Piers Morgan: 'If I have to fall on my sword for expressing an honestly held opinion about Meghan Markle…so be it.'
#PiersMorgan #GoodMorningBritain #ITV
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Waiting for bricksie interview
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Huh. I actually liked a video about Piers.
same thoughts.
But prince Andrew is not a problem? Something doesn’t seem right
Stranger Danger with this creep.
@treehouse58 Meghan is getting way more push back than Prince Andrew. He got a couple weeks of coverage and that was it.
The existence of Prince Andrew is not some sort of moral blank check that justifies every self-serving thing that Meghan does – two wrongs don’t make a right
@john wayne no one is saying that. The point is Meghan is getting way more flack than Andrew. Objectively I’d say what Andrew did deserve way more attention than Meghan.
@Smart Smartone but where’s all the outrage? Everyone is more outraged at Meghan than Andrew.
Were just wondering Peirce why you don’t go after Prince Andrew. ……hmmmmm ?
Amarys Joseph Hell no, Andy is the Queen’s favorite son.
@Chloe wilson true..
If you are going to tick him off – at least know his name. PIERS – NOT PIERCE!
Mad that he got turned down HAHAHAHAHHA
the woman hating con trash way
Who cares about the Royal Family… there are bigger issues in the world
like going on youtube and watching an interview of piers morgan?
@Kien Nguyen you deserve an applause for being stupid..
Pierce is still salty she ghosted him and went to the prince after their date

How come no one is addressing their “date ditching debacle”? I wanna hear more

@Chinemere Chambers Pierce was a bit star struck by her because he liked Suits and thought she was an “in” into getting a scoop on what happens next in the show. When they met he saw her for the gold digger and liar that she really is. It still bothers him to this day. He thought he made a friend and instead got bitten by a slum yard dog.
@Susana Z. I do think she’s any of those… not at all.
Oh hey look it’s the answer to the question ‘what if the word thud grew a face?’
I really don’t think that the guy who ran the rags that used to hack peoples phones and publish whatever dirt they could find has any moral authority to speak about anyone else.
Amen to that.
Well said!
I’ve never seen a guy take rejection so badly
Piers Morgan meets hypergamy!

You dont believe you should be able to have an opinion?
The ex-POTUS caused an insurrection for being rejected, so there’s that.
@Kath Casey <—— there it is
@Kath Casey Winners everywhere!

I’m so tired of hearing about the British royals. What’s the point in keeping it going when the queen has no real power?
You sound as naive as Meghan.
@Matthew Barry They cost a lot of money to maintain.
@I sy That is something to think about. Im sure there is a way to keep the tradition. I feel we are so easy to throw the baby out with the bathwater these days.
@Bond James Without Tradition where would you be “Mr Bond” ? wouldn’t be working at Mi6 thats for sure.
You are not only naive – but as STUPID as me-again.
Learn your history.
Learn from those that have dumped them – WELCOME TO HONG KONG & ITS TROUBLES FOLKS.
Piers Morgan,you are a wimp!. Talk about dishing it out, and not being able to take it. Couldn’t make it on America
A wimp??! what are you blind? deaf? or a just a brick?
Looks like he can take it.
Why does this all feel so soap opera-ish and scripted? Not piquing my interest no matter how hard they try.
Piers is gunning to be dubbed, “Sir”.
Opinions are like A holes…everyone has one. Everyone agrees they have the right to disagree, so really what’s the problem?
Wow. If someone speaking can damage something so much it was not really that strong was it? Logic is lost on most i guess. Truth doesn’t need to be protected it stands on its merit if legitimate.
what a martyr!
I have new found respect for Piers Morgan.
Where’s Harry in all this?
What a dummy the interveiw was filmed well in advance cant predict health issues like that in the future unless they were faked to try and stop it
Completely agree with you Piers!!