Pete Buttigieg Hasn’t Received ‘Much Of An Explanation’ Yet About Iowa | Morning Joe | MSNBC

2020 Democratic candidate Pete Buttigieg joins Morning Joe following the Iowa caucuses to chaos following the lack of results, his internal numbers from Iowa and his campaigning in Iowa. Aired on 02/4/20.
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Pete Buttigieg Hasn't Received 'Much Of An Explanation' Yet About Iowa | Morning Joe | MSNBC

Pete Buttigieg Hasn't Received 'Much Of An Explanation' Yet About Iowa | Morning Joe | MSNBC


    1. @Daniel Stepp well, Pete’s NOT the only one… Biden is among the group too – all just wanting to make sure that democracy can’t be compromised… so they had a glich – BFD – be patient – the paper results will be counted.
      check out the rest of the donors to ‘Shadow’ from the FEC website…

    1. ozzie houser Nobody denies that the stock market is doing well, but it does not reflect the how Middle America is doing. Still, lots of small towns that Trump promised to help with double digit unemployment. These are the towns that Trump specifically promised to help. All of the “progress” is going to the wealthy big cities that Trump brags about hating.

      I actually don’t have a hang up about Bernie being called “establishment”. He is, for all intents and purposes, a career politician. But Trump, his Republican followers in Congress, and his corporate backers are also just as much the “establishment” as Bernie or Hillary or Obama.

    2. @Jason Thompson The Nobel Committee tosses then around like candy. Obama getting one was proof of that. There were 10 times more air strikes under Obama than Bush. Obama and Holder stoked racial tensions in Ferguson starting the murdering of police officers. Obama sold guns to the Cartels. Definitely someone worthy of the Nobel.

    1. Bernie Sanders had already WON it just now at this point we get to witness the CNN, MSnbc, DNC Pete Buttigieg corruptions behind it 🤬

    1. @Ladibug4422 The fact that Bernie & Company had *THEIR OWN BACKUP APP* in anticipation of such nonsense is the best example of 4d chess I’ve ever seen! 🤓

    2. Me laughing at people blame the Iowa DNC not realizing the very same fu k up happened in the 2012 GOP primary… 🤣🤣🤣🤣

  1. Why is he on a media run after less than 3% of the votes were in. Not to mention the fact that he was in second place lace

    1. Spread the news, according to Pete’s internal data, he only got 25% of the vote, which lines up perfectly with what the Bernie camp was reporting. BERNIE WON IOWA and BIDEN CAME FOURTH

    1. @Gotham Thot Slayer What do the FEC filings say? Iowa Democratic Party engaged Shadow to build the app and paid $60k for it. Ask them – they are on Twitter.

  2. I like Pete, but having a stake in the company that made the app. [Shadow inc. – seriously?] looks really shady. I can’t imagine the DNC is in a hurry to announce that Bernie won and Joe ran in 4th.

    1. @M P His campaign chair is maried to the CEO that developed the app.

      I suppose thats just fine to you though.

      Also, its the Federal Election Commision that has cheatin Pete’s record of the 2 donations, reported by his own campaign.

    1. @Shirley Acuff Enjoy these whimpy warm up acts. It’s a doner effort. When the fighting starts Trump is going to clean house.

    1. @ruth depew Pete was the only one using the word ‘victorious’! That’s claiming victory. The other talked about good results. The corporate dems desperately wanted headlines saying Pete winning. And then again to day when they released 62% counted with Pete barely in the lead with delegates, while behing in the popular vote. Just like they did for Hillary in 2016.
      Again they got new headlines with ‘Pete is winning’ and ‘Pete is in the lead’.
      This is not right!

    1. @Mike G And people like you are too stupid to see the truth when it stares them right in the face. Pete is a fraud and you’re a moron if you support him.

    1. @landsolo No need to attributive to malice that which can be explained by incompetence. In any case, this is a state level process, not a DNC process.

    2. @Alex P It’s a real shame how effective disinformation is, because Buttigieg’s Douglass Plan is revolutionary, and his is the only comprehensive gun reform which specifically addresses White Nationalism and misogyny. He advocates to end prison sentences for minor drug offenses (which target black people substantially more than whites despite the same rate of offense.) He’s a great candidate, though none of them are perfect. At least he isn’t 78 years old, and he’s willing to work with the moderates we need to actually get leftist legislation passed.

    3. Carolyn Talbot he also is corrupt, he is buying his way in just like Bloomberg with all the millions of dollars from big donors, he’s also contributed to the Iowa caucus app monetarily which is a conflict of interest. This is corruption, coincidence he says he had a victory when the votes hadn’t come out yet. Non of what I’m saying is a lie your not looking hard enough to see the truth. He’s also copied Andrew yangs talking points word for word and has since changed but once in a while uses them, but that fine he’s not going far.

    1. I dunno ….even though he wants to win, sometimes he wants others to come from behind..
      It’s a real mess lol

  3. ‘Shadow Inc’, the vote app owner…..SOUNDS LEGIT!! Oh also Bootypickle, Hillary and Bloomberg gave them money. NAH nothing to see here! 🙄

    1. Foreign observer here;

      Is this the “American democracy” thing people have been talking about?

  4. He’s doing what he was coached to do. Take advantage of the confusion while the DNC takes the steam out of a Sanders victory, and force the DNC to put their support behind him and drop Biden.

  5. Love how the media can manage to completely ignore Bernie even when he wins the coveted Iowa caucus…bad form.

    1. Well this just further proves how much of an outsider Bernie really is, which is not a bad thing considering the people who comprise the crowd with whom he does not fit. Like Bernie or don’t, but you can’t deny certain facts about the man. He is honest. He is not like the rest. He is genuine. He is popular. He is kind. He is for the people. Facts are facts.

    1. Spread the news, according to Pete’s internal data, he only got 25% of the vote, which lines up perfectly with what the Bernie camp was reporting. BERNIE WON IOWA and BIDEN CAME FOURTH

    1. @Robert Barrett when police have both motive and a previous history of similar offenses thats not called conspiracy its called probable cause.

    2. The Truth is that many think Bernie is a bit of nut job. He wants to spend over $4 Trillion in his first term, which is twice as much as Biden and 4 times as much as Trump.

      “(Bread Lines) are a good thing!” – Bernie Sanders

  6. “What did you base that on?”
    “Well, I gave hundreds of thousands of dollars to Shadow Inc who made a defunct app so I could claim false victory.”

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