Twelve Republican senators led by Sen. Josh Hawley (R-MO) say they plan to object to the electoral college votes certifying Joe Biden's presidential win. Pennsylvania's Democratic Lieutenant Governor John Fetterman responds. Aired on 01/04/2021.
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#Pennsylvania #JoshHawley #MSNBC
Pennsylvania Lt. Gov. On Sen. Hawley Challenging Presidential Vote | Ayman Mohyeldin | MSNBC
Every single person who votes against democracy should be relieved of their job. Then prosecuted for treason.
But they won’t be because we are soft. Now instead of treason it has become there right as an American. The ideology of both parties has severely crippled this country. trump just came in and took what was already fragile and destroyed it.
Toh yes
oh wow
P. Gordon, their actions don’t meet the criteria for treason, however, it will be very easy to find them guilty of sedition.
Agreed 100%.
The 140 traitors, their AGs and the rest of the filthy gop. Party of liars, grifters, hypocrites and now, traitors.
Pennsylvania’s Fetterman sounds like a straight shooter.
@candymiguel liar stop crying
@Charles Dotson me too
@Charles Dotson omgoodness sir me 2, I voted 4 Warnock & Ossoff the 2nd day of early voting. I voted 4 them both in nov also. I’m praying w/everything in me that they win 2morrow, our future def depends on them winning 4 sure. Thank u sir 4 ur prayers & plz continue praying 4 Warnock & Ossoff!! I personally appreciate it very much! God bless u!!
@Christina Shelton You’re very welcome, Christina! Many blessings to you, the citizens of Georgia, and our country as a whole…

@Charles Dotson

I love seeing this dude, he’s like an Always Sunny character that worked his way up to Lieutenant Governor.
@Tony Marquez English as a second language? Or just confused?
@William Jackson why would u ask that Mr. Jackson??
@Tony Marquez He obviously fights like the crow.
right .
These retrumplicans think they’ll inherit dump’s base. The cult is loyal to the orange one, not the party.
Why do the retrumplicans bother taking an oath? smh
@Tori O Exactly! They are such idiots for thinking the base will migrate to them. Lol
75 million and 20 million are dems in the middle I guess
Exactly! Trump’s never been a American conservative. He’s nationalist wannabe autocrat. It’s sad that his voters don’t know the difference. It’s absolutely pathetic that Republican politicians don’t! He’s not a Republican. He’s barely an American. He hates everything our country is supposed to stand for & so does his base. The GOP never gets to claim a monopoly on patriotism, again. They betrayed their oaths & their people, for a stupid red hat.
need this guy in the senate…
Yes I agree

Fetterman seems cool, not afraid to tell it like it is! _Texas’ Lt Gov. owes this man a million bucks_
3 million, actually
@Jon Newquist Correct!
1 million

Toh yes
oh wow
Afraid of what? A mirror? This guy is my hero.
Fetterman described Toomey to a tee. PRICELESS !
Yep, that was a brutal description of Senator Toomey’s character.
It was a sick burn!!!! LOL!!!!!!!!!!
I love this man. Every politician needs to be this brutally honest.
Speaking of brutal honesty, I believe #TaraReade . Do you believe Tara Reade? You know, Tara Reade, the lady whom half the country, and almost all of the #MSM, ignored and swept aside so you could have your president Biden?? That Tara Reade…
@Margret Senikuraciri The state of PA did audit the elections and found three instances of Trumpers committing voter fraud. It’s funny y’all get so focused on voter fraud when the majority of the time it’s Republicans committing the fraud.
When you’re walking on eggshells don’t hop
@Margret Senikuraciri liar
@Randy Randelson true
@Clap Back! I missed the part of my comment where I said “I love joe Biden who is all around perfect and unproblematic man.” Save your whataboutism for something more applicable.
Glad to see some people getting brave enough to speak out on all this Trump idiocy.
Finally, somebody besides all the media, sports stares, Hollywood, Facebook, YouTube, Twitter , Universities, Democrats… We finally have someone with the balls to say something against Trump.
Imagine if Republic*nts fought as hard to protect Americans from COVID as they have been/are fighting to overturn the will of the people!!!!
@Jo Smith the “squad”, whatever you think of them, are not in power. And they propose policies, they don’t impose them. The GOP is a right-wing party taken over by Trumpists who are fascist to the core; they think they have a god-given right to impose their will on the people and are actively trying to do just that.
@andyray9 you hyperpartisans are pretty comical! You seriously believe in politicians?…too funny!…lmao…”the donald”? Who cares? He hasn’t done anything for us.
@Questionable Fish awww…need a tissue, dear?
@Joseph Dueh Jr. He’d already be under arrest?
Hey Donny…. “everyone” IS laughing at you!
Okay , but he’s too stupid too know that .
@Candy Wilson I CONCUR with that too!!!!
It’s turned into more of a disgusted scoffing, tbh.
This is straight up banana republic actions. Pardoning his disgraced, convicted co-defendants, trying to coerce and extort illegal votes to overturn an election, plotting military coups in the Oval Office with lunatic lawyers and disgraced, convicted co-defendants.
I think this goes above and beyond any misuse and abuse of powers, this is sedition and yes, treason.
We’re very concerned for the rest of you, from out here in the real world. Your president and enablers are clearly out of control and undermining every area of government with lies and propaganda.
“No punishment, in my opinion, is too great, for the man who can build his greatness upon his country’s ruin”-
George Washington
@Senator Cringe McCaskill There is still no denying the truth in Washington’s statement.
@Senator Cringe McCaskill That’s an ad hominem argument. It doesn’t matter who said it: it’s true.
@Senator Cringe McCaskill And a liar.
This man should run for the senate
in 2015 he ran in the Dem primary, but lost. I remember because I donated
@DSAK55 he’s going win in 2022 easily
The election is a done deal no matter what the GOP tries.
PA’s next Governor or US Senator. He’d be great at either. Honest and to the point.
He could win trillions of votes!
For con man Trump there are 2 choices: overturn the election or go to jail for extensive tax and financial fraud…

we need more upfront politicians like this PA man! what a refreshing tone it is.
“Everyone knows Donald Trump lost”
Reminder: when Jefferson Davis, Robert E. Lee and the rest of the confederacy committed treason, they were not hanged for it.
What makes anyone here dumb enough to think Trump or any of his cronies are going to get punished?
See, that’s a big part of the problem. When they should have rounded up all the traitors and march them to the gallows, they didn’t. The US has been a country divided ever since. Add that to the cavalier attitude when it comes to not punishing war criminals like Cheney and Shrub. A country cannot move forward if it’s steeped in its past. And having no justice for the criminals at the helm, is going to keep history repeating its ugly self.
This is why justice matters. It’s what separates a civilised society from a banana republic, that has a president pardoning his convicted co-conspirators. A nation can’t heal without it.
If I was American, I’d keep reminding the people I elected, that justice for drump and his minions, is mandatory. And I’d remind them often. I sign petitions against drump and his band of filth when they let me, but I can’t do much else.
Stay safe down there and for the love of Pete, don’t show up at the capitol on the 6th. Unless confrontation and violence is your thing. Because the fools who do show up, can’t change a thing and they’ll be angrier than usual. Let them turn on each other.
@SkyGemini Well said! Thank you for that.
“He’s walking into a buzzsaw.”
I’m dead! We need more elected officials like Fetterman.