House Speaker Nancy Pelosi pushes back against claims the president has a plan to cover pre-existing conditions and says the president is working to crush the Affordable Care Act. Aired on 09/16/2020.
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Pelosi: We're Supposed To Be Crushing The Virus; Trump Is Crushing The ACA | Morning Joe | MSNBC
Cult mentality
Joe Biden in New Hampshire, ” Vermont is nice this time of year.” That is who represents your party while President Trump is signing historic PEACE DEALS in the Middle East. LMFAO!
@Chris Do you have any clue what you are talking about? If there is anything looking like Nazi Germany is the Trump administration and his cult personality supporters. Wait a few years and Trump supporters will claim they didn’t know, these didn’t realize like germans have been traumatized for decades by what they enabled in accepting the unacceptable being blinded by the lies and propaganda. Learn history before making a hazardous comparison. History will not be tender with Trump supporters. They are supporting a campaign of fear and the myth of “it was better before ” which is exactly what the Nazis did! Open your eyes and learn from history.
Navarro told Pelosi to meet them half way and they have a deal. So they did and guess what happened? Nothing! This is the Republicans in the Senate fault that we are suffering! Vote out McConnell!
Lol. Is that why democrats are pressuring pelosi to stop stonewalling. Cut the ridiculous amount of pork from her bloated heros act, and put money in the pockets of the people who need it.
BOTH parties are owned
The people are caught in a political tug-of-war during a pandemic.. I don’t think they’ll forgive that…
the greedy are quibling about peanuts for the peasants
trump lies.thats all he does.
@Luv Provida Trump Cutting Everything Cause More Money In His Pockets. For all Payoffs For Putin
I wish someone would write just one lie Trump has told. In this format: Month and year Trump said it, The subject, the FULL unedited statement you believe is a lie, the source of your information, the context, at least one White House commentary on the so called lie, and any documented damage the lie has caused. AND How did any of it affect you personally? Because if that’s all he does, then was he lying when he presented the Congressional Medal of Honor to SgtMaj Payne last week? Was that a Lie? Stop using superlatives to plaster a group of people to see which people it sticks to. You just want to belong to the HATE GROUP.
@James Scheller True. I guess the historic middle east peace deal is a lie too. The man accomplished something no one thought was possible in this lifetime. It looks like total peace in the middle east is around the corner. Trade deals, less radical extremist, less global violence. It’s a win for everyone except for democrats apparently.
I don’t know how Nancy Pelosi keeps going – hard enough to go to a job with a horrible boss without having to deal with hundreds of amoral, conniving co-workers. Nancy, keep up the good work! Hopefully you’ll get better backing, come Nov. 3.
Her father was a gangster. So is her husband …and sons. (Both in ukraine energy biz) a dynasty of crime!
Amoral? Hard to Preach Morality While you Stand On Top a Mountain of Dead Aborted Babies Huh Democrat??? What a Joke- Stop the Killing of innocent Life- That is Amoral
Doubt it.
Vodka. She demands payments for interviews be made in cases of Russian Vodka.
TRUe swaMP
Man “Doctor, why didn’t you tell me I have cancer?
Doctor ” I didn’t want to cause a panic”
Man “But doctor, it’s terminal!”
Doctor “It is what it is”
Man “Huh?”
Doctor “Nothing more could have been done”
They even threw a summer session she called people back to do something about the postal workers and the post office and immediately Mitch McConnell and Mark Metals toward up in the Senate and said we don’t want that bill going through the Senate so it’s not Nancy Pelosi it’s Mitch McConnell and Mark Meadows they keep on ripping these bills up but she’s absolutely right that will pass into law not for a red State not for a blue state but for the United States of America

I definitely agree
Dude. Nancy has $1 Trillion still left over from the first stimulus package. Why doesn’t she include that money to give her the amount she is looking for? Don’t be a sheople
You heard Donald Trump it’s all about the red States and it’s all about the blue States and he’s not giving anything till the blue States here’s the thing I thought we lived in the United States of America so yes they should be hearing something out but I seriously doubt it because Donald Trump won’t sign it

I don’t know if everybody is old enough to remember this but I remember a senator in 2004 said we don’t have red States we don’t have blue States we don’t have Republicans dates we don’t have Democrats face we will do United States of America we don’t have black space we don’t have brown steaks we don’t have Asian States we have United States of America and that’s what we fight for and who said that Senator Barack Obama 2004
Yeah but look at the stock market right??
October 2019 Wuhan China Military Game’s that Chinese people were Dying! Pres. Xi explicitly told trumpf that the virus
October 2019 Military Game’s continued in Wuhan China
Trumpf then Lied to America and 196,000 American souls are dead
In 2015 obama gave the bio lab near Wuhan, ChYna almost 4 million dollars……Fall and Winter of 2019 thru Feb ’21 the Democrat House of Reps involved in impeaching the president….ChYna and The WHO still covering up….check the Covid 19 timeline slick.
And BlowOut Nancy was in Chinatown after Trump put the travel ban urging people to come visit. She needs to get out of politics and worry about fixing those dentures cause it looks like they keep falling when she talks
Chris Christie can crush anything! He hasn’t done anything since being in Free Willy anyway.
Trump is crushing the virus like he crushes his Sudafed!
Not he does way more stuffing and doing nothing s Trump’s job. Golf is his only work he does. Oh besides killing us Americans by the gallons gallons gallons and gallons of blood on Trump and republicans hands. MURDERERS that’s what they are killing Americans for Russian money.
@Aleta Mize what are you talking about wierdo
umm uhh
Pelosi can talk on TV all she wants but until the VOTERS elect a Democrat senate majority nothing will happen!
Trump also said he had a plan before the 2018 midterms. How can anyone believe a word Trump utters?
There are less dinner table issues everyday, because people are LOSING THE HOMES the kitchen table belongs in!
Moderate democrats in the house are rebelling against her now over the virus bill. Just thought I’d tell you because fake news won’t
@Saynoto Socialists Trump is going to prison.
She’s doing a great job. Her stalling for everything, is getting us nothing.
Trump 2020, no other choice.
This is a distraction. Read Dr. Li-Meng Yan’s report
Thank You House Speaker Madam!!! Acknowledging it is ACA … Affordable Care Act NOT OBAMA CARE…… plz for small minded people & maybe because I work in healthcare have HCA degree!!! No where in health books does it state Obama care it states ACA Affordable Care Act!! Y’all do realize the ACA was always implemented it just had updates to it when President OBAMA was in office!!! So correction it is not Obama care!!! Plzzzz this irritates me sooooo much because it’s like people look at this care act as a negative because of the updates and want to connect President Obama to it!! Yessss healthcare cost went up however let’s be clear what they won’t and don’t inform people is insurance companies and organizations are in a contract they decide what will be offered to employees which will either be high or low when it comes to what is offered in private insurance FYI!! When it’s gov’t funded well it’s just that and regulations… policies … monies are decided how that will affect the people !! However, I believe that the ACA update under President Obama was excellent given that all was able to be insured!!!! Agree/disagree All people should have insurance coverage no matter the situation!!!

Affordable Care Act ( cover-up name for social free health care goal), if you get what you want, you’ll be sorry.
Darrell and Sondra Holden let’s be totally honest … America is the richest and healthcare sucks!!! in other countries they are able to get it more efficient w/low cost to nothing!

I learned that part of how healthcare works in highschool!! Ok… What’s your point ??? Nothing in life is for free and living in America we obviously pay for more than what we should… The land of the “FREE” where ??? People come to America for a better life so they say but what so good if people constantly complaining about this and that !!! I have learned over the years since being an adult and instilling in my kids… You can NOT please everyone so therefore do what is needed to have a decent/successful life whatever that may be for you … myself .. anybody!! The point is yes ACA is just that but if America backs up what it stands for then it’s about coming together and helping others not about living a cruel life!! But People aren’t ready to talk about what is real instead you all want to sit at the table with a creature that cares nothing about this country or the people that live in it!!!
Wonderful! Now he’s attacking more health care centers! THERE IS STILL A PANDEMIC!!!!
Truly a great leader, Thank you Senator Pelosi.
Thank you for letting House Speaker Pelosi speak without interrupting her! So much valuable information from her in an intelligent, caring manner.
She’s starting to look more and more like Phil Spector.