Planned Parenthood Pres. And CEO On SCOTUS Decision: A ‘Sigh Of Relief’ | Craig Melvin | MSNBC

Alexis McGill Johnson, Planned Parenthood President and CEO, joins MSNBC's Ayman Mohyeldin following the Supreme Court's decision to overturn Louisiana's Abortion Clinic Law. Aired on 06/29/2020.
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Planned Parenthood Pres. And CEO On SCOTUS Decision: A ‘Sigh Of Relief’ | Craig Melvin | MSNBC


    1. She deserves it. Democrat funded planned parenthood kills 250 black babies a day and then parts them out for big money.

    2. @Matt Thompson I agree abortion is sickening too me. So many babies snuffed out. I remember seeing a video of a partial birth abortion that leaked online and OMG I still remember it to this day. Could not sleep for days after watching it.

    3. @Matt Thompson
      Some interesting facts for you…….
      Although the data shows that the number of terminations performed has not changed very much it also shows that the women who are terminating pregnancies and their reasons behind it have.
      It is no longer the case that the majority of pregnancies that are terminated occur because the pregnancy was unplanned or unwanted.
      Thanks to better education and greater access to birth control there are way fewer unplanned pregnancies.
      Thanks to medical advancement and technology it is now easier for women to know that the pregnancy is nonviable or that if the woman delivers, the child will have a very short and painful life.
      It is a complete myth that women who get abortions are careless young minorities.

    4. Matt Thompson It is a woman’s right to choose. Period. I always find it fascinating why men are obsessed with our uteruses? This is a typical make right wing reaction and I can’t help but pity you.

  1. For all you conservative bible thumpers, what a woman chooses to do with her own body is up to her. If that is against YOUR religious beliefs, then you should put judgment in your “god’s” hands. Not the government’s….which I thought you were against them impinging on the individual’s rights to choose for themselves? 🤔

    1. @CShield Keep living in ignorance as Children are being snuffed out. Oh and when they are snuffed out – body parts are sold for cash. Evil has no limits! Life was created and order was made – it is people like you who rip apart the poetic reality of life.

    2. @Inf7cted Sweetie, no one dies by abortion. It’s a safe medical procedure that often saves the life of the woman. It has literally nothing to do with you or your feelings. When you get pregnant, then you can choose whether or not you want to go through pregnancy and childbirth. Not every woman does, and they should never be forced to.

    3. @Christopher Justice
      Post that verse and then tell us about demon serpent people posing as human gutting humanity from the inside

    1. No thanks I won’t take the vaccine. Vaccines are dangerous and when deep state Bill Gates pushes them – you know there is a diabolical reason. You can have my dose – Thank you. PlanDEMic.

  2. Not to be dramatic, but this the land of the free. Enforces seperation of religion and leaders. You will not force on us your beliefs, we do not reconize Taliban philosophy.

    1. Actually, Muslims generally feel the fetus isn’t a child until the 120th day of pregnancy. Even then some are open to termination in certain circumstances. How’s that for ironic huh?

  3. I won’t be able to breathe a sigh of relief until Trump is either out of office or dead. Whichever comes first.

  4. I love Planned Parenthood.

    I have no health insurance at 63.
    They were the only ones to let me have a mammogram.

    1. CShield the. You need to google and research. Also if you don’t have insurance for mammogram what does it matter because you are not going to afford to cure it? I guess you just like to know.

    2. David Gainey What makes you think that you would know more about women’s medical services availability than WOMEN?? Get bent

    3. Ben Nagem I guess you ask a stupid question you get a stupid answer maybe I would be in that line of work Sherlock

    It will decrease need and desire for abortions.

  6. This was a very close call. Bless Justice Roberts who has apparently found his soul. For FAR too long, democrats have rightfully thought that the Judiciary branch of America is independent and non partisan. As it should be, but it’s NOT. Look at the partisan 2-1 appeals court trying to force Judge Sullivan to drop the Flynn case. Such is just starting with all the incompetent and inexperienced 200 radicals Moscow Mitch has appointed across America. Independents and Democrats need to realize if republicans take over the Judiciary System in America as they almost have, they will ALWAYS be in power regardless of who is in the Executive or Legislative branches. They’re salivating and already have a SCOTUS waiting for Ruth Ginsbergs seat. All Americans need to be as concerned about our Judiciary as we are about Presidents and Congress.

  7. Religious extremists will always lobby to outlaw abortion. Some of them hold public office as well.

  8. It’s astounding how in the United States conservatives are so fixated on controlling women’s bodies, considering they don’t want anyone restricting their access to guns. Are we to believe that abortion is more dangerous than a firearm? If conservatives are so in favour of protecting life, then perhaps they should support stricter gun controls, otherwise they’re just a bunch of hypocrites.

    1. These people don’t care about women, that’s not what this is about. All they want is aborted baby parts. They just don’t tell you that. They want you to think it’s about women’s rights.

  9. Such a pity conservatives don’t care equally for the living as they do for cells which have the potential for life.

  10. If you really cared so much about babies, maybe you all should take care of them once they’re born instead of calling them lowlifes and nobodies

  11. *Way to go SCOTUS ! ⚖️ So much for Trump & Mitch’s pick, Brett ‘boofer’ Kavanaugh, 🍺 . . . who succeeded Anthony Kennedy. 🗽*

  12. The best thing that conservatives ever did is to get everyone to call it “right to life.”

    They’ve successfully corrupted the meaning.

    Just like “citizens united.”

  13. Keep women’s right to choose legal and available without unreasonable restrictions. Vote blue in 2020 to keep it so.

  14. Why do they call them Planned Parenthood when their main objective is abortion?
    Shouldn’t they be called Premeditated Murderhood?

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