We saw a record-breaking GDP increase today, but is it too soon for the president to take a victory lap? White House Trade Advisor Peter Navarro joins Stephanie Ruhle to discuss the numbers and what we should be focusing on heading into the election. Aired on 10/29/2020.
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Peter Navarro On Economy: ‘We've Got Basic Structural Problems We're Facing Because Of The Virus’
Why do they even let this clown on? Their disastrous trade policies and tariffs have proven their incompetence.
@The Tweatles
Maga rallies?
Don’t you mean trumps Covid19 superspreader rallys for morons?
tRump claims that he is making America Great Again!
The truth is tRump is only bringing Covid19 HOME AGAIN!
@Micki Bradshaw but it does reveal the awesome stupidity of the Trump cult.
@The Tweatles Making Covid spike again!!! Go Donnie!
And then there’s Kudlow
The Tweatles – Yup. That’s why we call them superspreader events.
republican solution to the corona and everything in general = don’t be poor.
I’m screwed
Just be a 400 million dollar heir like Trump; No problemo file six bankruptcies like Trump.. And beyond those get hundreds of millions in debt forgiveness from banks – so they can offer Squat to working stiff savings accounts; still get to live in gold-gild luxury.. What could (possibly) be a problemo????
@Ro G Anyone clicking a random “tinyurl”, posted by an obvious Troll deserves what they get.
@Gary Truthteller
The Nation’s total debt under Trump Republicans:
2020 $27 trillion
2019 $23 trillion
2018 $21 trillion
2017 $20 trillion
2016 $19 trillion
– The nation’s total debt has topped $27 trillion for the first time in U.S. history.
For the first time since World War II, the U.S. government’s debt will roughly equal the size of the entire American economy by the end of this year, the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office said Wednesday. By Jeff Stein – September 2, 2020 at 2:15 p.m. PDT —
@Mad Wisdom No problemo. Let some Dem. Administration deal with it.. the main thing is we can brag about CURRENT Wall Street gaming numbers. Ba dum.. bum
Joe biden 2020
So sad watching MSNBC question if joe Biden is taking covid19 2 seriously meanwhile bring on the #rublestooge cutout peter Navarro…#grifter tv
Ooh, here’s an idea! How about focusing on getting the virus under control?
Dead people don’t shop….. So, yes. Let’s get the virus under control.
Trump won’t be the only member of Team Trump facing indictments…
Nope. There ALL GOING TO be Democrats. Why? They are guilty as sin of sqrewing us all over. So good luck with that.
Where is Hunter?
I love Stephanie she always has solid facts and asks good questions. Trumps army have mastered the art of deflection.
Whenever the Trumpettes mention the virus, they always have to follow it up with “that came from China”. Still trying to deflect the blame for the situation the US is in. Pathetic
Exactly. It’s not where it came from anymore. It’s what did you do about it once it was here?
Not supporting doctors and mitigation techniques.
@harrison wintergreen Exactly.
But at least they and us in Canada follow the Doctors and scientists.
Not like the Impeached Orange Coward.
“…Were rounding the corner…” for over five months now.
How many corners in his tiny pickled mind are there ?
The response came from the United States
Sarsi Emanuel – Funny how they blame China for not containing it, but Trump couldn’t keep it out of the White House and away from his family.
@J Groovy – Exactly. How can you trust your heart surgeon about to operate on you when you know he already had a triple bypass and his father and brother died of a heart attack?
Maybe if there was a NATIONAL plan to handle the Pandemic instead of Trump insisting Governors must do it themselves and then blaming them for doing it themselves…
Trump ignores the threat of coronavirus. Trump destroyed medicine in the country. Now the coronavirus is destroying not only citizens, it is destroying the country’s economy. Trump surrendered before the coronavirus. He does not know what to do. Vote for the Democrats, they have a plan to save the citizens and the country.
@Dave Clark Go look at the numbers again to see where we were end of 2015 and where we are now, even YTD 2020 we are positive numbers even during this time of COVID which BTW no one predicted and no one person caused. Its called America fighting through it, but Biden honestly doesn’t have the energy, just look at him. Going to a fight anywhere on anything which guy would you pick.
@Can’t Wait Apparently on COVID they want to do what Trump is doing, lets face it he created the model…….other then this, 100 Trillion dollar green new deal that will collapse on itself because we will be the only nation to spend the money….means we lose big, Health care and college for all for free, I guess we then all pay 48% tax. They get rid of the cops, so better buy a gun, wait no, they are taking those away too so the only guns will be unregistered guns and those are in the hands of the criminals already…….makes sense though right?
@James Hallman During ‘The greatest Economy in US Hstory” (Trump’s words) he racked up $3 Trillion in debt his first 3 years and he’s already racked up another $3 trillion so far this year. It’s a House of Cards.
@Dave Clark Actually he just blocked Pelosi from taking out another 2.4 Trillion……he doesn’t want to give to states that are not managed well and are just gonna go further upside down, I don’t blame him at all. Her state is the worst of all in almost every category. would ya just look at it!
@James Hallman I was just trolling but thanks anyway these people are insane trump 2020
Peter is proof that the stupidity starts at the top and trickles down.
Or, a bit more fine tune to that calculus: It starts with simpleton cult morons that somehow come to vote in an all-time Narcissist Reprobate….
Sh@t rolls downhill.
I’m the trade guy.
“I ‘m a social scientist “-Navarro.
Peter Navarro…..living proof of the “Peter Principle”.
He reached his level of incompetence long ago.
Man, you are so right! Keep up with the wisdom.
Once he said, “the virus came from China…” I muted his responses. Experts are saying that America’s covid problem came from Europe.
On the east coast.west got china
The Chinese lied about it in the beginning, but they took fighting it seriously. They did things that we would never accept in the US. That should have clued the Trump Administration to how serious it was.
China lied, but so did Trump. He has forfeited his right to blame them, as if blame helps anything in the first place.
@J Groovy I’m almost certain that XI told Trump exactly how dangerous it was and that was how Trump had info he told Woodward in Feburary..Trump knew it was airborne and 5 times more deadly than the flu in January. He had plenty of time to act and South Korea even offered to help us and his arrogant azzz turned them down.
Mr President “your fired!
What does the
Vietnam War
Corona Virus
& 60 minutes have in common?

That’s hilarious.
That is very True!
ROFL, good one, can I borrow it?
Why is it that everyone of trump’s spokesman are unable to tell the truth at all
Haha, because for you listening to CNN etc they have you thinking the words used do not amount to truth. TRUTH above FACTS rings loudly at that moment.
They’re about to find out that the economy can not be separated from the virus.
Dead people don’t shop.
@Mad Wisdom and don’t vote too.
Their relatives and friends do.
She took her glasses off, and then gave a half-smile. She must’ve torn him a new one in response.
(Not even addressing him calling her “Steph.”)
Navarro continues misrepresenting Biden’s well-documented position on fracking while pandering to the majority of people who are unaware of the *financial* unsustainability of fracking.
Long story short, all oil drilling is capital intensive upfront. In traditional drilling operations, that upfront cost is amortized over a long life span for producing wells. In fracking, well productivity typically decreases by up to 70% after the first year. This results in well abandonment, followed by drilling of a replacement well. The ongoing capital intensive nature of fracking, coupled with drastically decreases in the cost of a barrel of oil, are what make fracking financially unsustainable.
Of course, all of this says nothing of the lack of regulation fracking enjoys while wreaking havoc on the environment.
Please don’t believe a word I say. Do your own research. A good starting point is https://youtu.be/jFWHxZpF9rc.
Instead of attempting to prop up dying industries such as coal and oil, Biden is looking to the future with plans to add as many as 10 million clean energy jobs. And this says nothing about next-generation nuclear.
Of course, the added benefits of transitioning to a clean energy economy also include addressing global climate change, while making the U.S. truly energy independent.
With projects such as the Australian-ASEAN Power Link (AAPL), that will generate and store energy from renewables in Australia, then transmit that energy to Singapore and Indonesia via a 2,800 mile high voltage direct current transmission facility, the U.S. could become a net clean energy exporter, as well!