A Trump ally's notes visible as he visited the West Wing revealed a suggestion to replace the current CIA director with the current acting chief of staff at the Pentagon.
#CNN #News
A Trump ally's notes visible as he visited the West Wing revealed a suggestion to replace the current CIA director with the current acting chief of staff at the Pentagon.
#CNN #News
Holy sh*t this country has gone off the deep end when a pillow salesman has the president’s ear…where are all the seasoned advisors…oh yes tRump fired them because he didn’t like what they had to say…
@Anony Mouse I know that. I have actually seen him speak a couple of times in person and he seems like a good-hearted guy and proud of the company he’s built and proud of the employees he has producing a product and jobs in the US. I work in manufacturing and want the US to bring back good jobs that were moved overseas.
@Anony Mouse must not be making a big enough profit to hire anyone else
@Clear Eyes great say nothing statement. How about enlighten us as to where they lied?
@ben esterberg NO! Don’t say that, I can’t go back! HELL NO, I have PTSD!
Shitty salesmen stick together.
My pillow guy just stopped by to help trump loot the White House before he leaves.
@Walter Bo

Sounds like a projection to me.
@James F that makes no sense
Robt E Lee III yea. The clintons lined their pockets too. Last time i checked, the clinton foundation was worth 360 million but for some reason, all of the million dollar donations disappeared after she lost the election. Trump is going to have a good pay day with his election campaign fund . It isnt really for elections and trump has a stipulation where he can use the 250 million he has raised for anything he wants.
The only “wing” he belongs in is the wing of a psychiatric hospital for the seriously disturbed.
The truth is that no one wants that poisoned jabber.
No wing of a prison
@Trumptard Yes after the computer voted.
@dq machine I’m the key master are you the gate keeper lmao
We are all in danger now. Even his supporters. He will sacrifice every single one of us if it saves himself.
This is crazy and scary. My daughters friend told us about this a few days ago. Her friend was told by someone they know who works in Washington. They said there was the possibility of martial law being implemented for 2 weeks. They also said that the internet was going to be shut down during martial law. After seeing these notes it appears that Trump may be continuing to conspire to stay in office using martial law. All he needs is the excuse of a country emergency like these expected march’s planned for inauguration week. Everyone should know about this.
@R.K. Appling no. Martial law does not prevent the transition of power. Also the armed forces will not follow an illegal ordeer. Trying to order the stop of the inauguration would be an illegal order.
@Ashley rissinger walters This is what I have been saying for weeks! He is using all of Hitlers tactics. America should be very concerned about what he is planning and how he is effecting our country, especially when things went so wrong when Hitler was in power and manipulated so many with lies. The world does not need or want another Hitler. Trump is doing his best to turn Americans against each other for his own benefit. If he can have us fighting amongst each other, it gives him the ability to use people’s anger to destroy our democracy. The more followers he gains, the more power he obtains and then he has more control to carry out his agenda.
@vonsuthoff sure… as you comment under a cnn video
@peppermint patti its freaking crazy. I usually just quietly seethe at them, but sometimes I just have to say something to let out my frustration
Much love, peppermint

plot twist… my pillow guy is actually the president
He’s the creepy guy hanging out in your medicine cabinet
I woulnd’t be surprised, Freddy.
Another plot twist: mypillows don’t stop assassination bullets
He’s the tobi /obito of our world
Pillow guy is an advisor but the whole nation is having nightmares.
Since rudy got his fees cut off, this guy is working pro bono.
The nightmare I having is Biden being President.
I see what you did there.
@Adarll Kelly

@Omg Aunty Suzanne have a bowl of Texas Red and skip the beans your neighbors will thank you lol!!!
Trump’s son isn’t the sharpest knife in the drawer.
@John Doe Have any proof of a hunter crime, please share
@John Doe well you know thats true Academically! And Eric lol! Dumber then a box of rocks lol! Nut they give good russian head ! Lol!
What did you expect? Look at who he have for a father.
@John Doe lol shut up apologist. Just because your refuse to acknowledge that hunter and joe were cleared by trumps DOJ from any criminal activity and instead to believe lies shows your wilfully ignorant.
Go back to being afraid of a non existent deep state and that the moon landing is fake.
Well the apple didn’t fall far from the tree
trump takes advice from a guy that thought it’s a good idea to smoke crack.
How about James Sullivan- the leader of antifa and his code name in YouTube: Jayden X and Insurgance USA leading the group who broke in?
@DevilJin01 so is Hunter biden…. On that crack pipe … Cnn staffers might be on crack too cz their ratings is based around trump and more trump,even when biden come in theyll still be talking about trump even though they hate him he gets them ratings, so sick of the same news all the time, trump ,….trump, trump… And crazy white reporters on cnn stirring up frenzy… Im brown.. How about some foreign news casters with some accents for a change… Shut up lady tired of you.
To be fair, its probably the best and only idea he’s ever had.
@D D That means Hunter Biden is a crackhead that knows Trumpism is a bad idea and props to him
Is that an upgrade from the medical advice from his sex demon voodoo priest or not?
I really don’t know.
Daily Reminder: Trump called Corona Virus a Democrat Hoax that will “magically” disappear.
How about planning what will be our individual contributions to renovation and peace?
ooohhhhhh! Savaaaage!

@Jeff M questioning the election isn’t hate speech… so what’s your point.
@Licia Williams he also said his health plan was releasing in 2 years
@Muddy Water Trump wants to eliminate section 230 protection so that social media platforms are responsible for what people say on their platforms instead of holding the individuals accountable. You want to talk about restricting free speech? Well, eliminating those protections would result in those platforms shutting down because there’s no way they could protect themselves from the liability. If anyone should be compared to Hitler for restricting free speech, it should be Trump.
They act like never heard of the pre-battle pep-talk speech. Those are some of the most famous speeches.
It’s amusing that those that are Blindly repeating the words and phrases that Trump tells them to say — ‘stop the steal, this is our country, etc — are the same people that call the rest of us ‘sheeple’. Irony has become lost on the right
@Joe Big dong wtf does that even mean?
This nation is divided…period.
@Ari berry Trump and Putin have won. Try to have an opinion that’s not hardcore left or right…and be relentlessly attacked. America is no more.
Saying Trump lost because of fraud is not an opinion. That is a lie, a non-fact.
Arguing, say, pro-life vs pro-choice – those are both opinions.
Even: Trump was the worst president ever or the best ever – both opinions.
Saying the earth is flat is not an opinion, that’s a lie, a non-fact.
You see the difference.
If we stick to that simple rule, we can all have a spirited conversation on the issues.
Get it, or are you to dense?
@dan dansen show me where I argued Trump lost because of fraud. I never did. But I don’t blindly attack other people either.
Trumps been crying himself to sleep on his My Pillow
The ceo gave Trump a lot of pillows,because he is going to cry before leaving the white house ,he might needed more pillows
good one
The only newscaster to actually speak to the audience like she is having a conversation with the home viewer instead of trying to be all proper and trying to stick to a script. She’s so normal which is what a newscaster should do. She’s amazing at her job.
…and SO gorgeous.
I thought the exact same thing. I’ve only recently started watching CNN regularly. I like their straightforward deliveries.
& shes a smoking hot babe
She’s FAKE NEWS period
He needs to put a pillow over his face.
Jesus loves all his mistakes.
It would muss his hair!
@Real Talk Careful . That`s incitment,
@xiaoka Doesnt exist.
Also don’t forget after he lost the election he sent out those emails to con his cult out of money that said “Are you willing to die for Trump?!”
Mike “the Pillow” Lindell may get that loud knock on his door from the FBI. I also think that he is definitely hitting the pipe again.
Me too.
My racist guy .. I mean “My pillow” guy . We all know he cuts two eye holes in the pillow case. Dude looks just like Hitler
Was strangely just thinking the same thing. Shorten the mustache and you’ve got Hitler’s brother.
Ready for the Storm?
When he’s not making pillows he’s planning civil wars.
This was too funny
The best people …

Or doing drugs
SOLD ON AMAZON. CALL THEM!! Hit MY-SEDITIONIST-PILLOW where it hurts their bank account. They care about nothing else
Trump: “Proud Boys stand back and stand by”
*and then they did*
>.> he acts autocratic. He needs to be held accountable.
He said “January 6 will be wild”!! What more clarity do they need!
Blaming convoluted speech, doesn’t always work in court. A phrase or a word can be interpreted in many different ways. You will hear things like;. Well , your honor, what I was meaning by that… , That’s not what I meant, and,.. people distort what I say, etc..
@David G. …lol “convoluted speech”…the story of trump’s presidency!!! I would expect the senate to include 2/3 of them to see through his “convoluted” speech, I hope they do..