GOP leaders refuse to condemn Trump’s attack on Rep. Cummings and other minority lawmakers. A former Bush staffer says the party has been 'bullied' by Trump and are showing 'no moral courage.'
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'Petrified' GOP Silent On Trump's 'Infested' Attack | The Beat With Ari Melber | MSNBC
*REMEMBER THIS:* _Trump used Russian military (GRU) assistance to win the election._
@J walsh Do you have a problem with reading comprehension, you obviously need to learn more before you could educate me on anything…..
Real Talk
Coward run away now..
Meadows showed exactly who he is. Sorry Elijah, you are not a member of the club. Divide and conquer, fear and hate is the GOP mantra.
Ted Bomba EXACTLY… Meadows is JUST as ROTTEN and RACIST as TRUMP !!
Herbert Hassen ikr…

@Kip McEwen no Alabama is the most rat and drug infested state.
@Kip McEwen So 45’s racist tirade works for you, bubba? Your thinking process needs to conform with reality. Trump/Putin 2020 comrade
Rick Scott is just so blandly, eagerly ignorant. “Look, I … I … I didn’t do the tweets … Chuck …”
This pretty much sums up the spineless GOP. Stammering, stuttering to try to defend this racist president. History will not look upon these people well, and they will have to answer to their grandchildren for why they sat silent against the most racist president in a over a century.
Eli Corp EXACTLY….. EVERY TIME the TRUTH hits em’ !! NEVER fails !!!
@Eli Corp I dispute the most racist in a century part

the president’s of the 1920-1950 might have been worse.
They keep the poor down
Yeah,,those nasty Republicans that run cities like Baltimore,,,,,,oh wait, they dont..Democrats do.
Some people are real lazy and want to stay poor unfortunately. I’ve always been a go getter so I’ve never been really poor. Fact is many cities like Baltimore are democrat run cities.
Race pimps out in full force scrambling for them slave votes. Need to stay in power to hold them black slaves down in the hoods.
There’s nowhere more decayed than the GOP controlled “deep south” of Alabama. Nowhere.
@Fancy Brooks as a current Alabama resident, I wholeheartedly agree!!
Really, neal? You say that as a white guy sitting in Thailand, but we all know that you’d never walk the mean streets of the inner city, so stfu you phony.
@Willie derp
Race pimps out in full force scrambling for them slave votes. Need to stay in power to hold them black slaves down in the hoods.
The head of Russian military intelligence, the GRU, stated their coming attack on US democracy via the internet would be “more damaging than a nuclear attack”. The whole goal was to divide America internally. and encourage it to divide and attack *ITSELF*.
Trump and the GOP are now Russian soldiers in the Russian war against the USA, and eliminating US influence world wide so they can oust us.
As a resident of an ex-pat community with fellow expats from around the world- “Job done”. It will be decades before anyone from Europe or Asia trusts, mush less follows, US leadership on *anything*
Congrats trumpists. You’ve successfully defeated US influence world wide. You are all soldiers in the GRU’s war on US national interests.
@neal thailand Yuri Bezmenov?
Gotta agree with you dude.
Can not agree with you more! You’re 100% correct!!
This is going on while they continue to shout that everyone else is unpatriotic.
I’ll never forgive you for making me listen to Rush Limbaugh, brief as it was.
@john smith puta
@Hot Brass Name calling when you have nothing intelligible to say. Not surprised
@ceze 2010 FISH ON! Trolling is fun
@Hot Brass low IQ people call it trolling when they get caught. Enough internet for this morning.
There was a crooked man who led a crooked life.
He was a crooked husband with a some-what crooked wife.
He had some crooked children and son-in-law…a louse.
And they divided this great nation from their White and crooked House….
@PoeticallyMe For God’s sake man get educated, you just sound like a fool. Please start by reading this and then perhaps actually read the Mueller report. Your uneducated comment just shows how little you know about the constitution and the report itself. Article one of the constitution of the United states of America gives Congress its powers and limits. Congress is the branch of the government who can make laws for the country. Congress is the branch of the government who legally oversees oversight. “Checks and balances.” The president of the Unites States of America has to adhere to Congress and is subject to its investigations. The president is subject to its investigations and must answer to the Congress. If anyone by any means tries to limit, disrupt or stop Congresses investigations they are by law obstructing justice. The founders intended Congress to have more important powers than the president and the Supreme Court for reason to stop corruption even by a sitting president. The powers of Congress are both constitutionality more powerful than the presidents and the supreme court for reasons that they represent the people of the United States of America and were given this power to protect democracy.
There was a crooked hillary she got a crooked Dacia she said that Donald trump had crookedly worked with Russia they crookedly investigated for the then they found nothing but the crooked media couldnt crooked lie go
@the questioner grow up !
@Robbie Sherrah you and liberals grow up move on focus on issues in America rather than trying to impeach a president trump didnt commit a crime so Miller can not exonerate him if he didnt commit a crimrle
Let’s not forget those who sat in silence when Trump expressed his blatant racism.
It’s not racist!! Democrats and the media are lying to you!!
Race pimps out in full force scrambling for them slave votes. Need to stay in power to hold them black slaves down in the hoods.
Bruno Dias
All democrats like you are racist
You try to use race every chance you get
if I say the sky is grey you will say I’m being racist if you say it then it’s not
you’re being worthless when you argue the point
Racists? Takes-one-to-know-one! RACIST!
Spitfire’s Take When exactly did that happen? I’ve never heard Trump being racist. You’re a sheep for Soros/globalists, believing exactly what they want you to believe.
Republicans populate the poorest most government dependant counties in America.
If not for urban Democrats, they would be living in mud huts.
Has trump been to Baltimore? How does he know there are rats, unless he was staying at one of Kushner’s 900 rat infested buildings? Nyc fined Kushner for hiring people to place rats inside their buildings to chase out tenants so they can raise the rent prices to new tenants.
Why is baltimore trouble free…are you saying that the cartels do not control alot of the youth?
Is it all good and prospering?
Have you been?
He was calling black people rats
“No human being would live there.” What that says is Blacks aren’t humans. Its Nazi 101
Republicans are not being bullied by Trump. They support his racism, his attack on the constitution, his illegal acts, because he gave them a huge tax break. None of them have any backbone. 100% Greedy, corrupt, and lieing Republicans. Totally unamerican.
You need to replace republican with democrat and your 100% right. Real racism and finger pointing
@lan dz White people have been the victim of slavery as much as any other race do your research
@Dino No
@Jose Garcia congress is blaming white people for pretty much everything.
@Jose Garcia yes
People have to understand that BLACK PEOPLE don’t owns those rat, broken down building and if the city take over and give it to the BLACK community we will see a change
Scott..from Florida. Corrupt state. Republicans, no moral courage .
I wish, pray, Karma requesting help>> that someone that knows how and has the means (balls, weapons, cyber attack knowledge) to get rid of him!!
Republicans are now the PARTY of gaslighting. They all sing the pigeon song of their puppet master.
Moscow Mitch & Russian Paul Kentucky has the 10 worst poverty stricken counties in the USA, highest cancer rates, highest welfare & food stamps recipients & some areas has No running water.
PUPPET PENCE ! (SHI-optional]
The most PATHETIC scenario is being played out where the Conman has got a HOLD of the Administration and the Senate. The House has to ACT.
At this point they are as complicit in all of this. The Rep. are a full speed locomotive while the Dems. continue to tiptoe around. Who knows what they are waiting for.
Rick Scott is a crook! Largest Medicare scam in the US and walked away with no accountability. Then he stole the Senate in 2018!