New blockbuster reporting on Rudy Giuliani’s possible legal woes finds he was warned that he was the target of a Russian influence campaign, and that the firing of former U.S. Ambassador Marie Yovanovitch lies at the center of the federal investigation into him. Former FBI counterintelligence agent Peter Strzok, former Deputy National Security Advisor Ben Rhodes, and New York Times Justice Department reporter Katie Benner react.
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Rudy did said that he had “insurance policy” or dirt on Trump on his phone during a Fox interview. Or at least suggested that he did.. More comin!!!

This contrasts with multiple proven incidences of failure to file as a foreign agent contained on the Biden hard drive which the FBI and the Department of Justice has ignored.
You have not seen the home of Hunter Biden raided by the FBI with search warrants.
This behaviour of the justice department, enabled by a compliant media, running roughshod over the constitutional rights of anyone involved in, or legally defending, former President Donald J. Trump is becoming the rule, rather than the exception.
This contrasts with multiple proven incidences of failure to file as a foreign agent contained on the Biden hard drive which the FBI and the Department of Justice has ignored.
You have not seen the home of Hunter Biden raided by the FBI with search warrants.
This behaviour of the justice department, enabled by a compliant media, running roughshod over the constitutional rights of anyone involved in, or legally defending, former President Donald J. Trump is becoming the rule, rather than the exception.
@HS You have said that over 50 times, Dump, no matter how many times you say it….It is no more true now than the first time….STFU
You’re lying, spreading salacious slander, propaganda, and you know we know it. Russian disinformation, the crux of the subject.
Important information : This post, from HS is conspiracy lies, propaganda, and Russian disinformation. Spewed by someone who appears to be an American. Disgusting.
i for one am tired of seeing the promise of accountability, but no accountability..
@Joe Dirt It was the Trump DOJ that determined the information on “the laptop” was part of a Russian misinformation campaign.
@Joe Dirt lmao. Why would Rudy still be holding on to Hunter Biden’s laptop? Why didn’t he turn it over to Bill Barr under Trump’s justice department? There is no laptop moron. You people are willing to believe the dumbest things if it about your perceived enemies. Grow up and quit being so gullible.
@H Moore right, and Biden got 80 million plus votes. Yea, no laptop, Biden won, Russia, Russia, Russia, and white people are racist. Got it, thanks for educating us dum dums. Don’t worry, Trump will fix it all again when he gets re-elected for a third time in 2024. It’s over in 2022 anyway, when we take back the house and senate. Once they follow Florida’s lead with Voter ID laws, dems won’t be able to cheat again. Trump/DeSantis 2024

This contrasts with multiple proven incidences of failure to file as a foreign agent contained on the Biden hard drive which the FBI and the Department of Justice has ignored.
You have not seen the home of Hunter Biden raided by the FBI with search warrants.
This behaviour of the justice department, enabled by a compliant media, running roughshod over the constitutional rights of anyone involved in, or legally defending, former President Donald J. Trump is becoming the rule, rather than the exception.
Patience Grasshopper.
The Wheels of Justice turn very slow.
But they do turn.
Crazy Uncle Rudy needs to start walking around in public with his pants around his ankles,may help him in future court cases…..
He always keeps his hands in his pants to keep them up
Who knows, he might win one LOL
@Mainely Hahaha……

I thought he already had.
@Paul Palmer With Borat?

That was rather ambiguous …..
He was neither in or out on that occasion….
Only Crazy Uncle Rudy knew what was goin down there….
*Ol’ Rudy’s getting ready to go through some things, himself…*
@Adam G unfortunately no. If only I could be like Peter strzok. He has the life.
The Biden department of justice has completely ignored clear evidence (which the FBI has had for over a year) in texts and emails on Hunter Biden’s hard drive of failing to register numerous times as a foreign agent, child pornography, money laundering, and 30 years of the Biden Crime family taking millions and millions in bribes to sell his public offices.
Instead, the Justice Department decided it was a higher priority to serve (at dawn) search warrants for electronics at the home and law office of former Mayor Rudolph Giuliani.
The search warrants involve only one indication of an alleged incident of failure to register as a foreign agent. Mayor Giuliani has not only denied this allegation, but offered twice in the past two years through his attorney Bob Costello to demonstrate that it is entirely untrue. Twice the offer was rejected by the SDNY by stating that while they were willing to listen to anything Mr. Costello had to say, they would not tell Mr. Giuliani or Mr. Costello, the subject matter they wanted him to address.
@HS LMAO, Hunter, is an American Citizen. He is not and never has been, an elected official, a Police officer, or has he even had a job in USA? Who cares? The DOJ and IRS is looking into Hunter…If they find something fine, if they don’t fine…Like I said,” Who cares” ? Now if you want to talk about Don Jr, Eric, or Yavonka, Jared, lets talk…They did have [ jobs ] in the White House, or PR people…
@HS It was the Trump DOJ that decided the information on the hard drive was more than likely Russian misinformation. And the Trump appointed FBI director is still on the job. Get a clue troll.
@The Teflon Don he wasnt “running an obstruction plan”. That doesnt even make sense and was never the allegation. He wasnt running the russia investigation either. I dont know how high up you think he was but he wasnt
As for how he got caught cheating….you have completely blurred any line that ever existed for you between facts and not facts.
I was praying for this moment. Thanks, thanks you for who ever live in the outer limits.
I have to wonder if the Ambassador’s life was threatened. Remember how fast she left? She didn’t even pack.
And in a way it was.
How rude. You don’t have the right to tell people who are communicating among themselves to shut up. How repulsive.
@Elaine Burnett
You’re repulsive too.
@Elaine Burnett
Fool. People are talking among themselves. Who are you to suggest that they’re not as smart as others. You even use a stupid cliche and ditty to describe it. Your average bear. Rude.
@zora_noam flannery because trump WORKS for putin
It seems that TREASON for a lot of republicans has become a national pastime. Benedict Arnold would be proud to have people like Giuliani and others as his friends.
The Biden department of justice has completely ignored clear evidence (which the FBI has had for over a year) in texts and emails on Hunter Biden’s hard drive of failing to register numerous times as a foreign agent, child pornography, money laundering, and 30 years of the Biden Crime family taking millions and millions in bribes to sell his public offices.
Instead, the Justice Department decided it was a higher priority to serve (at dawn) search warrants for electronics at the home and law office of former Mayor Rudolph Giuliani.
The search warrants involve only one indication of an alleged incident of failure to register as a foreign agent. Mayor Giuliani has not only denied this allegation, but offered twice in the past two years through his attorney Bob Costello to demonstrate that it is entirely untrue. Twice the offer was rejected by the SDNY by stating that while they were willing to listen to anything Mr. Costello had to say, they would not tell Mr. Giuliani or Mr. Costello, the subject matter they wanted him to address.
So true!
@Bill Billson Who are you guys? There are bad apples in every bushel, there just happens to be more in the republican party…LMAO, and they call the Democrats, ” THE DEEP STATE ” They are called, ” THE DARK MONEY, TREASONOUS, REPUBLICANS….
@HS Do you know anything else? You are on every comment section, with the same crap….I already told you, Hunter Biden is no one, WHO CARES…If he ever gets a job, in the White House, then and only then will it be a subject, to talk about…..
@HS If the Department of Justice had evidence for over a year, then why did they not act back then?
Settle in for the long haul, folks. You don’t get rid of cancer in a day and we won’t get rid of Trumpism in a day.
Don’t grow weary. Keep fighting, keep loving America. Our children and grandchildren are depending on us.
LOL Trumpism? Ok whatever that means. This nation NEEDS to get rid of Leftism.
@JBguitar 1990 did you have a good time at the insurrection? Will you celebrate that now instead of the Fourth of July? Tick tock.
@grant smythe
There are those who respond positively to authoritarianism. These are the ones who see no problem with police officers shooting people in the back. There are many of the “others” in their world view. The others deserve no consideration, and don’t belong. I’ve seen this in some of my own family members. They’re incapable of rational objective thinking, and lack empathy. They have no friends from any minority, and those they work with, of some minority, are simply tolerated. Behind their backs, they complain constantly how inadequate they are. Attitudes like this hinge on sociopathy. Approximately a quarter of our nation’s people are like this. Thank the universe they’re in the minority. Yes, we all must remain vigilant to their regressive outlook.
@Dorothy Gears I read quite a lot of Carl G. Jung, the famous Swiss psychologist.
He said that just beneath the surface is a whole strata of mentally unstable people who are almost waiting for some maniacal leader to come along and sweep them off their feet and set fire to the world.
I think that’s what you’re referring to, that authoritarian loving, unstable strata who seek a Messiah, a Fuhrer, Il Duce, the big Hero they can follow.
Every country has them and the charlatan Trump found ours. Of course no one but a charlatan can find them. They won’t listen to a good leader, to a real Messiah. They respond only to the Thug Type, the strutter, the prancer and bragart…like Trump. They are empty and hollow and want that in a leader.
We have them. We learn to use them.
@JBguitar 1990 LOLLLLLLL Go play guitar in your Mom’s basement with your need for a strongman , genius. Someone find this Trumpanzee a crying towel and a safe space.
If Trump was his only client, then Rudy must be broke
And tRump didn’t pay him. SO, where did all the money come from? Airplanes, hotels,dinner with comrades? Where was the $100k coming from mentioned in the recorded “butt call”!
All debts paid in full for a pardon.
@Travis – Rudy knows where the bodies are buried. Trump will not stiff Rudy when it comes to payment for services rendered, regardless of the futility of those services.
Strzok looking kinda happy as if he is thinking – KARMA. If he’s not thinking it, I’ll think it for him.
Lots of Karma going around lately. It’s gonna be a nice summer.
He’s human—he’s thinking it. And I’m very happy for him, Ms. Yvanovich, Col. Vindman (And his brother), and all the others who had to listen to this creep lie about them and what they were doing.
I’d guess they’re all human too and thinking what Strozk is thinking.
@Ray Stanczak what is that exactly? Treason?
This people you named ARE THE CREEPS.
Thank you so very much for your hard work and professionalism Nicole!
“Truth like oil in water. Sooner or later must rise to surface.”
– Charlie Chan
How does Charlie Chan know about this?
Wow…how profound! Truth is also like a turd in the toilet bowl.
@Greg White and fish eat other fish.
Rudy “smack dab in the middle of a number of messes”—including the shoe polish liquid dribbling down his face. Hope that shoe polish doesn’t get on his Orange Jail Suit!
Absolutely clear, rounded, and informative. What we all knew. Thank you.
F.y.i. uncle Rudy they dont give you just for men in Rikers island..
Hearing all this information is like tearing a band-aid off an old wound. It’s painful to remember that we actually lived through a period of time where the POTUS and his henchmen were more interested in aiding Russia than the US. And the entire GOP turned a blind eye to it all.
Well 40 years ago if you had asked me who would have ended up in bed with the Russians, I would not have guessed Republicans. What happened? Oh right…Russia is the last bastion of White autocracy.
Thank you, Lord! It was so heartbreaking the way she was treated. Having to flee in the night, a US Ambassador.
He used his power to undermine our democracy. He should be in prison.
I’m old enough to remember when a US President wasn’t a Russian asset.
I love how the DOJ waited till the dust settled and then began to round up these traitors. They had this evidence a long time ago but Barr’s DOJ stopped this investigation as the did others.
Correct, Fred Flintstone put his own spin on the “Mueller Report”.
Wow. Rudy is in it deep but apparently didn’t give a crap and did whatever he wanted. People die when you do what Rudy did. That’s insane!