospital. Tons of nurses will walk out. Do you really think those who will stay be able to handle everything? Read any nursing forum, you’ll get an eye opener.
Roe v. Wade wasn’t a Constitutional Amendment. The 10th Amendment is extremely clear that without a constitutional amendment it’s up to the states or the people.
Protected under the 14th amendment.
@Chris Thomas With mental gymnastics, sure. Very shaky ground, even pro-abortion legal scholars agree.
@Chris Thomas plus the 14th amendment verbatim preserves life…
Roe needs to be completely overturned!!
Where are all the MSNBC WARRIORS???? Y’all real quiet here huh….
I’m here!
Wait until you see what happens during the 2022 midterms, when 2/3 of the women voters in America vote against the Republicans.
Busy killing babies likely
@Mike Antonio Keep talking.
@Tessmage Tessera The Universe will do the talking and the screams of the innocent will not be forgotten.
They do the same with the second amendment and those judges say nothing about those laws being unconstitutional.
@Joshua Williams
I want guns and abortion to stay legal. I SHOULD be able to own a fully loaded F-15 and have a M-61 Vulcan in my front yard without asking the government for permission.
Give me all the rights.
@Sam Erdwell i agree, the government shouldn’t have to give me permission for that, we are citizens, not subjects.
@Joshua Williams yes
@Sam Erdwell Why do you need those things ?
Why is it the norm to correlate being poor with black and brown people? I’m disheartened every time I hear that comment, believe it or not, not all people of color are poor . Take a look on your local interstate off ramp, poverty does not discriminate and is not picky, it effects all races and skin colors equally.
Why can I make a decision of no getting the Vaccines. My body my choice
@Eric s what part of 73% effectivity is so hard to understand?
If you don’t get vaccinated just stay home and die if you get sick, since you don’t trust doctors?
@Angus Elliott No the vaccinated should stay home you people are a danger with you experimental vaccine vaxxes oozing covid to everyone
@Lisa1162 as Tom McDonald put it, “ bacteria is life on Mars,
But a heartbeat isn’t life on Earth?”
I’m at war with COVID and my enemies are the Anti-vaxers
ASAP, operation “Disco Mud flaps” Keep on truck’n Yes sir copy that.
Funny how there wearing masks to save lives.
these are the same guys that preach fo you to get the vaccine
my body my choice. wait it doesnt apply to us when it goes against your favor.
Did she just say black and trans are going to be the most impacted?! WTH??!
She’s a liberal
@Ungar Linski
It’s a great day for helpless babies
in Texas as the supreme court ruled in favor of a Texas heartbeat law. If the doctor can hear a babies
heartbeat, then baby killing abortion cannot be performed.
@David R. Stone It’s a bad day for sexual assult victims of all ages especially the ones able to become pregnant.
@David R. Stone they don’t even have a heart during the 6th week
Roe doesn’t even like Roe!
Well I think you should put a vote to find out what the majority thinks lol
Texas is the first of many states. In 10 years abortions will be a thing of past in the majority of the country.
Now you get! The private companies are running the federal government ! But that’s ok right?