Chinese President Xi Jinping called for an "all-out effort" in rescue operations for the 132 passengers and for any safety hazards to be investigated.
RELATED: Ethiopia plane crash: Is the Boeing 737 Max safe to fly?
A Chinese airplane with 132 people on board a domestic flight crashed Monday in the southern province of Guangxi, officials said. There was no immediate word on the number of dead or injured. On board were 123 passengers and nine crew members of the China Eastern airline, according to the Civil Aviation Administration of China. Earlier reports said 133 people were on board.
The crash occurred near the city of Wuzhou in Teng county as the airplane, a China Eastern Boeing 737-800, traveled from Kunming in the western province of Yunnan to Guangzhou in the coastal province of Guangdong, aviation officials said.
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#China #PlaneCrash #ChinaCrash
It’s crazy how it crashed vertically. Usually a plane can glide for a bit. Unfortunately I don’t think anyone could survive that.
@Loves Rain
That’s what I think too.
@extendo looked more like a missile falling. I wonder who of importance was on that plane? Crash site looks freaking suspicious!
@Super Console Gamer that could very well be a possibility! Look at the Germanwings flight that was indeed pilot suicide
@cslloyd1 how could anyone survive that crash? That plane was literally obliterated once it hit the ground!
@Joe Smith The don could very well be a possibility
OMG… I’ve never seen a passenger plane crash straight down like that. Prayers for all the lost souls.
@J Damian Abel, RN
Like the border wall.
@Kevin if you do your research you’d know the plane was literally normally cruising and then bam started nose diving , Instead of trying to blame the pilots look at the plane , a Boeing not to be trusted anymore
@P star you’re saying that USA Today didn’t do its research?
Yeah, at least I’ve never seen a recorded one like that.
@klam77 737-800 not equipped with MCAS
I can’t even begin to imagine how terrifying that must have been. Praying for the families of all those victims.
Would the difference between terminal velocity of a loaded plane vs an individual figure into the equation of whether or not they were conscious? I suspect, depending on what actually happened, that there may have been rapid decompression which may also figure into. Regardless, I suspect the passengers were at some point aware of the dire condition, even if it was brief. A terrible situation.
@Matt Amodeo excellent guess. Flight 427 Chicago-Pittsburgh. Same thing nosedive straight into the ground. Very similar high impact crash site, hydraulic
. Hit the ground at 400 mph there was nothing left to salvage, nothing.
@Ben J there is no difference, it is so quick that they can not feel the pain
@Baby Yoda And you are pig, you hate humans because we killed your mam and dad for meat?
@ĐannyGaming XD That’s exactly what I speculated. Either that or the Chinese are no better at manufacturing their own planes than they are at manufacturing American goods!
Horrific… can’t imagine the fear they felt on the way down…. Poor poor souls
@David JacobsYes but planes are designed to go horizontal not vertical
@Tyson exactly – assuming that plane passenger cabin was physically intact and full of oxygen to breath, they all were breathing all ok and floating in parabolic zero G – albeit really brutally out of blue. RIP.
@Bobbi Geehan exactly – assuming that plane passenger cabin was physically intact and full of oxygen to breath, they all were breathing all ok and floating in parabolic zero G – albeit really brutally out of blue. RIP.
@David Jacobs exactly – assuming that plane passenger cabin was physically intact and full of oxygen to breath, they all were breathing all ok and floating in parabolic zero G – albeit really brutally out of blue. RIP.
@Krzytof R The boeing 737 has had rudder issues too. Two plane crashes happened as a result of it and a third escaped.
Condolences to the families of the victims. That is definitely a one scary film, showing a straight nose dive. Nobody can survive such a fatal crash.
@william West how many angry comments have you left on this video? Jesus Christ. If you’re on your period just let us know already.
@Skinovthe Perineum Some people do survive airplane crashes though.
@Xakune You are going to make a lot of women happy reading your comment.
@Daniel Howard – Yes, they do. But nobody survived ^^^that^^^.
@Skinovthe Perineum Yeah, that would be a heck of a miracle if someone did survive this plane crash, that’s for sure. I don’t ever see anyone surviving a crash like this.
My goodness. It hurts to see this. I’m pretty positive nobody made it. It is impossible for anybody to correct a nose dive at that altitude. The only thing we can be thankful for is that it was very quick, and painless. But the fear they felt when it happened is unimaginable. Unfortunately we won’t know what happened until maybe 1-2 years after the investigation. Hopefully flight channel YouTube will be able to get it sooner so we can see what happened and how this can be preventable. No point in saying it’s maintenance or Boeing fault
it’s clearly suicide no plane does this
@J Damian Abel, RN yea that’s why I said Boeing would want to investigate the incident to clarify it up since most people are believing it was the fault of the 737 as it had many past accidents
@2020 no it’s the 737-800 ng
@J Damian Abel, RN Germanwings happened in 2015 from Barcelona departing and co-pilot locked himself into cockpit to crash into French mountainside – 144 passengers went with him + rest of crew
@Bobbi Geehan Germanwings happened in 2015 from Barcelona departing and co-pilot locked himself into cockpit to crash into French mountainside – 144 passengers went with him + rest of crew
This is how most people imagine plane crashes but how they actually never happened before. Most crashes happen during take-off or landing (like the recent Boeing 737 max cases or Concorde). Even if all engines fail, the plane wont drop like a stone. The engines are only necessary to gain or maintain altitude. Without engines the plane will glide with a ratio of distance to height of 18 to 1. That means with a travel altitude of 10km it can reach any positions within 180 km distance. Also, airplanes are built in a way that it will automatically go forwards, when all controls fail. The controls somehow must have actively supported this nose dip.
This is exactly what the MCAS system in Boeing 737 Max did and caused two crashes in 2017 and 2018. But this plane didn’t have MCAS, I’m very curious about the results of the upcoming and ongoing investigations.
Yes almost deliberate to nosedive
@fymgio Complete 737NG Series, consisting of the -600/-700/-800/-900ER*
@Kim Kim there’s many ways to push a stock down that doesn’t involve killing a hundred people. It’s barbaric to assume that.
@Freddy O if that was the case you’d have a few instances a year due to tens of millions sample size.
@Rowen A.D. when has it happened before? Dummy
I’m completely horrified, sad to see these people seems like didn’t have a chance of surviving. Can’t imagine the horror before their death, hope they didn’t suffer. RIP
@AML I’m sure many were preoccupied on their cell phones, I’ve seen a lot of Chinese people on their cell
@Sathvik G. we’re you the psychological expert on the plane?
@J Damian Abel, RN Come on man, show some respect, this is a horrendous comment. You degrade yourself by writing nonsense like this in the face of tragedy (talking about your cell phone comment)
@AJ he’s a racist, please, ignore this kind of pig.
@J Damian Abel, RN You’re an RN?! That’s also SCARY!!
This is devastating.. my condolences to all those families who lost a loved one. My heart aches thinking of the terror they felt in their last moments.
Don’t lie… Your heart isn’t aching! You’re just virtue signaling
@WB 1990 your a psychopath
@WB 1990 you don’t know what empathy is, clearly your not capable of feeling it.
@WB 1990 you have no idea what empathy is. youre clearly a sociopath
The utter terror they must have felt
r.i.p to everyone who lost their life in this horrific crash
Yes, sure pretty scary.
This kind of video makes me not wanna fly anymore but how could anyone survive that head on first crash praying for the victims families

Sending my condolences to the families who lost a loved one on that flight, today. I can only imagine how terrifying and scary it was for the passengers and crew as they nose dive from the sky.
@Steven Dunn Obviously you have never had a nightmare or a night terror then. Congratulations to you, Stevie.
This is so sad, and I bring my condolences to the families and friends of the victims.
Sending heartfelt condolences to all families affected by this tragedy. What an unimaginable loss! Prayers from my family to yours.
I know you didn’t mean to to incorporate the “thoughts and prayers” go out to the loved ones in a cynical way. America is a very unique place, founded upon the beliefs of the pilgrims and later, those of the Enlightenment. I just want to make you aware, that those in the majority of countries don’t share the same glib “God, works in mysterious ways” when something bad happens and “it’s a miracle from God” when good things happen. [We don’t say, we thank God when you won the gold medal, for instance] Intentionally or no, it’s unnecessarily divisive. I think it’s just a lot safer to leave out personal beliefs whether it’s Allah or Zeus or Ganesh or whomever. I found your first sentence just beautiful and your second needlessly problematic.
@Mark Thackray You sure do have a lot of useless time on your hands to analyze someone’s comment of sympathy…
This is every passenger’s worst nightmare, heartfelt condolences to all the passengers onboard. It is so sad that even with all the technical advancement, we still do not have a simple alternative to such technical failures for commercial planes.
@Chiyo Late do you smoke a lot of that stuff? It’s really not good for you
@Jim M from the video there’s little evidence of mechanical failure. No slight roll or pilot fighting to keep the plane upright….very abnormal for a plane to mechanically fail that flawlessly.
@Creating Calm don’t be a cave man
Sum Ting Wong, Wi Tu Lo, Ho Lee Fuk, Bang Ding Ow.
Parachutes can be prepared for parachuting training. But airlines are usually reluctant to do so in order to save costs.
The part that hurts me, is the loss of the people. It breaks my heart because damn…there’s moms, dad’s, children, and many loved ones on that plane.
I’m so sorry. I wish there was a way there is a back up system or emergency control landing on these planes…idk I’m no expert but it makes me so sad.
Ahh so sad damn…those little children especially. May they rest in Heaven, praying for the victims families
Absolutely heartbreaking …. my condolences and prayers to the passengers and family of this tragic event in China …
as a chinese, i just want thank you for everyone that showed condolence for the victims of this tragic plane crash. Despite the rocky relationship between china and US lately. thank you guys, for your warmth and sympathy.
Nathan what do you think happened as you can see there’s no tail on the plane so where’s the vertical fin
@Riley As a RC model pilot, I can say that I have only seen vertical crashes like this (on RC model events) when there has previously been a mid-air collision where the plane had lost its tail unit with vertical fin, elevator and parts of its wings. The aerodynamic laws always work the same, regardless of whether it is a model or a man-carrying aircraft!
@Nathan As aviation crew, we never want anything like this to happen, ever. No matter what part of the world you’re in. My sympathies to you and your fellow man for all loss of life
Hey, you Chinese folks are all right and nice people, just government that pisses everybody off. Rip to the casualties
i always tell people that the chinese are our friends and the russians are our friends; it’s their autocratic governments that we oppose. few grasp the nuance. glad another chinese can also see americans aren’t pure evil.
however unfortunately china state media does not reciprocate. in fact they often ridicule and mock the C-19 death counts in america. it’s disgusting behavior, doesn’t go unnoticed & isn’t easily forgotten.
imagine how it’d feel if americans did that now.
This is so sad. It’s so hard to imagine what those people were thinking and saying as they went down.
Praying for the family’s that lost their loved ones. 
They’re atheist, so I’m pretty sure they were not praying in their last moments. I still feel sorry for them.
какой ужас, безмерно скорблю и выражаю соболезнования семьям погибших. Надеюсь, что причина катастрофы будет найдена и больше никто никогда не попадет в такую аварию.