You can find this celebrity pig signing autographs and taking pictures with her fans.
RELATED VIDEO » Adventurous pig goes on wayward journey:
Spoons the pig is a celebrity around here. She is a strictly live-in-the-house, wear-a-scarf-when-it's-chilly kind of girl.
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I was eating bacon while watching this.
@TyrannicalT-Rad – – takes one in every crowd who thinks he’s uber clever – – tag, you’re it


.. I’m sure they had some this morning too
Jokes on you! I don’t eat pork
I don’t eat any kind of mammals and haven’t had any kind of pig products , especially bacon in years .
Brilliant work! Keep it up! Would you like to be YouTube friends? :]
Does pigs run for president I believe the pig would win
Some people in America might be tempted to tell you he already did win but I’m not making any comments here and I’m sick of politics
Crikey! Talk about hogging all the attention!
Love her……she looks a bit like a dog…..but cuter. I hope they don’t starve her……give her a lil food every few hours. Then a lil less an less…..small portions, snacks.
This VIDEO should make people not want to eat animals.. like how many times this pig burps ..
Glen Haldane

.. disgusting .. I don’t eat animals but to each his own .. that’s why everyone catching viruses eating animals that are sick cows, chickens, pigs, goats, sea creatures .. you all are dying 
.. oynk oynk!! 
Once people realize how intelligent and human-like these creatures are should be enough to make them never want to eat them again . I hate it when people say even the Bible says God gave them dominion over the animals . People use any excuse to eat them and I’ll bet you if it was legal to eat people they would kill people and their babies because they probably taste good
gardensofthegods 2 Kings 6:29 they did eat their children & if you watch the Movie called “THE FOURTH KIND” you will see those were who they called God, they are coming back to Eat Humans.. Real Talk.. so they who eat live stock are also live stock.. Also see the movie “Midnight Meat Train”
@Ashanti Zulu I know there’s been times in human history when people have been cannibals…. and I’m sure some inter terrestrial species eat humans…. I just don’t want to dwell on it and I don’t want to watch any more stuff about eating meat or eating humans . Some people are natural born cannibals and I’m sure they only don’t do it because they don’t want to get caught or don’t want to have to go to jail or whatever .
gardensofthegods wow!! That’s so deeply true & very disgusting at the same time.. pheww
They just mistook it for Lizzo
Not cleaver at all.
LMAO…good one.
Danny Sullivan Music they should name the pig Lizzo
Made my lunch break LOLOL
Spoons: Now I need an Instagram Mom!
Would not make it 1 block in China before butchered