Former Vice President Mike Pence he would give "due consideration" to any formal invitation to testify before the House select committee investigating the January 6, 2021, attack on the US Capitol, while hinting at potential executive privilege issues. #CNN #News
Pence says he’d consider testifying before Jan. 6 committee if invited

“In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies but the silence of our friends.” -MLK Jr.
What does this quote mean
@Lee hi lee happy to share the knowledge
sorry didn’t put sources with it before
His late wife’s father was a member of Czech Communist Party and an informant for Czech secret police. He was “spotted” by them about 4 decades ago and they alerted the kgb of his potential as a long term cultivated asset. During their marriage lvana regularly sent reports on US politics and economic activities through her father that reached Moscow.
He’s made several trips to Russia, including one with his then wife lvana during which his current wife just so happened all by coincidence to be there at the same time.
His current wife’s parents were members of their country’s Communist Party and her father also was an asset of its intel services in some capacity.
Numerous of his business associates over the decades have been investigated or prosecuted for ties or involvement with intel operatives or agencies, oligarchs, politicians or criminal organizations from Russia, Ukraine, China, Czechoslovakia, North Korea, Vietnam etc.
When he started his run more than 2 dozen foreign intel agencies including a couple we consider to be “hostile” sent warnings that he is compromised and a security risk.
And yet here we are still.
The answer could had been yes or no
Listening to his talking points, tell you he’s a hypocrite
@Sue Davis when??
I think there’s a term for how he answered: “weasel words”
So. Pence just confirmed there are two sets of justice. One for politicians and one for the rest of us.
I always need a shower after listening to our former Vice President.
@Tim Smith there’s no guilt in being a liberal….you need to be educated and stop embarrassing yourself and the rest of our citizenry!
@Passing through Time that would be considered clever if you are in the third grade
For me as a foreigner I see Pence as the personification of the smooth talking US politician and believe me, I don’t mean this as a compliment.
@Harold Moore where did I say he wasn’t president for 8 years??? I didn’t, stay on the subject harold buddy, you’re a whole Lotta ignorance so🤫
You are right. Can’t stand him talking. He’s the swamp
He’s not trying to be responsible he’s trying to stay out of jail
He’s just as guilty
@Zhao Wei I never been to prison I’m in law enforcement do it everyday
@Henry Holloway Lol
He’d consider honoring the Constitution and rule of law? How big of him!
@Tim Everett amen. This is the first comment I came in to this channel that actually speaks truth. I read a lot of comments on different channels you know what scares me the most is there’s a lot of people that can’t see the truth. And the ones that do hold their oath. Someone Bears false witness against them Slanders them. And tries to destroy them. So many people are blinded and death to the truth. I applaud you for your comment
@Tim Everett He called a former VP to see if he could do what trump wanted, so he tried to do trump’s bidding.
I always wondered why the Jan 6th committee and or the DOJ – haven’t brought him in for testimony
@Miranda Hotspring guilty by hurting my feelings.
@Miranda Hotspring Hey do you mean like James Browns “Talking loud & saying nothing “?
They have talked to all his staff.
@Michael Lucas Wow! That’s an oldie I remember. Exactly sums up Mike Pence though.
Just subpoena him. He’s just doing this to stall for time. He’ll string them along for weeks if not months and then, in the end, say no he changed his mind and then they will have to subpoena him anyway. So just cut to the chase already. GET IT DONE.
He would plead the 5th 250 times, which is 50 short of Trump if he did testify.
What a childish statement from someone disguised as someone smart.
Stick with restaurant coloring pages and word searches.
Have you tried stomping your feet?
You are exactly right he’s just trying to string them along.
When one testifies, courage grants truth at that moment and sheer practice by repetition brings concurrence amidst the turmoil which hides truth. There’s peace within.
….repetition legitimizes?
@Typing Hazard one of the guidelines for infallibility and granting Sainthood in the Vatican City🇻🇦. Keeping this context, Yes indeed.
It would be nice if ALL of them understood that.
All the lying that takes place in courts belies your idealism about that.
Where was accountabilty for Bill Barr when just totally lied about the content of the Mueller report.
@RM M absolutely and that’s why Trump was investigated. I was just saying you can’t be indicted solely on collision.
Late to the party as always, but the absolute Belle Of The Ball. Sparkle and shine like you never did before, Mike!
But under oath ofcourse.
“Officer, while I respect you and the position you hold but I must decline your offer to arrest me. That has never happened before and I must consider the precedent that would make”.
Equal justice for all……lol
These are “unprecedented times”. And time to Stand Up former “Vice President” Pence.
“If I was subpoenaed,” pretty much is what he’s saying.
This is not that tough. He is saying: “Send me a subpoena so I have a legal excuse against the lunatics in my own party.”
🤣😂🤣he came up n said BUT
@Scratch King yes, you are.
@Matt you sent me to outer space w that one 😂😂
The “unique role” of honoring your oath while trying to avoid being murdered by a mob of cranked up conspiracy theorists..
*This is what actually happened. This video is not for kids, it’s shocking* ALLTIME.LIVE
Mr. Dunn – respect to you.
Why do you feel the need to post this under EVERY video?
This is porn!! Report the link.
They don’t want accountability from Garland, they want to interfere. The rationale for the search of Trump’s club is delineated in the warrant and the inventory. The info on those documents is damning to Trump, et. al.
The info on those documents could be damning to our National Security. Who would put their own Country at risk? A former one time president? ALL should be asking WHY?
@Bill Robbins money
When anyone here leaves their own (place of employment), you better not have any of ‘your’ employers property in your box, when you pack up your desk??…
“A lot of words to say nothing” is a perfect description of Mike Pence.