George Floyd’s brother Philonise broke down when the prosecution showed a photo of his mother and brother during Derek Chauvin’s trial. Floyd said, “I miss both of them,” after reminiscing about growing up with his brother. Aired on 04/12/2021.
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About Katy Tur: Katy Tur is an NBC News Correspondent and anchor of the 2 p.m. ET hour of “MSNBC Live.” A dogged journalist, Tur emerged as a breakout broadcaster in 2016 while covering the entirety of the Trump campaign across all platforms for NBC News and MSNBC.
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#GeorgeFloyd #DerekChauvin #MSNBC
Philonise Remembers Brother George Floyd During Witness Testimony | Katy Tur | MSNBC
May justice be served….that’s all I’m gonna say.
I finish that quote for you! “Let Justice be served though the heavens may fall”~Fīat jūstitia ruat cælum
@Bondo Joe I live in D.C. we endured magat hate rallies from 2016-2021. The FBI is hunting insurrectionists. On Nov 14, 2020, pr0ud boys burned property at 4 churches here, including 2 historic black churches. We were harassed and threatened here more by magat terr0r tourists than any BLM folks. We take our children to BLM plaza in D.C. we all know that magat agent provacateurs lit fires at peaceful protests. So what was your point again? That’s right. You have no valid point. You’re a troll for TR45H.
@Bondo Joe what a stupid, dishonest statement Q boy. Put down the pipe and leave your alternate reality.
@Sarah F Again…Nonsense. Even the corrupt MEDIA showed the cities burning down. It didn’t happen in CONSERVATIVE cities. Wake up. We know who the trash is.
@Kevin Nelson ..Snowflake.
Heart breaking listening to this gentleman. Just heart breaking.
It doesn’t matter. The case is over. Acquittal forthcoming.
This man truly went through some tough times
@Trevor PB So?
@E Nice Films Nothing, it’s called “What about X” and “What about Y”, it’s all they got.
@Action Jackson So if you claim to care so much about human life, why is my brother’s death meaningless to you, but Floyd (a drugged up felon) is a hero?
@Trevor PB I never wrote that it was meaningless, I posted “so?” in response to your whining that you did not get compensated for his death. It’s your compensation I don’t care about. I never wrote that Floyd was a hero, but every human, drug addicted or not, should be treated like a human. Last I checked no state sets the penalty for passing a bad $20 bill at death.
@Action Jackson I wasn’t whining about not getting paid, I was pointing out that this man and his family haven’t been through anything the rest of the world doesn’t goes through, and they are financially set for life as a result.
So WHINING that this man has been through a lot is stupid. Everyone goes through a lot, we just don’t get $20 million for it.
What about Philip Adams?
George is looking down on this, smiling gently.
And he’s smiling…..because he’s probably loaded up on Fentanyl.
~ Jim Eagle
You feel proud saying that over the internet, bud?
Like you right now. You can only be “high” to spew such bile
Trump still lost
Your comments are the height of deplorable.
Only a sociopathic person could place their knee on someone’s neck, a mental institution first and then prison.
@Seven Taylor The assertion that “only a sociopath could put their knee on someone’s neck”, makes no sense a whatsoever.
Do you even know what a sociopath is? How does putting your knee on someone’s neck make you a sociopath?
@Trevor PB A sociopath has no regard for life because they can’t place themselves in another person’s position, this inability allows them to commit heinous acts of violence, like Chauvin and many others.
@Seven Taylor Yes correct, and putting your knee on someone’s neck does not mean you have no regard for their life or have an inability to feel emotion.
Some would argue that what he did was not a heinous act of violence, it was a poorly executed means of restraint. Now if he bashed his head to pulp, that would be heinous violence.
@Trevor PB Stop making up garbage, it was against procedure and that sociopath knew it.
@Seven Taylor Not making anything up, just pointing out that calling someone a sociopath for putting their knee on someone’s neck is absurd.
Can you imagine if Derek Chauvin walks
god their will be so much public backlash across the states lol 
Public backlash? You mean violent riots by minorities.
Can’t imagine what these guys re passing through right now!!
I can, my brother died and I didn’t get $20 million from the government for it.
@Trevor PB Would it really make you feel better if you had $20 million in place of your brothers life?
One thing you hear in all these videos is a plea for life that is absent in the police.
on Aug. 9, 2007) unfolded like this: Two adults, Aracely Henriquez and Angel Negrete, and a toddler were in a home when they heard a knock at the front door. When Henriquez looked out the window, she saw a man “dressed in a blue uniform” who said “he was with the water department.” But when she opened the door, she realized the man was telling a lie and she tried shutting him out. Then, the statement reads:
However, this male held the door open and prevented her from doing so. At this time, a black Ford Explorer pulled up in front of the Complainants’ residence and five other black males exited this vehicle and proceeded to the front door. The largest of these suspects forced his way into the residence, placed a pistol against the complainant’s abdomen, and forced her into the living room area of the residence. This large suspect then proceeded to search the residence while another armed suspect guarded the complainant, who was struck in the head and side areas by this second armed suspect with his pistol after she screamed for help. As the suspects looked through the residence, they demanded to know where the drugs and money were and Complaint Henriquez advised them that there were no such things in the residence. The suspects then took some jewelry along with the complainant’s cell phone before they fled the scene in the black Ford Explorer.
About three months later, investigators in the Houston Police Department narcotics unit “came across this vehicle during one of the their respective investigations and identified the following subjects as occupants of this vehicle at the time of their investigation: George Floyd (Driver)…,” the statement reads.
At 6-foot-7, Floyd was identified as the “the largest” of the six suspects who arrived at the home in the Ford Explorer and had pushed a pistol against Henriquez’ abdomen before looking for items to steal. (Nothing in the court documents suggests she was pregnant at the time of the robbery, contrary to what memes and Owens later claimed.) He pleaded guilty in 2009 and was sentenced to five years in prison. He was paroled in January 2013, when he was almost 40 years old.
Does he rem ember that Geo rge & Der ek were wo rk col leagues? Tot al ho ax eve nt by the je wish su prem acists who con trol every nat ion. Wa ke up to their Whi te geno cide agen da!
rene gade broad casting dott kom
was he also high on Fentanyl
@Trevor PB No they did not.
@Friend Yes he did. Quit lying
@Trevor PB I suggest you turn off the Faux news and actually listen to the trial. You’d be better informed. The lie is that George Floyd died from anything other than murder by asphyxiation.
@Friend thats not what the autopsy said, but sure- Maddow will give you the facts
Trevor PB Point blank, NONE of the doctors testified to what you claim.
The toxicologist actually showed, through hard data, that his levels were lower than most people arrested for DUI, let alone people who actually OD.
I know you get paid to parrot your script, cause all of you folks say the EXACT same stupid sh*t, but saying it over and over won’t make it any less false.
I’ll bet mother Chuavin is crying as well, over what her son did.
His poor family starting with George.
The Media is using the world’s largest violin.
MINNEAPOLIS — HCMC staff have been fired for HIPAA violations after viewingGeorge Floyd’s protected medical records without authorization, KARE 11 has learned. … The Hennepin County-run HCMC said in the letter that the people involved, “no longer work at the organization.”Sep 9, 2020
The cardio expert meducal review of records did it happen before or after the facts above
Its hard to imagine deadly excessive force when autopsy report shows no bruising no injuriesries no broken bones! Can’t always believe what you see. There’s always two side to every story
I’m sorry, this whole situation has me angry, r.i.p. George Floyd… But *banana mayonnaise* sandwiches? Are we really speeding past that??
George Floyd was an egregious human being. Not kissed by any of the countless victims who suffered at his career criminal hands.
Not one of his prior offences was worthy of a Death Penalty. Not one police officer is entitled to be n EXECUTIONER. Justice, or anarchy. Which would you prefer.
Go away satan
@ZI Call on your invisible super beings , and super demon , how about Angels, Saints. Try Reality.