2020 presidential candidate Mayor Pete Buttigieg officially filed to appear on New Hampshire's primary ballot. NBC News' Vaughn Hillyard reports from the room and spoke to the candidate. Aired on 10/30/19.
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Pete Buttigieg Officially Files To Appear On New Hampshire Primary Ballot | Craig Melvin | MSNBC
Go Pete!!!
Kate LeBlanc Male Poop Pete is a filthy sodomite and scummy liar– see my channel.
Best news I heard all day long.
. Love the gold ring.
V Chin He is a scummy liar. See my channel.
Boot a judge – NO
Boot edge-edge – YES
President Pete – no problem
Kenneth Geisler He is a filthyliar and a filthy sodomite! See my channel.
@Miss. Discovery You seem to have badly missed on your discovery.
It’s upsetting that, even after he has pronounced it for us, people refuse to attempt pronouncing his name. It’s three syllables. Not difficult once explained. My gawd.
I like him. He’s smart and has a cool head. Puts Trump to shame. That could make him a great president.
Joyce Morison Male Poop Pete is a dummy liar and filthy sodomite. See my channel.
Early bird.
Pete is in a “tie” with Biden… who is in a “tie” with warren… who follows but is in a “tie” with the next president of the United States Bernie mf Sanders
You like those old white people, don’t you?
Wow who is he ? Think amma gravitate to him
Damar Ebanks. He’s corrupted from corporate donors and doesn’t support Medicare for all. I’d check out Bernie Sanders if you actually care about fundamental change to healthcare (Medicare for All which saves us money), climate change (with the Green New Deal), free public college, and ending corporate buying of our government. Pete isn’t the way to go.
@Zachary Fluke He raises money *_EXACTLY HOW BERNIE_* does. http://www.fec.gov shows every candidate, all their donors, all on their payrolls, their expenditures by vendor. Next?
Damar Ebanks PeteforAmerica.com
Intelligent and dignified going to be an interesting race
Congratulations Mayor Pete onward and upward! Jane
Jane Stevenson He is a filthy liar, filthy so do.ite,and deadly danger to pregnant woman.See my channel.
He’s clearly not so intelligent and has no ideas. Hate this guy.
Can you at least pretend to cover Bernie Sanders? Leading in New Hampshire? No?K. Thanks.
Zachary Fluke
Pete For America 2020!
1Drummer He is a liar, sodomite, obsessed. babykiller. See my channel.
He’s not the right guy for the job. We can do better than Pete.
@Miss. Discovery
Yawn. Bernie 2020!
Wow, he flew in to NH with all that corporate donor money and his 5% approval
Ish Spread the word about what a liar Male Poop Pete really is. And other very bad things about him. See my channel.
Is it a bitter pill for you to swallow that he is winning?
Congrats Mayor Pete!
I cant tell what is being chanted in the background.
He’s the dark horse like Barack Obama I know he’s the next President, I knew it with Barack and I know it here!
Mayor Pete would make a terrific president !
So what? They all have to do it.
He accepted Super PAC. Hes been bought by big business, lost my vote..
He is wasting time and money.
He’s a lefty like me. Interesting.