1. Can’t wait to hear how the Dems support BLM! Most of these deaths, like 80%, are people over 70 years old, that would die anyway. Most died WITH Cv19 NOT FROM CV19? CDC numbers show these facts: https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/nvss/vsrr/covid_weekly/index.htm The way the MSM has exaggerated this you would expect to see 170,000 extra deaths in 2020 as compared to 2019 or 2018. The numbers are almost the same. Most of these people would have died anyway. The unintended consequences, suicide, substance abuse, poverty, crime, etc. are far worse than Cv19 skewed #’s!

    1. About that: “I think the two-party system, although my Democratic colleagues won’t like me saying this, I think the two party system is good for the South, and good for the Negro and good for the black in the South,” Biden said. “Other than the fact they still call me ‘boy,’ I think they’ve changed their mind a little bit.”

    1. @NCAA NCAA Galyon I’m pretty sure you’re aware Obama inherited an economic disaster from Bush and he turned it around.
      Check the facts dude, they show unequivocally that GDP growth was better under Obama. tRump inherited the momentum of Obama’s economy, no he’s managed to trash it. Check tRump’s record, he trashes everything he touches.
      Fact: my guy is better than your guy, duh! tRump is number 1 from bottom to top

    2. @Michael McCullagh why, only you know what that is. It is tRump who’s sniffing up Vladimir’s arse and sucking up to his whatever. And those are verifiable facts

  1. Mike Pence the guy who grabbed his water bottle off the table copying Trump. Mike is just your everyday yes man, who never had an original idea in his life.

    1. Exactly. A competant president or a senile pro-segregationist and a woman who bends the law to jail thousands of African Americans.

      This isnt even a contest. Trump all the way.

    2. @9752matt hmm, is the “competant” (lol error 404, spelling ability not found) president the same one who actively tried to implement child separation policies because he’s a sociopath and likes to see poor brown people suffer? I’m pretty sure that’s the same one. Correct me if I’m wrong.

      Seriously, it’s very intriguing that you somehow manage to justify Trump’s recent crimes against humanity and disgusting actions and yet try to highlight the disgusting actions of a person who has learned from the past and changed- you know, something the soon to be former president trump has shown himself incapable of doing. And don’t act like trump wasn’t pro-segregation in the era you’re referencing. Putting a ‘C’ on people’s rental applications doesn’t necessarily scream “anti-racist”, bub.

    1. John Carapinha politics are dumb but Joe Biden is probably a better president than trump and mike but on the end they are all dumb asses

    2. John Carapinha nobody mentioned Kamala so there’s no reason to answer that. There’s your attention so scram

    3. @Psychic Bella Love I’m just asking you a simple question. What? Is that really too hard of a question for you? I’m sure it is because you and I both know the answer to it and the answer is a LOT!

    1. Ed Rowland this is so boring, you got some ego to be here and proving all that to me. This ain’t healthy for you. No logic, just a emotional mess coming out of you.

    2. Irvin Guerrero I don’t expect someone like you to understand me and I do not need you or want you too. You just stay in your world and I will stay in mine, I am very very happy with that. Good luck. Stay safe and healthy. You are right about one thing I was a little bored and decide to comment here, probably now my best idea because people like you will never change. I made BIG changes in my life because they were needed and I am satisfied with the results. I wish you all the best. Take care. Good riddance.

    3. Trump does the same Rambles off an incoherent mispronounced answer to a Question that wasn’t asked instead of the actual question, Diversion 101.

    4. jackflash Bait and Switch is what the republicans love to do. Talk fast and loud change the subject every 5 seconds and say nothing of importance while ignoring the questions. Trump conman pathological lying tactics.

  2. “I take no responsibility” – DJT
    If you take no responsibiliyt for the virus, you don’t get to take credit for success.

  3. “But Joe Biden hasn’t been running the country. Biden hasn’t been coordinating the coronavirus response.”

  4. It’s funny how they feel attacked, and they won’t stop talking. How rude of Mike Pence to speak over the host.

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