Former 2020 Democratic presidential candidate, Pete Buttigieg, joins Morning Joe to discuss his campaign, the importance of a strong leader in times of crisis and the state of the 2020 presidential race. Aired on 03/09/2020.
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Pete Buttigieg: Lives Depend On The Wisdom, Judgment Of The President | Morning Joe | MSNBC
Lets just sum it up: trump and good human traits are incompatible to the point of an arch nemesis relation
—- > With Biden, I think Buttigieg means “lives depend on Mike Bloomberg and his 60 other billionaire donors”. Voting for Biden is like voting for an oligarchy, wall-street muguls and hedge fund managers that was behind the 2008 financial crash.
Here Are The Billionaires Backing Joe Biden’s Presidential Campaign (please share) .
#8 Michael Bloomberg
(please share)
snoop alert hahaha what results does Trump get? Lol
@snoop alert —– > Trump and Bloomberg both buy politicians. Mike Bloomberg and Biden’s other 60 billionaires are wall-street moguls and hedge fund managers who crashed the economy and the housing market in 2008. Bernie Sanders is the only one who isn’t holding a billionaire money bag. Bernie is the only option if you want someone who will represent The People and not special interests.
Trump’s been paying politicians for years. Now, he’s playing the voters
@snoop alert So, Patton got the job done, Trump is not getting the job done, however, that’s my opinion, please tell me what Trump has done besides the market and a 100 mile wall. Please don’t tell me a great economy because I’ve fact checked that and Obama ended his presidency with a great economy that Trump took over. Look it up. So, please let us know what Trump has done. Also, there was no problem with the media until Trump started his “fake news” BS. You know who else did that, Hitler. Look that one up too if you don’t believe me.
Dude, you can buy a second outfit now.
Ashley Churchill haha I like Pete, but true.
super deep insight
Yeah. You are so hilarious.
At least it fits and his necktie isn’t ridiculous, hanging down to his crotch.
Pete always looks neat, clean, groomed and his hair is nicely cut.
It’s difficult to contain such an outbreak without paid sick leave and affordable healthcare.
Impossible rather.
Education, Healthcare, Housing are the three legged stool for a good society.
Also, don’t kiss and fondle flags.
The scientists have said that people carry the virus up to 14 days before being symptomatic. If you don’t know you’re spreading it, how will you know to stay home? By the time you realize you’re sick you’ve already contaminated the work place. Wash your hands. Treat everything, including yourself as a contaminate. And of course, stay home if you’re sick.
I like the part where t’rump has no idea how vaccines work so he went to maralago to golf instead.

Ro G – lmao!
Didn’t know that presidents needed to know how
Trump needs to prove how safe we are, hanging out unprotected with a bunch of coronavirus victims.
Multiple problems solved
@NOYDB or we just go ahead and exterminate all the people who have it now problem solved
Fondled tRump is a fool.
First half the interview: The DNC put no pressure on anyone to drop out.
Second Half: Shouldn’t the DNC put pressure on Sanders to drop out?
The dissonance is real people
It’s beyond stupid- see the real Biden:
Seriously! I mean jesus christ… I know the people watching this garbage corporate news are completely brainwashed and wildly ignorant of what is actual reality, but sheesh. You’d think even THOSE people would be able to see what they’re doing here. Its absolute insanity
You would have to be crazy to keep pumping money into a campaign when you are so far behind. I wanted Mayor Pete to win and I hope he will run for Senate or House in the future.
@Tanya Owen he had already bought the ads for super Tuesday. There was no loss for him to stay in the race
Paid sick leave would be great, but a lot of people just straight up get fired for missing work more than a few days even when it is UNPAID!!!!
How many Americans live paycheque to paycheque? How many houses are going to be lost when these people have to take unpaid sick leave ? How many children are going to go to bed with no dinner? Not trump’s family. They are too busy ripping the honest Americans off!
Most Americans that have paid sick leave don’t use all of it..who wants to be sick? Not most Americans!
@Vincent Conti my company pays out sick time at the end of the year so if I can stay healthy it’s almost an extra check ( I get 4 sick days per year) all other paid time off is use or lose.
It’s the Stock Room workers, Nurses, Bank Tellers, etc who can’t “teleconference”
Correct sister
”We have to remember what we’re up against. It is not each other.”

We are against a bunch of liberals who hate freedom
Well, I disagree. I’m against anyone that takes tHumpers advise & spreads it all around because he calls it a hoax. I just hope the ‘hoax’ is on him.
So good to see Pete again… He is the only candidate (current or not) I can watch that doesn’t give me an anxiety attack.
Cleo P agreed
you must be incredibly dumb
I was hoping he’d get the nomination. I like Pete.
I’d say he’s paranoid.
Since lives depend on the wisdom and judgement of the President we are all royally screwed.
@Respect/Walk What exactly are you speaking?
‘Royally’ that’s funny.
Anyone who believes one word this psychopath in the white house says needs there own heads examined. When his creepy lips are moving, you know he’s lying.
@Cheryl Garry And you are a moron.
serves you right. in switzerland the activities of the nation depend on the judgement of the citizens. if yer too dumb for democracy, live on yer knees.
I’d never trust a guy in orange make up.
I wouldn’t have trusted Trump before the orange makeup either but I read about him in the newspaper and heard his interviews back in the 80’s. He was a creepy conman and he has not changed. Positive vibes from New Hampshire and remember to be kind to each other
Good call – the only other person I have seen with make up like Trumps was my old headmistress – there are more than a few similarities – including the fact they are both crooks
I wouldn’t trust a guy who loves guys anuses either.
And an empty cranial cavity.
Our dear leader says that the COVID-19 outbreak is all a HOAX!
“The party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.” — George Orwell, “1984”
This is a key pillar of the trump agenda widely abetted by powerful GOP politicians whose thirst for power manifests a new reality of an emerging authoritative political system.
if he thought it was a hoax, why did he ask for congressional funding to combat it?
@Kent Horvath
If he didn’t think it was a hoax, why did he say it was? In front of thousands of people at a rally, no less.
@Patrick Gelinas
Didn’t refer to the virus as a hoax.
Listen again.
“Depend On The Wisdom, Judgment Of The President”
Oh, we’re doomed!
Pete was my first choice, I am sorry I didnt get a chance to vote for him this time.
@dstillable just repeating tribal banter. It’s the norm amongst some.
@dstillable well, he seemed to change his believes every week. started off wanting M4A…….then campaigned against it, coincidentally around the time he had his wine cave meeting.
@dstillable well when he didn’t have wine cave money, he had considerably different positions at the start of his campaign, maybe some some mayo heads have short memories.
@dstillable I agree, his ploicies were so detailed. The Douglass Plan was 17 pages of only plocy description, he had over 32 policies ranging from health care, AAPI, education, foreign affairs, Black Agenda, Women, Climate Crisis, Immigration and may many more
@Maria Salazar Rios and the billionaires really loved those bills. Over 40 billionaires thought Pete’s policies would be great for them. Now they back Biden.
Medicare for all, would alleviate a lot of these worries!
Joe is senile. He may be able to hide from Bernie, but there is no way he can hide during the general election. All this media gaslighting will accomplish is to re-elect trump.
Who quits the primary when they still have a shot BEFORE SUPER TUESDAY?
He got a call from obama, now hes lying about the establishment right out in the open
he’s angling for a cabinet position and his future in the billionaire controlled dnc… he’s a sellout, not of or for the people, but playing a long game for his seat at the table. typical political swine move.
The only hope for the future of the planet and the american minds is nohing less that
The establishment is looking pretty good now that we have had a taste of wannabe dictatorship.
I think he’d make a good Vice President
I really wanted my Sweet Pete to get the Nomination and the Presidency.
He’s so calm and soothing, I almost forget he’s talking about a CRISIS.
I really wanted him to go the distance..
I love how they say that Sanders is disingenuous and then lie about what he said about “The Establishment”.