Pennsylvania Attorney General Josh Shapiro and former Senator Claire McCaskill discuss Republican attempts to restrict voting rights and the role local officials have played in upholding democracy. Aired on 03/01/2021.
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#Pennsylvania #JoshShapiro #MSNBC
Pennsylvania AG Shapiro: ‘People Have Noticed The Fragility Of Our Democracy’ | Deadline | MSNBC
More people these days realize the importance of paying attention to what goes on. Especially after tRump’s damage.
They are going to have to, there are zealous out there that only see their point of view.
Some how I think they have turned a blind eye to his perversion. After all it seem to be their values.
Dfis that
oh good
No one should ever be able to do the damage Trump has done. We should have the power to force them out. We all watched in disgust and utter shock by what he did . We all know if he was to run again, he wouldn’t act like a president. He would be plotting vengeance on ppl who didn’t vote for him.
These states will go down in history for their victory in a civil war fought at the ballot bow!
We will have to continue fighting at the ballot box for many elections to come, probably forever.
Instead of the GOP changing to meet the voices of 21st century Americans its chosen to abandon the Constitution. Shame.
@BostonBruins 88 you are not putting in your effort. A citizen should know more about American laws. Shame your uninformed words and know I enjoy knowing your life is less than it can be. Dumb is fixable said my grandpa but you must be the person that fixes it. I’ll pray you look at what is done in Washington and who voted for your needs. Best luck.
@BostonBruins 88 look at the information read the whole constitution and look at history for the last 50 years and shut up so you don’t sound so lost and uninformed at a sad level. I’m willing to think if you understand more you will think with real ideas and I’d love to discuss them with you. Are you a child?
@Marsh Morgan You just like everyone else has provided no facts, just insults. Sorry about your grandfathers delusion.Hopefully you guys can seek some truth. And yeah go “pray” while you support the party of trans and abortions… pick up a Bible and read it and see what God says about these issues
@Marsh Morgan You haven’t discussed one single issue. A lot of talking but zero polices or anything given. Not a single person in this thread has for that matter.
@BostonBruins 88 I’m just fine I am on the vestry and I clean our church. We help people who want to be legal American citizens. Before the boarder closed for COVID we had plans in the church to build a new house in Mexico. We are by the sound of it less angry than you. I think when I stoped judging others and let the heavens sort it out I was set free from running the planet. That is just the worst thing you could have said about my dead grandpa. He proved his worth and you’d have looked smarter by a large measure if you knew better than insult someone you’ve never meet. You have proven yourself to me and I feel bad for you. Shame for what you think is a smart attack. Gosh you are just so ugly inside. I hope I never meet you because you are so angry and hate what you don’t know about.
Trump insurrectionists: “Wait, you mean to tell me I spent all of that money on guns, ammo, and body armor, plus I stormed our nation’s Capitol, and it turns out that I was never actually a victim after all, I haven’t lost my rights, and I’m not being oppressed?!?!

@David J GOP is now party of sedition! Proud aint they? Forefathers spinning in their graves, not to mention, Lincoln!
It turns out their elected legislators will just steal future elections for them. So no need to riot at all like the privileged babies they are.
@Kay Keelan yeah but they aren’t being oppressed because they vote for those Republicans to represent them.
@omi god anyone talking about this wildly exaggerated 3hr fiasco is lame.
@Katherine Jones If you listened to Sanders, prior to 2020, he was preaching that open borders were a Wall St. plot to depress wages. That may be a bit extreme, but if you have an unlimited number of people, willing to work for $5/hour, why would you pay anyone $10? And if those people are afraid of being deported, if the authorities discover their existence, would they complain when they work in hazardous conditions? So, although illegal workers don’t *set* the wage, their presence here allows wages to be set at a ridiculously low level, so some Americans are treated almost like serfs. Of course, the solution is not to punish the illegals, but the scummy employers that take advantage of them. Let’s return to imposing punishing fines for employing illegal workers.
The #NotSee party of trump will only get worse…
His GOPs are blinded right now, what are they going to do when they wake up? and it’s too late ??
Soooooo true
I just looked up the word Al-Qaeda and it literally means “the base”, well folks that’s what we should be calling all these Trump conspiracy theorist and Trump supporters. They are the American Al-Qaeda. If we all start calling them them that maybe they will stop acting like the Islamic Al-Qaeda. Maybe the Republican Al-Qaeda.
Tea party rebel outlaw outsider toxic male posturing is neo Confederate ” TEAliban” yo
@Chromato Phore: I wish I had something to come back with. Nice line.
Gfis that
oh good
Yall’Quada is what some have named them.
Great conversation…less Trump tho. Claire hit the nail on the head. We do have to Stop giving The other guy Center stage.
Everyone should contact their Republican state senators and shame them like GOT Shame Shame Shame
Nor our votes! EVER!
Ffis that
oh good
That’s pushing more of his psychotic behavior of a dictator.
And to think that the nation believes its democratic system and processes are worth exporting. Which other nation needs political parties in eye to eye shouting games?
Trump’s branding on the US political system has rendered it redundant?
At this point they all should take a good hard look at what they are doing to our country. Shame on all of them.
As long as trumpee is in the picture it will never change and only get worse
We’ve seen enough! Its time to do something about it. Were there is Fire, you can find water. Unless this is the way they want this to happen?
And for whom, that base? What do they deserve?
Tfis that
oh good
Is the current Republican Party a disgrace of epic proportions??? YES!!!
Yes very true
Gfis that
oh good
@Lord Mitchell You’re right, these are not real Republicans. I think it’s basically the white fear party now. I’m an atheist so I don’t have a dog in this fight… However the golden statue could not be more spot on for their evangelicals.
As disgraceful as the Democrats
AG Shapiro. Here in Warren County PA we dont have poll workers! We need to vote by mail
Keep up the good fight PA. Republicans are ludicrous.
I’m so shocked that they are literally trying to make it, in Arizona, that if they don’t like who the people voted for, they can toss out what the electors said..
Red states are voter repression HQ
Democracy is like any relationship Marriage, Business Partnership or Grunge Band
It take’s work and honesty every day.
the best attorney general in the country and I VOTED FOR HIM . 2 TIMES
how could this be happening to our democracy? it’s so scary, pathetic, and horrifying.
“Willing to sell out the Constitution”, such as Hawley, Cruz, McConnell etc.. Where is the law to remove them for their Seditious actions?
They are the very people who stand up for the constitution. Nancy was head of security did not get protection for the people or Capital. Everyone knew for months there would be trouble.
Judges need to be elected in a separate election and that goes for SCOTUS too!
The US Is A Republic, Not a Democracy.