The Washington Post released excerpts from former Vice President Mike Pence’s forthcoming book detailing his final days with former President Donald Trump and revealing what happened behind the scenes on Jan. 6. #CNN #News
Pence reveals what Trump said in call to him after Jan. 6

“you’re too honest”
Bingo. Trump has contempt for honest people; he doesn’t understand them.
@mica w Look at that. You forgot the rest of your sentence too.
@don stroud Strange restaurants distributing Cajun wings is no basis for a system of government. Supreme executive power derives from a mandate from the masses! Not from some secret coating of spices.
@Daniel Bond birds with the same feather flock together…he must be one of them….
@Andrea Whalen you have amnesia? deaf and blind?
@Hinda Moorehe is not very honest….
The statement that jumps out to me is Trump as the US PRESIDENT tells his VP. “You are too honest” like how corrupt is that guy.
@Tom Tom Lol, you clearly don’t understand what I wrote.
Trump almost destroyed NATO, he is traitor , he also involved in corruption schemes , if really American people want to be Trump president of US??

@Joe John stop laughing . No . but can you answer questions ?
@Mdebacle trump doesn’t stand a chance. He won’t run…too many legal consequences
he’s done.
@w kahn TRUMP LOST
There are a lot of severe flaws in Pence’s character and principles, but his conduct on Jan 6 did show that he had at least a small amount of integrity left.
No. He didn’t want to go to jail. No integrity there.
Link to the Clip : They finally released this
And that small amount is FAR more than rump will ever have.
He did the bare minimum. He would helped trump if he legally could, but he could find no way to do it
The only thing I will never understand is that all these people, who were treated like trash, would vote for him again. Even if you truly believe he is good for the country, how could you believe there is not one other American or Republican that would be good without treating you like crap. It’s like abused spouse syndrome.
@nothinggoodoverthere trump was kissing saudi but for Jared’s 2 billion $$” investment” maybe that’s where the Classified docs went.
@Rik Mehta are u deranged?
@Rik Mehta are u deranged
Die-hard Trump supporters are brainwashed. They’ve been emotionally manipulated, and they’re in denial of reality regarding all things Trump. He appealed to these folks on an emotional level that gives them an ego boost. I suspect these people feel that politicians left them behind. Then Trump came along and told these folks what they wanted to hear in a way they could relate to. He makes them feel important and smart. These folks don’t want lose that sense of empowerment, so they’re in denial. They don’t want to listen to reason, because dealing with a harsh reality of the truth makes them too uncomfortable. Their reasoning is coming from emotions, not intellect. Have you ever tried to reason with an angry drunk person? It doesn’t work, because strong emotions override judgement. These folks are really just protecting themselves when they justify Trump’s behavior. No one wants to admit they’ve been fooled. It makes you feel dumb. That’s why the maga crowd will go to great lengths to defend their beliefs no matter how ridiculous. Unfortunately these folks receive all the validation they need from right-wing media pushing propaganda and conspiracy theories. Trumpism is a cult. I fear that this maga movement will end up taking a hard right turn into fascism, and most Trump supporters will be too willfully ignorant to recognize it. The political climate has been bleak, but the mid-term election results give me some hope for the future.
Wrong, traitor Trump has NOT and WILL NOT like anyone besides his children. He ran Trashesident in 2016 because of setting up the road paths for them, and to recover his financial. Trump is a mob, traitor, domestic terrorist. He is not a patriotic nor cares about the country, he makes used of those ignorance, idiots and stupidity Republicans. However, a lot of those Republicans politicians are his buddies using each others. Checkout this mob for decades, you will be shocked. Emperor Putin is his sugar daddy
Those of us aware of Trumps character, realize what type of individual he is , those that can’t or will not see the truth, don’t want to see or admit it.
Link to the Clip : They finally released this
Your mama!
@Shirley That’s a surprisingly well thought out argument for a MAGAt. Kudos.
Lol nice one Shirl I haven’t laughed so hard I pissed myself in years
Didn’t I see you handing out flyers for president Chump on the corner of 42nd an Moron last week?
Fascinating report, thank you. I’m a left-leaning Democrat; Geoff Duncan is closer to the old Republican Party than I’ve seen for several years, consistently. Keeping my eye on him, he’sa formidable opponent to Progressives.
Holly Hold – I don’t think he’s running.
The sorry SOB could have testified before the January 6th committee, but chose instead to keep the information for a book release after the midterms. Pence put book sales before country.
I chuckled when Pence said he wouldn’t run as Hawley was running out.
Trump’s message was next time I won’t will use Vaseline , bark like a dog pig.
@Joshua Wray Right after he’d cheered on those protestors/insurrectionists he fled from, too.
@Joshua Wray

@Zoya Dulzura
@Indestructible Television
No, we were given wrong information. Constitutionally, Pence had to count the electoral votes. There was no out for him.
The man who says he hates fake news says Pence was “too honest”.
@Benji Jarman Yes I get it…Trump = The Bad Guy..Jesus Christ. Is hating Trump a new religion now?
@David Bourne Take a chill pill mate. I’m not implying anything. Where did that unhinged reply come from?
@Benji Jarman It came from me remembering the good old days when CNN wasn’t such an obvious arm of the left.
@David Bourne Arm of the Democratic Party yes. Left of Democrats lands one in the centre.
@Benji Jarman Oh…yes…yes that cleared it all up..I love CNN again. Thanks for the wisdom. Bye now.
My ex once told me I was “too honest”.
Spoken like a true criminal.
There is no such thing as “too honest”
@JC Firebrand there is “too honest” but I don’t think it’s the honesty but being to blunt and no sugarcoating things. Depends on what it is. Say your girlfriend is shopping for a dress and she finds it cute but you don’t. She asks you do you like it and you reply “no it doesn’t match your body shape and I’m fan of the color” etc just giving way to many honest details that were unnecessary that it becomes rude. You’re being 100% honest but you’re being a d*ck. I think that’s what people mean by being “too honest” for the most part.
In Trumps case it’s different. Pence is honest and basically saying Pence is a square cause he can’t just lie this one thing.
The “too honest” is depending on the situation. I’ve been called “too honest” By an ex or 2. I didn’t get it. I would respond “should I lie?” But I got older and realized that I was coming off as just rude and hurtful with my honesty when I could just have kept my mouth shut or just say a little white lie. Something that doesn’t hurt anybody and a lie you don’t need to keep track of. Cause they’ll be happy and you’ll be happy. Of course I’m not saying to white lie all the time either. Honesty is important.
I ve had friends tell me too
Watching Republicans eat their own is so freaking hilarious and is exactly what I saw and want to happen
I hate to say it but I love it too, I’m just lowering myself to their level, oh well…..
How are they eating their own ?
Look buddy friend, if you can’t see reality, you might be a Trumper.
The problem is that he didn’t tell anyone until now.
Sin of omission.
“People are gonna hate your guts and think you’re stupid.” – Sounds like something a bratty third grader would say on the playground.
Because dtrump is a bratty third grader and never got beyond that.
Projection, projection. These are the 2 things TRUMP cares about the most. Public image and being thought of as “smart.” Hollow, hollow man-child.
That’s always been his level. He admitted it proudly and literally to an autobiographer.
You do have to speak softly to people like Pence. He will easily cry and run to mother.
@All Things Wavy He’s not a man. He’s an old, fat, bizarre looking and talking male.
Of all the things you CAN say about Mike Pence, there is one thing you CANNOT say about Mike Pence… leadership ability.
Outside of when he announced his running with t and shortly thereafter he had no personality. Just stood there like I represent. Until the 11:59 minute mark. Uh, no I’m not gonna go along with this breaking into the capitol. Plus I don’t wanna be murdered.
Pence has more tru leadership ability than Trump ever will. For it took a lot of courage for him to stay at the Capitol building to avoid being killed and to later that evening certify a free and very fair election. Trump himself is nothing but a vile coward.
@G L … you might be right…. but we will see if he runs.
No kidding!
Duncan needs to remember that in Georgia, which was doing very well in combating CoVid-19, all restrictions were lifted very early in the epidemic. Fatality rates went through the roof within a few weeks. Tens of thousands of Georgia lives were lost because of Kemp’s ineptitude.
I remember that Kemp was unaware that infected people that showed no symptoms could still spread the virus. So many unnecessary deaths attributed to Trump, Kemp, DeSantis, Abbott and other rethuglican governors.
Thank you for stating the truth. I’m sick of hearing how Kemp did such a great job during the pandemic. Yes to the gop. He was still kissing 45s butt back then when there was no pandemic for the gop.
Yes, but more people did better out of the restrictions being lifted and for the most part they don’t care about the ones that died. It’s sad but true.
@Jason Phillip most of that had to do with the fact that you morons thought getting vaccinated would stop the spread.
Because you still believe those numbers are correct ? When they have said time and time again they arent ? Even Fauci now says the only people that really need a vaccination are those at high risk. Lol
Kaitlan Collins is just the real deal. It’s been so great getting to watch her climb the ranks from White House Correspondent to a trusted face on CNN mornings. Wish her only the best. America needs more honest and hard hitting reporters like her!
I agree!!! Kaitlin is a great reporter!!
@Mindy Gooding I think truth and CNN in the same sentence is hilarious
I was just wondering who she was. Beautiful, professional lady.
Who cares? Just being able to look at that face more often is always a good thing.
Yes, and she just turned 30! She joined CNN at 28 & was the youngest-ever chief White House correspondent. She’s one bright woman.
Hahaha! “There’s no doubt that Donald Trump got fired Tuesday night” … great choice of words!
Where did he get fired? In the oil pan or on the custom BBQ fireplace?

Mike Pence showed us what real moral courage actually looks like. I don’t agree with his politics but I give him props for standing up to the tyranny when it mattered most.
And though I don’t care much for Bill Barr who stuck by the law when it came to concluding that there were no significant issues with the election. In fact, he called the election deniers claims “idiotic”.
@John Keels Yeah Barr as well.