Pfizer CEO sells company’s stock on the day of vaccine news

Pfizer's CEO sells millions of dollars of stock hours after the company's made a big announcement about a possible COVID-19 vaccine.

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    1. @Laurent Turcotte Pfizer DELIBERATLEY held this news until after the election to hurt Trump and help Biden. Use your peanut liberal brain

    2. @That 90s Show Of course. It is made by turks and they never took American money. They clearly don’t like Trump.

  1. This requires a few simple steps. 1- have leverage over politics during a pandemic 2- have knowledge of vaccine efficacy but use it to your advantage depending on your political interests. 3- “make it look like” you were already planning to cash your shares out, of course, aligning it with influential political calendar dates 4- announce high probability of vaccine efficacy on the scheduled calendar day you plan to cash your shares out. See? Simple! Double winner of chicken dinner.

  2. Pfizer in 2009 paid $2.3 billion to resolve criminal and civil liability arising from the illegal promotion of certain pharmaceutical products , they are convicted murderers but when it comes to a vaccine its the one holy grail , Properly prescribed drug and medical error is the 3 lead cause of death just in the USA alone. Every major pharmaceutical/vaccine manufactures are convicted criminals who were proven guilty multiple times for murder , injury , and scientific fraud

  3. So far I’ve heard you get a bad hangover feeling and now we find out the CEO was doing a cash grab. I’m not an anti Vaxer but what’s going on here?

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