With coronavirus cases spiking in states across the country, the Trump Coronavirus Task Force finally holds its first meeting in months and the vice president defended the Trump campaign's recent indoor rallies. Shannon Pettypiece and Susan Page discuss. Aired on 6/26/2020.
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Pence Won't Wear Or Even Say 'Face Mask' During Latest COVID-19 Briefing | The 11th Hour | MSNBC
Operation Flatten the Curve: the greatest testing assault on COVID 19 the likes of which this nation, indeed, the world has ever seen..oops..wrong leadership.
Any other person who ran in 2016 would have had sense enough to have started handling this back in January. If for no other the reason than it would cost them reelection if they messed it up too bad. I think Trump has lost interest in being President.
@D E
Today on the Fox town hall Trump said that Biden would be the next president because people don’t love him. He really did.
@D E He’s lost interest plain and simple
The richest nation in the world. The weakest leadership in the world.
What will you do?
Richest nation in the world ??
Who told you that fairy tale ?
That’s it, in a nutshell.
@john smith You’ve got that right John, we are just circling the drain at this point.
Vote blue
Pence like Trump a Super Spreader,Care about Statues more than they do about Human Beings.People worthless to them.Trump takes no responsibilty about anything,and loves Stupid People.
@crypto0634 Just not right,not even able to show and act on human feelings.
Don’t forget George Floyd’s superspreader funeral in Houston either. Hundreds of people crammed together with no distancing and little masks. Weeks later we see Houston being hot hard. Stupid move by the Floyd family and the state of Texas for allowing it.
trump + pence + statue = 3 make believe men…….
Idolaters love idols more than people.
@Wade Stanton he is an infidel
Trump thought he could just BS his way through the presidency the same way he has BS’ed his way through life, and everything would be just fine.
Trump has never solved a problem in his life, because Trump IS the problem. He has always been an agent of chaos and destruction.
In the end, Trump doesn’t care what happens to the country. It’s all just a game to him, and the objective of the game, is for him to extract as much personal wealth as he can, and in the midst of all the chaos that he’s created, sneak out the back door before everyone finally catches on to his con, and realizes that he has no clue what he’s doing. He has done the exact same thing with his fake charity foundation , his fake university, and his casinos. And He’s doing the same thing now with America and the American people.
I’m so pleased to see people from all backgrounds- religions/faiths, political affiliations, race, occupations, and socioeconomic status unite around removing that wannabe dictator. United we will stand!!!
@CDTI Mid-South bingo ! is that the way you say it ?
@Holly Golightly pence cancelled 2 campaign trip because they want to be “cautious “their own words! Yeah that whole narrative fails when the number if infected scare your whole team enough to cancel an event .
@Hanny Hawkins true but there are also lots of deaths that didnt got counted (nursing homes, homeless or people dieing at home) so 0,5% might also way too low for reality
Eric Also true.
The entire Trump administration is a Covid Crutch, spreading Covid-19 across the nation….
So that’s how Boris Johnson ended up in ICU.
Bozo is another denier.
Not so much now but he still hasnt seen the light.
Christian Xander James It staggers me how incompetent our government is, especially concerning the virus. Labour wouldn’t get away with a fraction of their ineptitude. What I can’t understand is WHY so many are giving them a free pass…..it’s as if we’ve gone back to the bad old days where people thought privilege equals intelligence,smh.
The mask won’t fit over Pences halo and fake christian label.
@Joe V Ew, that’s weird news.
@Lisa Elissa every time, too You know he has said he will never be in a room alone….for lunch…a meeting..whatever … with a woman that is not his wife? dude’s got some issues.
No such thing as a real Christian. Jesus would agree with me.
This people are ignorant Pence said protective gear which implies mask, gloves, faceshield, etc.
But a Guillotine blade will !!

Trump is like a kid when they are younger. If they put their hands over there eyes and they can’t see it then it no longer exists.
If he keeps saying it doesn’t exist then it doesn’t.
Make America great again? The rest of the world thinks your a joke sorry
Don’t be sorry. You speak the truth …
Vi Olly If Trump wins in November the rest of the world would probably lose respect for the American people and not Trump I think which is really sad.
@Jason Simmonds but rightfully earned…. ugh
Here’s the man-child: https://youtu.be/Qpfa6jMCn4U
Further moronism from the incompetent right. Tell you what … how bout they stop testing in the WH altogether. No support staff, no cabinet members, no advisors, just fly by the seat of your pants. If ‘GAD’ wants you to live, he will make it so. C’mon … roll the dice like the rest of us have to.
The USA needs to be isolated by the international community a.s.a.p. in order to prevent world wide contagion.
Already are. Nobody is allowing an American in their country
As an American, I agree, sadly. It breaks my heart because I was ready to get out of here for a minute and go somewhere else. But you’re right.
There is a point where willful negligence by those in charge, causing death, becomes murder.
Surely we are close.
I’m sure the case could be made.
Nothing happened to the REPUBLICANS who gave us FLINT MICHIGAN ,So don’t hold your breath ..!

This has to be the most incompetent administration I’ve ever seen. Masks should be mandatory in public. End of story.
Don’t say it. I though Bush II would be as dumb as it possibility could be..Then America went out and proved me wrong and picked an even denser sack of bricks. So don’t say it, because the Republican party will hear you and take it as a challenge to find an even dumber, pants on fire president.
Iam,neither Dem or Rep. BUT these People That voted fore this so called human coward.will never leave his side.
Trump knew when he encouraged States to open before CDC guidlines he was going to cause death.
He knew when he didn’t wear a mask, his supporters would follow
And the list goes on.
The man-child is clueless: https://youtu.be/Qpfa6jMCn4U
Pence wont wear a mask. Bet he is going to hate a wearing a ventilator.
hilarious, i wanna see that administration drop dead from corona immediately
Scientists wearing masks, the politician wasn’t… enough said.
His expression is pitiable. It must be a torture too for him to have to swallow his boss’s daily lies.

*I can guarantee you one thing without any fear of contradiction – when Trump loses in November, he will blame literally EVERYONE but himself.*
*”State’s rights!” – the cry of the Confederate traitor.*
Only during a pandemic you’ll see Pence be “Pro-Choice” on wearing mask
The “Christian Right” is neither.