Power Group Communication's Laura Babcock says a 'pattern' is emerging with Ont. Doug Ford's government and COVID-19 travel.
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In fact, many are, but they aren’t all blind.
Is it so hard to find anyone with integrity to be in these positions of power. Or does it get thrown out when they get elected. Smh
They never had any.
agree ; they are only voted in for 4 years can’t they just behave for 4 years ?
Reggie, integrity comes from conducting yourself to principals. Principals are not ephemeral. So, I don’t believe individuals become corrupt following election. I believe they were corrupt before that. Those without principals are the most easily corrupted. If you don’t stand for something, you fall for anything. We, the electorate, must do a better job of vetting the candidates. We need to look for examples in their past of where they behaved in a principled way. Where they did the right thing; not the easy or popular thing.
@Ogany Supreme we never were. Rules for thee but not for me.
@Caleb B Yup.
So…. you guys finally caught on that we ain’t buying your crap anymore?
Better late than never!
Awesome comment
They aren’t buying it either.. that’s why they’re not following their own restrictions.
They are all jag offs and should be fired.
What kind of spin will they put on Freeland’s vacation? QUISLINGS!
Where are they?
She is probably in Juan Guaidó’s villa plotting against Venezuela elected government.
@Bret Ziller Maggots are what the Elitists wish for your diet.
@Helen Schulz Wherever she is, they will claim that it was a business trip.
Didn’t True-doe’s wife travel to England in early March, get Covid, then travel back to infect Quebec?
i dont hear about criminal charges against this minister nor the RCMP went to the airport to receive this minister why??
He needs to be in jail for life.
Rules for thee not for me
it’s legal.
Hells angels have more integrity than the rcmp
Its not illegal it was just really stupid and hypocritical.
I wonder how many of the cabinet members took a vacation as well.
Ya how many haven’t been caught
@Valerie Smith Yes you can – all of them. Not one of them has the backbone to stand against the real culprits, which are the bureaucrats. Politicians come and go (with a plug nickel), but the Deputy Ministers are there for life. Know your real enemy.
Check the liberal and democrats you morons. They’ve been doing this for months.
All of them. Whether its St Bart or a cottage up North makes no difference.
Didn’t True-doe’s wife travel to England in early March, get Covid, then travel back to infect Quebec?
He should be fined heavily
…you spelled “fired” wrong.
Time to clean house kids. And Trudeau is camped out in Costa Rica.
@flimnap SEEING him isn’t proof? Stupid Liberal.
@Barry Wakeford my mom sisters cousin uncle said that’s not true.
@Barry Wakeford Source: dude trust me
Didn’t True-doe’s wife travel to England in early March, get Covid, then travel back to infect Quebec?
I researched that little tidbit about Trudeau being in Costa Rica. That is absolutely untrue! Peddling that kind of misinformation is irresponsible and shameful no matter which direction you lean politically. As for the Ontario Finance Minister the premier should fire him a d his electorate recall him.
Oh dear. Canadian politicians not being honest. Say it isn’t so…..

Public officials need to be held personally responsible for decisions made…
There are separate rules for public officials, don’t you know this?
ALL of them? Or just conservatives? So far Trudeau has refused to resign after FAR worse!
Bring back the DEATH PENALTY for corruption!
All of them , anyone acting on the government’s behalf…
@MeaslesPlease The last time we did that we founded Canada.
I read that wrong I thought you said they should be put down. I agreed with you for a moment
how about we all throw our masks in the garbage. wouldn’t that make more sense
@scraw2002 no
@scraw2002 Yes. Then every politician.
Oh they will ,whenever Yeshua [Jesus] burns down the vatican and the governments ,Halleluyah!
“I am so so sorry…… that we got caught”
Exactly. Isn’t that how it always goes.
He wanted out lol Ford knew all about it
I am sick of these crooked thief’s, add some jail time and pay the money back!
Shouldn’t he be fined?
“Rules for thee, but not for me”
– Ford (& Friends)
Animal Farm
Trudeau and the Liberals also you pillock!!!!
@Kenny Mac he’s worse
I hear he was staying at his friend Bill Morneau’s place in St. Barts. Don’t know if it’s true. Two friends both resigning for suspect behavior.
shameful they both should resign remember this in the next election
“Politicians should be well versed in the art of deception” – Leo Strauss
Oh and stop blaming just the conservative government. They aren’t the only ones guilty of this hypocrisy. There are no political lines in elitist sociopathic behaviour.
Philips is just the fall guy, just as Bill Morneau was.
Their bosses exhibit the same patterns and nothing happens to them.
salad fingers I disagree on the fall guy comment when the dude was on vacation!!!!! You’re a fall guy when you’re innocent!!!
But it is a crime because we have always had a NO TRAVEL RULE. HE TOO SHOULD BE CHARGED.
There isn’t any rule or law against nonessential travel. It’s just strongly discouraged. This guy is just extra disgusting because he did the wrong thing AND tried to disguise what he was doing, proving he knew it was wrong
Aml Sept 15 2018 “charged” lol give me a break, that’s a little off the wall extreme