NBC News' Willem Marx breaks down the new biotechnology used in the Pfizer and Biontech coronavirus vaccine that could be used to create future vaccinations. Aired on 11/10/2020.
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#Pfizer #Coronavirus #MSNBC
Pfizer, Biontech Covid-19 Vaccine Uses Technology That Could Revolutionize Future Immunizations
I think I’ll wait and see how the first million or so ppl react to the vaccine before I take it. History says when you rush medicines and or vaccines there’s gonna be unseen problems pop up.
@Gwen Martinsen Its part of trumps operation warp speed,sorry to dissapoint you.
@K Sk No, it is not. Stop being ignorant.
Most side effect like Cancer only show up after few years.
That is why most vaccines take 5 ~10 years to develop to make sure you don’t get cancer a few years later. This Covid vaccine only developed for months and tested on a small number of people, and they claim 100% safe. LOL
Not to mention this is a completely new type of Vaccine required to store under -80deg, and never massively used on human before.
@K Sk yea most likely.
@Gwen Martinsen that’s true. If trump comes out saying it’s all fake news then we’ll know it works for sure.
Lets hope this thing actually works… I gotta get outta my house
I’ll be cautious of taking a vaccine that they were hurrmian to produce; I am not willing to be a first ginea pig for them to test it on.
@New Blue 2
Let trump cult do it first. If anything goes wrong, no one will be sad.
with a 99% survival rate I think you are fine. You have an immune system
@Jay Workman Firstly, vaccines are necessary 99% effective. If they are saying this with a new variant of coronavirus emerging in Denmark that hasn’t been test as of yet, I would be cautious. And even if 99% of people survive Covid, being on a ventilator or having blood clots in your arteries, can cause serious long term damage.
Otta you house and into a cemetery.
When Germans are under pressure,… wonders happend…
Under pressure? You mean free to work?
Evil happen-ed
Will this be effective against the Cluster-5 mutation in Denmark?
@J Wallace That’s a great a question and this is why I refuse to take the vaccine until after a year or so of it’s release.
@New Blue 2 Most vaccine take 5~10 years to develop. Most side effect like Cancer only show up after few years. If you want to be safe, you better wait until year 2030.
I suppose we should wrap our heads around the idea that we’ll possibly need two different vaccines. Long term scenario. But this happened quickly… seems like the future priority needs to be to prepare for fighting multiple pandemics at once as Tedros only just recently suggested. Right as news of this Cluster-5 mutation started finally getting some press.
The whole response so far feels lackadaisical, shady and reminiscent of Wuhan/Hubei from the WHO. I don’t mean this to be political. There should be a sense of urgency from the WHO that doesn’t exist.
I understand not wanting to be alarmist, but look where that got us a year ago.
At least Denmark is publishing everything on their website in English as well.
I imagine information becoming publicized will not happen here in the states as Trump is trying to take credit for this vaccine now.
It’s unfortunate politics has nothing to do with the welfare of the people.
@J Wallace I agree. Although I am hesitant about taking a vaccine at the moment, I will continue to practice safe practices for likely the next couple of years and that includes wearing a mask (even a face shield in some places), social distances & washing
for 30sec. The FDA director has said that it’s likely wearing a mask will give more protection than no mask with vaccine.
The Circus affairs roll on…
So Germans leading the US?
The leading I think are the Turkish. The scientist and his wife who discovered the vaccine are originally Turkish.
@Basma El-Gaouni they are germans. Thank you very much (we don’t think in race in Germany)
Yep, as usual
Thank you Germany for funding this while Operation Warp Speed was stuck in Neutral.
Trump and pence already tried to take credit for it. Developed by Pfizer in Germany by Turkish Muslim immigrant. Took no money from US and were not part of warp speed. Soooo, nothing to do with them whatsoever. When trumpties find out they’ll refuse to take it.
Absolutely incredible breakthrough. Science rules
Wouldn’t mind if they gave it for $10 per dosis. Please don’t prioritize Republican states or Maghats
Afraid Trump has no shares in Pfizer so probably won’t buy it
Trump and Pence are taking credit of a German development as if the vaccine is developed by Americans. I wonder how they will react if the Germans would claim credit if the vaccine is developed by Americans.
*stop saying pfizers vaccine. Its by Biontech, a german company! Wtf? It was developed in Mainz Germany, not the US. Pfizer only supported with money.!* … …
Bruh the comments here disappoints me.
I’ll be the last if it ever gets to me we are not ginny pigs so they could be useing us as experiment
The dislikes are not being counted, just like Trump votes in many states!

I think it’s hilarious that people are buying into this they’ve had this vaccine for a very long time don’t let them fool you.
I’m President-elect.
Anyone else?
Vaccine can’t help you, if China can do it first time.no doubt, there will be a second times.”stay ready,so you don’t have to get ready”
86 VAXXX…never ever ever take ‘it’
This kinda sounds CRISPR-ish.