Democratic presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg talks with CNN's Chris Cuomo about the formal impeachment inquiry into President Donald Trump.
#CNN #News
Democratic presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg talks with CNN's Chris Cuomo about the formal impeachment inquiry into President Donald Trump.
#CNN #News
Thank you PETE.
Yes Pete…thank you for being a tin foil drone….
I noted with satisfaction that Buttigieg said “this is just the last of impeachable offenses”.
@Jeremiah How many napkins do you need?
@Sma 556 None of that happened…. Next
@Sma 556 I throw pretty big ropes…. so you’ll need a lot, to clean off your face.
@Sma 556 Don’t you use a larger model?
@Sma 556 smh. What kind of crazy wild conspiracy theory people you listen up. How did Obama collude? He even warned Trump about some of his people talking to the Russians.
Mayor Pete, you are just remarkable. Good luck in your campaign!
He’s toast. Already bought property in San Fran to move there with his boywife
Mayor Pete could not beat Kermit the Frog
@Paul Belardo he wouldn’t win reelection in south bend they hate him
Him or warren only ones thar interest me.bernie and tang lost me when they were to busy to participate in a human rights debate
LUV both of them and hope they win!!
All loser’s
Giuliani and Mulvaney will soon be joining Trump’s elite club…to see what the world looks like from the underside of that proverbial bus.
@Jonathan Jacob I make no prediction about Trump’s survival. I’m just saying there’s an ever growing list of clueless underlings who were willing to lick Trump’s boots, but who in the end were used, abused, blamed, shamed, and finally given that same boot as a consolation prize. Bannon, Priebus, Kelly, Gorka, Flynn, McMaster, Bolton, Spicer, Hicks, Scaramucci, Nielsen, Mattis…etc…etc….
@pigsassispork can’t the same be said for any president? Or any large organisation in general? Confirmation bias?
Pete has the political and humanitarian sense that literally makes sense. Don’t focus on the clown show because I’m focusing on what Americans really need. He’s absolutely right.
C Cage face it Trump is a goner and if you speak to women like that then crawl back up the hill where you belong.
Are you talking about Fredo’s little son lol
New York State Democratic Party membership registration deadline is October 11, 2019. …just in case you want to help Andrew Yang get nominated and you are living in New York! Yang 2020
Please look into your state’s primary rules!!! ASAP
@Bruce Keane Anderson Yang has about as much of a chance as Kermit the Frog lol
Pete is so eloquent and articulate
Slap nuts Pete is a Jackass
If he could ever command respect from his city, he might have a shot. He just doesn’t resonate with dems, probably because he reminds me of Dukakis.
You sound jealous there Scott M.
Found all the brainwashed homophobic bigots, yikes. Mayor Pete would *destroy* Trump and nearly all of the other candidates in a proper debate that’s beyond 30 seconds. Some of you need to return to reality.
Mayor Pete is so impressive!!!!!!!!!!!!!
He is and I hope his time will come. Right now we need BERNIE. He is the only one who will stand up to the Corporations. Go watch Chris Hedges youtubes. We are in trouble and we need BERNIE now.
“If the thing we’re trading away is this president’s capacity to get things done on a bipartisan basis that the American majority want, we’re not trading much”
Darron Campbell You are a class act!
Because Trump says that he’s doing something or has done something (like build his stupid wall), you believe him. If you check everything he tells you on these idiotic rallies you will see for yourself.
@Joe Perez fortunately your deranged denial of the actual facts do not make them any less so. We will have 4 more years of progress like it or not .
@tom schmitz you truly are deranged. You kill innocent children even before they take their first breath and even after. You care nothing for the kids who are trafficked over our border. How do you even sleep at night knowing that because of your leftist ideology veterans sleep on the sidewalks in filth. The gods of Obozo and Clinton that you worship have made a mess of this country and while not perfect, this president is slowly but surely cleaning it up. It tears you up that he is successful and will win another term. I relish in your misery. As many times as you spew your talking points they will never turn into facts. They will only be believed by the worthless millenials that infest our college campuses.
@Greg Reuterthe actual leftist fascists in power know that they will never be able to be in control of an armed population intent on freedom. The lower level leftist sheep who are hypnotized by their rhetoric and unable to reason for themselves are convinced that the all knowing and benevolent government controlled by socialism would never do anything that wasn’t for the good of the people, as they steal from the worker and give to the lazy. That’s why this country will never turn socialist even if an election is stolen. We will simply take it back.
Pete remains stable, focused and natural in the face of danger. I like him, he would make a good president
Look at the job he’s done as mayor, look at his socialist agenda, then do some research on socialism in the past and what socialism truly is and always leads to.
@Jean Kennedy Marion Barry won re-election also. So what’s your point?!
@PolitiKings : So? What’s YOURS?
This guy impresses me! Level headed thinking, intelligent, laser-focused, master communicator. Who does he remind you of?
Edwin A. Ondatje Bobby Kennedy
Edwin A. Ondatje the Fucking antichrist
Wrong!!! 10000% he won’t be next president. Mark my word!!
Everytime I hear Mayor Pete speak, I am so confused as to how he isn’t polling higher.
TRUTH WARRIOR why not just call him Ayatollah Trump on this third term?
@TRUTH WARRIOR heil Trump !
Buttigieg is a milk toast run of the mill establishment Democrat who’s taking donor money left and right, he’s not a progressive and won’t implement the changes the people want.
This isn’t a matter of innocence or guilt! He said it, and his dumb A$$ attorney did the same on national television! Almost daring congress!!! Time to dump these law breaker PERIOD!!!!
Npc 2000 Nobody who supports the President is dealing with facts. It’s unbelievable the conspiracy theories people throw around with sketchy evidence or none at all.
Dale Cox uhhh no, Biden was pretty open about his dealings…….This whole mayor butthead deal is just spewing more fake rhetoric, it’s tiresome and counter productive.
@Npc 2000 please, don’t waste your time talking with these complete idiots
@Ahmad Turner Trump is the best president since Reagan
Love you Pete!
Mayor Pete you have everything it takes to be president. Integrity, honesty, intelligence, etc. etc. Love you!!!
Wrong 1000% and 1000% sure he won’t be next president.
What a contrast! Mayor Pete has integrity, good motives, values & principles, has served his country, and is intelligent and articulate. Trump is Narcissistic, he dodged serving his country due to “bone spurs”, he’s a pathological liar and he has sold out our national security and the integrity of our elections for his own selfish financial and political interests.
A supposed progressive decided it was right to call him trash. What kind of trash would say that? A supposed progressive person
Buttigieg is lucid and logical in his elucidations.
Compare that to the Buffoon with orange hair who is incoherent and dishonest.
Wrong!!! 10000% he won’t be next president. Mark my word!!
Mayor Pete vs Trump on the debate stage would be so fun to watch, would have to call a mercy rule because of how much credibility and class Pete has
Joey Corte oh I would pay big
to Petes campaign to see that.
Trumptard would be demolished.
No Joey, when Mayor Pete starts getting the better of Trump, Trump will start jumping up and down screaming “Hillary, Hillary, Hillary!” Then the next day his brainwashed supporters will be jumping up and down screaming “Hillary, Hillary, Hillary!”
What a superb interview and on this topic, Mayor Pete was the perfect guest to air his thoughts which were spot-on, articulate, thoughtful, focused. If he isn’t selected as the Democratic presidential candidate (I’d choose Elizabeth Warren), he’d certainly make a terrific VP. Indeed, as a combined ticket, they’d be unbeatable because they cover so many demographics.
what demographics? rich and white?
1 and 1/1024th different demographics.
Agreed Warren.
Knuckle Head ???
@Ascot Berks That’s the extent to which native Warren is indeed a native. Yeah, a full-blooded Cherokee.
It’s incredible just how direct and efficient Pete’s answers are!
@4c1dr3fl3x he is failing the city of South Bend terribly
He likes getting it straight after all
Sure what about him quoting the Bible in regards to abortion but neglects to remind everyone what it says about being homosexual he’s a wolf in sheep’s clothing
This must be a joke. The guy is a fake
I really like this guy. You ask him a question and he answers it.
ditto Carol